
by Dawn 

[Recap: Alone at the Outback, Jason Morgan warns V to get Jax to stop stirring up trouble for him. Jerry arrives and seconds the request. Jax arrives home from the Far East to find an intoxicated Jerry and highly amused V dancing. Picking up a short while later. Warning -- potential blush factor, but nothing serious or, hopefully, offensive. Enjoy.]

Chapter 29: Homecoming

After depositing Jerry into the limousine so that Daniel could take him safely back to his suite at the Port Charles Hotel, Jax and V negotiated the stairs up to her apartment, making unnecessary small talk as they went.

"How did your trip go? Were you able to impress and otherwise charm your shipping partners senseless?" V smiled as she turned the key to unlock her door and led him in. She heard the rational part of her mind whisper that she should concentrate on finding out from Jax what she hadn't been able to learn from his older brother -- and asking about his partners in the dock project was a perfect opportunity to do just that.

"It went as well as could be expected."

But that rational voice was all but drowned out by another more basic need making itself know. V wasn't nearly as interested in business as she was in a shower. Thanks to Jerry's enthusiastic toasts and unfettered bartending -- half of which ended up on her clothes instead of in her glass or her mouth -- she smelled like a distillery. All she wanted to do was get out of these clothes and wash away the scent of whiskey. And if she wasn't careful, V was going to start peeling off the offensive garments right here in the living room -- all modesty and propriety forgotten.

Jax locked the door behind him as he watched her float into the dim room in front of him, leisurely enjoying the view as she went. The late hour and the evening's fill of dancing and drink slowed her usual brisk stride to blood-pounding sashay¼ and it made him think of many things, but business wasn't one of them. He accepted the invitation of her turned back to take a thorough perusal of her from the bottom of her stocking-encased feet¼ to the drape of her long legs beneath her skirt¼ to the dangle of strappy high heels hanging carelessly from her artful hands¼ to the womanly swell of her hips¼ to the elegant arch of her back¼ to the provocative ripple of the untucked silk of her blouse as she laid her jacket across the back of the sofa¼ to the hint of the edible column of her pale neck the winked from between the unconscious ministrations of her fingers at an unseen tension along its base and the dark brush of her hair¼ to the single shaft of copper that glimmered in the low light of the lone illuminating lamp she turned on to welcome them inside.

"That's good¼ I guess. I mean, I'm glad everything went alright." V could feel the slow, heated rake of his gaze along her body, making it hard to complete any thought that wasn't about getting near him. Suddenly the alluring necessity of a hot shower wasn't the only need that tempted her to loose the protective veil of her clothes. The two weeks he'd been gone felt like years. And she couldn't blame the scorching thirst on her tongue that made her swallow hard in fruitless search for moisture and rush a shallow, frustrated breath past her lips on the three whiskeys she'd consumed with Jerry. Her fingers fluttered from the back of her neck to restlessly caress her collarbone. She turned slowly, her concern for her balance having nothing to do with alcohol and everything to do with the man a few feet away watching her every move. "I¼ I need¼ a shower¼ I smell like whiskey." She wasn't exactly sure she'd gotten the words to come out until Jax responded.

"Well¼ if you need any help¼." Help? What a strange thing to call what he wanted to do¼ slowly undo the five buttons of her untucked blouse and slide it from her shoulders, revealing the silk of her skin one tantalizing inch at a time. It sounded like heaven, and felt like hell not to do just that. "I'd be glad to scrub your back for you¼." Please¼

Please¼ V pulled the cloak of her lashes down over her wide eyes as he came closer, a rasp of air that passed for her voice refused the offer of his assistance before she asked for everything but his help. What was it about this man that made everything and everyone melt away from her view, her mind? "I-I can manage¼ thanks."

"Are you sure?" Just one taste¼ Jax hesitated, smiling beguilingly down at her mouth a few inches away, torn between gentlemanly restraint -- which was being sorely tested at the moment -- and wanting her. All other thoughts, all other questions evaporated¼ nothing was left but the desire to have her. So close that the tickle of her body heat could be felt through the fabric of his shirt. Just one touch¼ "After being subjected to my brother's questionable influence for the evening, I'm afraid that if I leave you alone¼ you'll drown."

"Umm¼ I'm sure it would¼ better¼ if you wait out here." No¼ no, I'm not¼ V peeked up from beneath her lashes, her cheeks burning, trying to keep her head from spinning at the image of Jax in her shower, in her arms¼ in her bed. I'm not sure of anything tonight¼ except that I want you¼

"Suit yourself." The glint in his eye indicated that he knew she was tempted, but Jax said nothing else. If you want to make it into the bathroom¼ go before I beg¼

"Give me five minutes?" Shower¼ shower¼ get in the shower, V¼ before you beg¼

Don't you know I'd give you anything¼ "Not a minute more." That I'd give anything to have you tonight¼

Five minutes later¼.

V stared down at the uncharacteristic crumple of hastily discarded clothes on the bathroom floor at her bare feet, then looked up at her steamy reflection in the mirror, carelessly rubbing her damp hair with a towel to remove most of the moisture, tossing the wet rectangle onto the heap on the floor and combing her fingers through her disheveled tresses. Breathe¼ breathe¼ When had the inconceivable become the inevitable? The blood pounded like heavy drums in her veins¼ an ache, a hunger, a thirst she never knew existed filling every pore of her being. She tugged at the knot of her robe's sash and peered intently at the closed door, gathering her courage, knowing Jax was on the other side¼ waiting. Please¼ don't go home tonight¼

Even with his back to the door of her bedroom and the bathroom just beyond, Jax was aware of the moment she came into the room. Moist curls of gardenias heralded her approach. He never realized that the scent of gardenias had a taste, but they did¼ they were heavy and sweet and potent, causing his mouth to water, anticipating a smooth morsel of her skin against his lips, beneath his tongue. Breathe¼ breathe¼ The primal beat of his pulse coursed furiously beneath his skin as he turned to gaze at her barely touched by the lamplight¼ waiting. Please¼ don't ask me to go home tonight¼

None of this was going as he planned¼ nothing with V ever went the way he planned. Despite his assertion to her once that he never talked himself out of a good, honest impulse, he did pride himself on being in control of his life and everything in it¼ prepared for any possibility -- but he wasn't, not for this¼ not her. She deserved romance -- candles and roses and champagne, an elegant full-course dinner and a luxurious suite in some fabulous city¼ Paris, maybe -- every trim and frill he could give her, no detail overlooked. But all he had to offer tonight was this bone-burning need for her, for every part of her¼ nothing more honest, nothing more simple than the desire to bury himself in her 'til he couldn't tell where she stopped and he began.

"What¼ exactly¼ did you have¼ planned?" The question rushed immediately to her mind, but for some reason, as she got caught up in his crystal blue gaze, the words slid slowly from her tongue. The way he just stood there staring at her, as if he'd never really seen her before now -- no man had every looked at her that way before¼ it made her feel nervous and powerful all at the same time, as she closed the distance between with tantalizing slowness. Tell me¼ I want to hear you say it¼ I need to know that I'm not alone in what I'm feeling¼

Jax didn't realize that he'd voiced part of his frustrated thoughts out loud until she asked, but he shook his head¼ unable to get all of his thoughts past the smothering ache in his chest as he drank in the sight of her like a dying man, his concentration focused on the burnt chocolate of her eyes¼ the ruby temptation of her lips. "Every night for almost two weeks I've gone to sleep remembering what you tasted like¼ imagining how good it would be to come home and refresh my memory¼ but now that I'm here¼" Let me stay with you tonight¼

Her heart pounded furiously while he hesitated over his words, powerless to look away even if he could somehow see everything in her heart written so clearly on her face. "But now that you're here¼?" Stay with me tonight¼

Jax leaned so close that only the slightest movement separated his lips from hers as he gazed deep into her eyes, concealing nothing of what he felt. "I want so much more than one taste. If I kiss you, Venus¼ I won't be going home tonight." He licked his lips to keep from taking a hint of what he so desperately wanted. "It's up to you¼ if you want me to go¼." Let me love you¼

V tore her eyes from his to stare at the heart-breaking threat of his mouth, and then back at his haunting aquamarine gaze. "Jax¼" The faint whimper of his name barely escaped before she settled her mouth hungrily against his, the decision made long before tonight. Love me¼

It was the only answer he needed.

To be continued
