*Letting Go* Chapter 24

by Shani

"Hello?" Jax said groggily into the telephone.
"Did you hear? Sonny's leaving town." V stated.
Jax sat up in the bed. "What?"
"Sonny's leaving town today......hello?"
"I'm here." As happy as the news made him he knew that he would have to be on his guard. Today would be the perfect day for some sort of retaliation against him or Brenda. "Do me a favor. Can you.."
"Already on it. Right now he's at Katherine's. Taggert is going to follow him all the way until he leaves."
"Great. Thanks." Jax hung up the phone and stroked Brenda's hair. "Brenda..." he called softly. "Brenda..."
"What..." she mumbled and slowly opened her eyes.
"Sonny is supposed to be leaving town today."
"I don't know. But I think you should stay home today. It might be safest if we're here."
Brenda sat up in bed. "Do you think he would try something?"
"I don't know. But it's better to be safe than sorry."

Brenda watched Jax as he went upstairs to continue his phone conversation with Justus. Jax had agreed to marry her. Sonny was leaving today. Now all she had to worry about was Alexis..and the rest of the Cassadines. They had to be up to something. She just had to figure out what.
But right now she needed to call Julia. She picked up her phone from the desk and dialed. Julia's assistant answered and told Brenda she was in a meeting. Brenda left a message to call asap, but added that it wasn't an emergancy. She just had some news. As Brenda hung up the phone there was a knock on the door. She looked out the peephole and then opened it. "What?"
"I hear you're getting married. I thought we had an agreement."
"I didn't agree to anything Jerry." Brenda said and stepped out into the hallway. "You talked and I listened and then I chose to give what you said the weight it deserved...look. I know that you love Jax and you just want him to be happy. But I woouldn't purposely hurt him."
"Whether you hurt him on purpose or not isn't my concern. The point is that you hurt him before, and if you really loved him then you would leave him alone and let him find someone....more suitable."
"Jax is a grown man. He doesn't need you to *protect* him from me or Jason or anyone else."
"Jax has a soft spot for pretty girls who aren't right for him. You think you know Miranda? You'd be amazed at the things I know about her. She loved Jax too..but not quite enough to tell him the whole truth."
"Oh and you've been oh so truthful." Brenda stated.
Jerry raised one eyebrow and walked towards Brenda. Brenda backed up until she was up against the wall, next to the door. "Everything I do for Jax I do because he needs it to be done. I tell Jax what's important for him to know. Even the stuff I told you I figured it was now okay to let Jax know, because I assumed you would tell him. How I protect my brother is of no concern to you. Now, your ex is leaving today. I think you should go with him. If you chose to stay I can't promise you a wedding will take place. And even if it does, you can bet that I'll be watching you for the rest of your life, and when I deem it necessary I'll do everything in my power to get rid of you."
"Why can't you just leave us alone."
"Because I don't trust you. I've never trusted you. And my instincts on people have NEVER been wrong."
"Brenda, Justus needs to talk to you." Jax stated sternly as he stared at his brother. "The phone is inside."
"Jax...please don't." Despite everything Jerry had done, Brenda really didn't want the two of them fighting anymore than they already were.
Jax looked at Brenda and back to Jerry. "Thank you for your concern" Jax talked to Jerry as if he was just some random person. "However your help is not needed."
"You're making a mistake Jax."
"Get out and leave us alone."
Jerry sighed, just like Jax did when someone said something he didn't want to hear. "Fine. But I need for you to understand that what I do because you're my baby brother...and I have to protect you."
Jax didn't answer.
"Sonny should be gone in a couple of hours. I'll have someone let you know where he goes to." Jerry stared at his brother. "Goodbye Brenda."
"Bye." she said quietly and they watched Jerry go to the elevator.
"Are you okay." Jax looked at Brenda.
"Maybe you should go after him."
"Why?" Jax went back into the penthouse.
"Because he's your brother. And he has good motives." Brenda said as she followed him and sat down on the couch.
"Did he have good motives when he teamed up with Jason to infiltrate Jacks Cosmetics? Did he have good motives when he didn't tell me Miranda was really alive all these years? Does he have good motives when he tries to bully you into leaving town without me?"
"Jerry explained that."
"To *you*. He told *you* that he worked with Jason because he knew Jason had something planned and he wanted to be there to watch him. He told *you* that he didn't tell me about Miranda because he knew she was involved with Stefan. And he told *you* why he doesn't trust you. But he doesn't tell *me* anything."
"And that hurts you."
"And that's what you should tell him. Because he does all these things because he's afraid someone is going to hurt you. But he hurts you more than any of us could."
Jax sighed and Brenda marvelled at how much him and Jerry were alike. "Can we talk about this later."

Brenda climbed into bed and waited for Jax to get out of the shower. She picked up her phone to try and call Julia again but before she could dial Jax's phone rang.
"Hello?" Brenda answered Jax's phone.
"It's V. Sonny figured out we were tailing him. He left hours ago."
"Do you know where Sonny is?" Brenda said. Jax came out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed.
"Yes. He's in London."
"London? Are you sure?!"
"Positive. He got there late this afternoon. Why?"
Brenda hung up the phone. "Sonny's in London..."
"And so is Julia." Jax finished Brenda's thought.
