Wyndemere Pt 9 Dangerous Liasons

by Denise

Her neck hurt.

Sensation was seeping slowly back into her body; she felt the ache in her neck, the smooth, cold stone beneath her fingertips, the damp air clammy against her face.

With an effort, she forced her eyes. open. Above her was a grey stone ceiling arched in a barrel vault, and high along the walls, she could just make out the ornate iron scones from which a dim light was emanating. Groaning, she made an effort to rise, but a huge hand swiftly but gently pushed her back. Reese!!

Swallowing hard, she said, "So what are you going to do with me?"

Reese stared down at her. "Good question, Mrs. Jacks."

Brenda made another effort to sit up, and this time he helped her. Her head swimming, she swung her legs over the stone slab, gripping the edges tightly with her hands.  Don't let me faint, she thought, I've got to get out of here.......

"You know, Jax will come for me. He knows where I am," she lied, her chin jutting out stubbornly as her courage began to revive. "If you hurt me, Jax won't stop until he's made you and Stefan pay."

"Nice try, Mrs. Jacks," Reese intoned, "but I hardly think your husband is in any position to help you. He's in Toronto, isn't he? And of course, he really doesn't know you're here, does he?"

Brenda pressed her lips together, trying desperately to retain her air of bravado.

"But I have no intention of hurting you," Reese continued, eyeing her speculatively.  "My loyalty to my employer doesn't extend THAT far." Brenda had no inkling of the double meaning behind his words.

"So what ARE you going to do?" she demanded.

"Get you in the speedboat and get you off the island, Mrs. Jacks. And I expect you not to try this again.....I know you're just as curious about the Cassidines---or should I say ONE Cassidine in particular---as everyone else in Port Charles, but what goes on at Wyndemere is none of your business. Take it from a resident---you're in over your head."

"You're going to let me go, just like that?" Brenda was incredulous. "What's really going on here? Who are you?"

"That's none of your business, either," Reese said firmly. "And if you persist in poking your nose into places where you don't belong, well......."

Despite her determination to seem brave, Brenda was chilled at the implication behind his words. It was worse because there was no overt threat in his manner; she realized Reese, whoever he was, simply viewed her as a potential problem---if she became a legitimate threat , he would eliminate her in the same way he would squash a bug--- and with just as much emotion.

"Okay," she agreed, for the moment just wanting to get away from the island, and Reese, and anything vaguely reminiscent of the Cassidines.

"Good. I'm glad you've decided to be sensible," Reese responded, helping her to her feet. "Come on. We can go out through another tunnel near the delivery entrance to the house and then make our way to the pier from there. No one will see us."

Brenda nodded obediently, but inwardly, she was fuming. I can't give up, she raged.  I've got to find out what Stefan and Miranda are up to. And where does Reese fit in? I can't go to Sonny, he's plotting with Stefan against Jax......

As they made their way down the corridor, another possibility struck her. Of course, why didn't I think of that before? It's been a long time since she was involved in an adventure like this, she'd probably jump at the chance. Felicia, I'll ask Felicia to help me........


Carruthers and Mike froze in panic as Jax stepped into the room. The tall Australian glanced swiftly from one to the other, only a raised eyebrow betraying his surprise. His face was inscrutable---that trait that Stefan so envied, the ability to conceal his thoughts and emotions, instinctively coming into play.

"Gentlemen," Jax inclined his head gracefully in greeting, his aquamarine eyes mocking. "What an......UNEXPECTED pleasure to see you both here." He deliberately stressed the word, "unexpected."

Mike flinched and even the usually imperturbable Carruthers looked uneasy.

"So......Mike. You're a player. I find that interesting in light of your......familial connections to the "other" side." Jax smiled at Mike. It was the type of smile a hungry shark might give an unwary guppy.

"I....uh......" Mike floundered, impaled by Jax's icy eyes.

"Jax, Mike WAS one of our best operatives.....he's more or less retired now," Carruthers interjected, trying to regain control of the situation.

"Really? I had no idea when I first came to Port Charles that it was such a haven for former WSB operatives. Quite a coincidence, don't you think? Especially since I fall into that category myself, more or less." His eyes glinted cold, silver-green steel. "I'm in good company though, aren't I? Even the great Robert Scorpio ended up in Port Charles."

Mike walked back over to the aquarium, knowing that he could not control the emotions flickering across his face and anxious to get away from Jax's probing glance. At the mention of Robert's name, he stiffened imperceptibly. How much did Jax know?  Was it possible he suspected the truth? The REAL truth that only Mike and and a certain Englishman and Jax's family knew? Even Ian Carruthers didn't know the real truth---the story of the connection between Jax and Robert Scorpio, and Mike was determined that he would never know. Just as he was determined that Carruthers never learn the truth about Vermilion's father.....

Jax and Carruthers were still facing off, trading glances like duelists at the ready. Jax's eyes were glittering nearly as green as Carruthers' now.

"There wouldn't be any other OTHER WSB types sojourning in Port Charles at present, would there? RETIRED, of course."

"No, certainly not," Ian said smoothly, his composure restored.

Jax nodded his agreement and thought, not bloody likely! You're lying like a dog, Ian. Far from being discouraged or afraid, Jax felt curiously elated. It was as if a sudden weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He knew now that he owed this man no loyalty. The realization left him free to operate, to play the hard angles, and to take no prisoners. With a shock, another realization struck him: he was anticipating this upcoming battle of wits and wiles with relish. This was a life and death game, the game he had been born to play, and the role of corporate raider paled in comparison.

"Do you mind if I have some tea, Ian? I missed breakfast this morning." As he spoke, Jax moved over to the Georgian silver tea service that rested imposingly atop an antique highboy.

"By all means, help yourself."

Jax proceeded to do so, and in the highly reflective silver surface of the immense teapot, he had a clear view of Mike and Carruthers standing behind him. First rule, never turn your back on your enemy---and if happens you must, be damn sure you have another way of keeping tabs on him, Jax thought. "Alright. Let's cut to the chase then, shall we?" he asked blandly. "The Cassidines have invaded Port Charles again, as you well know, Ian, and while Stefan may not intend to follow in his father's footsteps and try to extend the Arctic Circle, I'd bet Kronos he's still up to something unpleasant.  And potentially dangerous."

"I am aware of Stefan's movements; he's hardly a man I'd overlook, Jax," Carruthers replied.

Jax lifted an eyebrow and said, "So you've had Mike playing mole, have you? You must be SEMI-retired, Mike."

He trained his eyes on the reflective surface of the silver teapot, noticing Carruthers' hand signal to the other man.

"I....yes, I'VE been keeping an eye on the situation for Ian," Mike responded, just a hairsbreath too late.

A-ha! I KNEW there was another agent involved in this......the question is, who could it be? Jax speculated. He turned to face the duplicitous twosome.

"Well, I'd be more than willing to offer my services as another pair of eyes," Jax said, his keen-eyed glance flickering from Carruthers to Mike and back again.

"Offer accepted," Ian replied. And so your instincts are correct, Jax, and you realize I know more than I'm telling, he thought. It's a moot point, my friend, because by the time you unravel the mystery, Project Janus will be a fait accompli......Vermilion will be eliminated, Stefan neutralized, and I'll be the one holding ALL the power........

Aloud, he said, "Of course, you know Mike in passing---because of your WIFE'S connection to Sonny Corinthos---"

"FORMER connection." Jax's eyes turned a dangerous silver-grey.

Carruthers, knowing well what Jax was capable of, heeded the warning. "Pardon, FORMER connection. What I'm saying is that it won't be too unusual for you to trade words with Mike---especially angry ones. The two of you know what you're about. I'll leave you to devise your own code."

"Fair enough, " Jax responded easily. "Mike?"

"Yes, yes, of course." Mike looked at Carruthers. "And how will we inform you of anything we uncover?"

"Jax has a scrambled satellite phone," he answered. "It's always a safe method of communication. And.....I'm thinking of coming to Port Charles myself in a few weeks.  The Bureau is working out a suitable cover for me as we speak....something along the lines of a rich, English businessman/aristocrat, interested in doing business with ELQ....after all, isn't that how YOU came to be in Port Charles to begin with?"

Jax's eyes narrowed at the thinly veiled sarcasm. "Yes, but then, I WAS there on legitimate business with ELQ." Or at least, with one of the Quartermaines, he thought in amusement, remembering his first encounter with Lois. Thinking of Lois reminded him of Brenda, and suddenly a great longing to see her, and touch her, and hear her voice swept over him. But I can't go back home yet, he thought, I've got to go to New York first. Carruthers is my enemy---I know that now---but there are still two Englishmen that I'd trust with my life. And I'm going to need both of them.........

Glancing at Mike, he said, "See you in the trenches, Mike. Ian." With a curt nod to Carruthers, he swept from the room.

The secret, soundproof door had barely closed behind him before Mike turned on Carruthers. "Good God, Ian! You can't play this game with Jax! He's the most brilliant agent the agency ever had---you said so yourself."

"My exact words were, 'He could out-Robert Robert', I believe. And don't underestimate Vermilion. She's nearly as good as he is. And in this instance, she's privy to more information than he---and that evens the playing field. I'm looking forward to watching them match wits myself."

"Damn you, Ian! I'm looking forward to the both of them joining forces to bring you down!"

"I'd curb my tongue if I were you, old chap," Carruthers replied with deceptive mildness. "There's that Russian business still hanging over your head.....if I "get brought down" as you put it, so do you. I'll see to it."

Mike set his jaw and stalked from the room without another word.

Alone now, Carruthers began to laugh. I love my job, he thought. Jax, Vermilion, Mike, Reese, and now.......soon.....Janus...... Players, all of them, and every one dangerous in his or her own right. His green eyes took on an inhuman, catlike glow. And with one exception, all I have to do is sit back and watch them destroy one another........ He smiled and thought, make that two exceptions. Raven, I believe I'll clip your wings immediately. Still smiling, he picked up the phone and began to make arrangements......


Luke stared down at the locket, a million thoughts racing through his mind. Well, Son of Koala, I should've known. You found a way to surprise me yet.

"He was the best friend I ever had. I trusted him more than I ever trusted anyone except Laura."

He looked up to find her watching him with hawklike eyes.

"What's the verdict? Do I have an ally---or not?" she asked.

"You're half a Cassidine!" Luke snapped. His gaze went again to the portrait. Alright, Robert Xavier Scorpio, so now what? Do I trust her? She's a Cassidine, but she's your daughter, too. I know it. I feel it. What do I do, Robert?

The arrogant blue eyes stared back at him unflinchingly, and in them, he found his answer.

Luke raised his head and faced the same arrogant stare from a pair of amethyst eyes.

"Is that a yes?" She was relentless.

Luke reared back in his chair and laughed. "Oh baby, if I weren't convinced before that you're Scorpio spawn, that attitude you've got would cinch it. Your old man was just as highhanded and just as demanding." He drummed his fingers on the edge of the desk. "Funny how Robin doesn't seem to have inherited any of that.......and as for Bubba, well, I  think the world of Bubba"---he crossed the fingers of his left hand, lying in his lap--- "but he's not a shining example of the Scorpio gene pool, either." He gave her a sly glance from beneath lowered eyebrows. "It does make me wonder though, darlin'.  Why didn't you just go to your Uncle Mac?"

Her look was contemptuous. "Because Mac is too soft, too ineffectual. I need someone with a harder edges on him." Her smile was mocking. "Someone who, as the Brits say, would stick at nothing if cornered. I believe you fall into that category."

Her words wiped the smile from Luke's face. "You a good judge of character, too, darlin'. Something else you have in common with your old man. Alright, I'm in. Now what game are we playing?"

"I'm not sure myself yet, " she answered truthfully. "The Bureau has reason to believe the House of Cassidine is responsible for the disappearance of various key scientists from around the world.....several key geneticists have been lured away from the University of Edinburgh---"

"Where they cloned that sheep?" Luke asked, his interest piqued.

"Yes. And when I say disappearance, I don't mean kidnapping. The scientists went willingly, telling their colleagues they had been offered employment in a research facility with unlimited funding and no restrictions....but they were vague as to the exact whereabouts of said facility."

"So they weren't kidnapped. So what can you or the Bureau do about that, baby? If they sold out to the highest bidder and that bidder happens to be your cousin the Count, so what? Free enterprise makes the gears grind and the wheels turn, baby."

"Luke, you're not listening to me. They may have gone willingly, but WHERE are they now? These four men have literally dropped off the face of the earth. The Bureau is aware of all the major research laboratories dealing with genetic study---the only places equipped for the experiments these men would wish to conduct. And they haven't shown up at ANY of them! They haven't shown up anywhere!"

"You think they're here in Port Chuckles?"

She sighed. "No. Not necessarily, but I think Stefan, and possibly Alexis know more than what they're telling. This is important, Luke. All the major governments of the world have agreed that human cloning is out of the question. So have these scientists themselves. But suppose they've fallen into the hands of a group that would 'stick at nothing'?" A group whose sole purpose is to PERFECT human cloning? Can you imagine the horror of that? This is what Hitler would've sold his soul for fifty years ago! What the neo-Nazis would kill for yet! If Stefan or ANY of my family is involved in such a heinous thing, I'll do everything in my power to stop them!"

Luke's gaze softened a little. "Got a little of the white knight in you, don't you darlin'?  That's just like Robert, too." His voice took on a brisk note again. "So what can I do to help?"

"What you're doing now....stay in Stefan's face. You're a distraction, and I need one of those. I've got some plans of my own to put into motion."

"Alright. We've got to stay in touch, but you can't come here anymore. Once or twice on an attempted peace-keeping mission maybe.....but no Port Chuckian is gonna buy a Cassidine patronizing my lowly establishment. We need a place to meet. How about the catacombs?"

"Good Lord, no. The catacombs are Port Charles' answer to Grand Central Station."

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Used them before, eh?"

She didn't answer.

"Well, where then?"

"The Port Charles River bridge........the old section near the bridge tower. It isn't open anymore, no one goes there. You frequent the dock area because of Kelly's....watch the corner office window of the warehouse by the third pier. Stefan owns it. If I need to meet you, the blinds will be raised up halfway. If you need me, see to it that the same is true of the front door blinds at Kelly's."

"You got it, baby. One last question: if you find out Stefan is responsible, that he's determined to start churning out little miniature copies of His Batness---what are you going to do?"

"Whatever's necessary," she responded, her eyes taking on that icy sheen that had given Luke a chill earlier. It gave him a chill now.

"I'd hate to cross you, darlin'. You're beautiful, but you're a Tasmanian Devil, too, you  know that?"

I am what circumstances and Carruthers have made me, she thought dispassionately.

"Later, Luke." She didn't look back as she left the room.

Luke let out a deep breath and gazed up at the ceiling. "Well, Kanga, I know you're up there in the Australian part of the ozone, watching all this, and laughing your fool Aussie head off. She's a piece of work, man, she doesn't look a thing like you---she's her mother made over, and that part of her is pure Cassidine." He sobered and continued slowly, "But inside---the way she acts, the way she thinks, and I'll bet the way she FEELS---she's all Scorpio."

He pulled a bottle of Chivas Regal from his desk drawer and with a flourish, poured some of the amber liquid into a glass. Ceremoniously, he raised it in a toast and said, "To the first REAL Scorpio to blow into Port Chuck since the original. Congrats, Robert.  As long as she's alive, you'll never die!" He tossed back the Chivas in a single gulp.


"Any news, Higgins?" Jax was pacing impatiently in the library of the Park Avenue penthouse, glass of Drambuie in hand. After landing at the Jacks private terminal at Kennnedy, nearly four hours before, Jax had headed straight to the penthouse, and Higgins had had the privilege of watching him pace ever since.

"It's still a bit early to expect him, Jasper," Higgins said sympathetically in his clipped British accent. "Even though he IS taking the Concorde....."

Jax shot Higgins a daggerlike look, annoyed as always at being called by his much- hated first name. The ever-unflappable Higgins completely ignored him; having known Jax since he was two, he took special privileges.

Jax sighed. "Yes, you're right of course, Higgins," he replied, distractedly. The satellite phone rang, and Jax picked it up anxiously, thankful for the instrument's built-in digital scrambler. His face broke into a smile as he recognized the voice on the other end. "Dad! Thanks for getting back to me so fast. Lady Jayne said you were just about to fly off to Bangkok for some more cloak and dagger with Jerry...... Yes, yes, I know.  It's a bad business, Dad. I never trusted him much, and now I don't trust him at all. Of course, he gave me the standard spiel........and I pretended to buy his act. I didn't want to tip my hand. But--"

Higgins was easing discreetly toward the door, when another phone on the antique Roentgen writing desk began ringing softly. He glanced at Jax, who nodded affirmatively. Higgins picked up the receiver, listened a moment, then caught Jax's eye and mouthed the words, "he's here."

"Dad, he's here. Listen I----"

Jax was finishing the conversation as Higgins left the room, closing the double doors gently behind him. Swiftly, he walked down the wide, winding, marble staircase and across the foyer to the great black walnut doors that opened into the elevator vestible.  Abruptly, he waved the hovering maid away. This visitor he wanted to greet himself.

"Jonathan! Good to see you, old man!" The accent was typical upper-class Briton: clear and clipped and resonant.

They clasped hands warmly, and Higgins broke into a broad smile, his innate English reserve forgotten for a moment at the sight of his old friend. "The pleasure is all mine; I was beginning to think we'd never see you on this side of the Atlantic again."

"My job keeps me moving, old boy," the other drawled. "You know I don't always have the choice of where I'm to be sent next."

Higgins gestured to the maid, and she obediently took the Breckinridge overcoat from the tall, dark-haired Englishman, who said, "And how are you, Jonathan? Damn shame about Robin Masters."

Higgins nodded, "Yes, yes it was. A fine man and an excellent employer. After he died, I felt I needed a change. Twenty years in the islands was quite long enough. I was visiting John and Lady Jayne at their Alaskan ranch, when they mentioned that young Jasper needed---for the want of a better word---a campradore. Naturally, I accepted with alacrity. The Jackses are the closest thing I have to a family, and you know how I feel about young Jasper..... Good Lord, I've known him since he was two!"

"And I saw him draw his first breath. I was there the night he was born, and it was a wild night to be sure---all Sturm und Drang. Prophetic, don't you think? I knew then that Jax was born to be a player."

"Yes, indeed." Higgins admitted. He lowered his voice, "I say, he needs your help in the worst way. Stefan and Helena Cassidine are hatching some devilish plot or other, and Ian Carruthers is tangled up in the midst of it. And you've heard about Miranda's miraculous resurrection, I'm sure."

The tall Englishman gazed down at Higgins, his cobalt blue eyes hard as stones in his lean, handsome face. "Yes, I heard." And know more about her than I care to tell, my old friend, more than she or anyone else thinks I know.... Aloud, he said, "Well. Ian, eh? I see. Quite right that you encouraged him to call me, Jonathan. John and Jerry are up to their necks in that Bangkok business, and someone will need to watch our young Jasper's back." He smiled darkly. "Not that he can't take care of himself, of course......"

"Even Jasper doesn't have eyes in the back of his head," Higgins said grimly.  

The other immediately sobered. "Yes, quite. We'd best get to it. He's in the library, you said?"

"Yes. I'll take you up---"

At that moment, the butler, Fitzsimmons, appeared from the dining room, and excusing himself, whispered something quietly into Higgins's ear. Higgins shook his head impatiently, and turned back to his friend. "I'm sorry, old chap, I'll be a few minutes.  Domestic crisis. Christine will take you up." Higgins gestured to the maid.

"Later, Jonathan." The tall Englishman turned and followed the breathless little maid up the long staircase to the second floor. As they reached the double doors to the library, she paused, suddenly confused, and glanced back at the silent visitor.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't catch your name. Whom shall I say is here?"

The Englishman flashed a brilliant smile, the likes of which had weakened the knees of  women the world over. "Oh young Jasper is expecting me. The name is Bond, James Bond."

