Ariel and Flounder started out early, one autumn morning, to explore a shipwreck that someone had told the girl about. Ariel looked around at the waving seaweed beds; they had already turned orange and red and brown, with the fall season. Ariel thought the new colors were a delightful change from the normal shades of summer green. Squirrel-fish were busy gathering sea-nuts to stock up, before the coming of winter. It was true that the weather was not as harsh here as it was farther north, but even the Merfolk noticed when the water temperature dropped a few degrees and they had to wear seaweed jackets in the morning.

Ariel grinned, happily, as she spotted the shipwreck. It was a big old ship, but Ariel was surprised that it showed so little damage. "Look at that, Flounder! There's hardly a hole in it! I bet we're gonna find lot's of neat stuff inside!"

Flounder looked at the old sailing ship and trembled. "It,...looks kind of different, doesn't it? Kind of all,...grey and spooky."

Ariel laughed. "Spooky? Silly; that's just the way the light is hitting it!"

Since the ship was resting practically upright, the girl swam up to the top and looked around. "This is how Humans see the ship", she noted.

"Kind of flat; isn't it?", asked Flounder.

Ariel nodded."Yeah. Humans must have flat fins or something." The girl swam over and examined the wheel. "Look at this roundamajigger! Wonder what it's for?"

The little fish puzzled, as looked at the hand-grips. "Maybe it's hat-rack."

Ariel put her finger to her chin. "Or, maybe Humans wrap their seaweed on it,..."

The girl sighed. "Guess I'll ask Archemedes when I see him again." She swam over to the hatch and pulled at it. "It's stuck!"

Flounder smiled. "Guess we'll have to go back now,.."

"Wait! It's coming loose!", announced the girl.

"Ratfish", grumbled Flounder.

Ariel lifted the hatch and looked inside. "Sure is dark in there,.."

"I told you it was spooky!", answered the little fish, as he stared into the darkness and shivered.

Ariel smiled and looked at her friend. "You think every shipwreck is spooky! It's only dark cause it hasn't got any holes to let the light in."

"We can't go down in there!", moaned Flounder. "We can't see anything!"

Ariel sighed. "You're right. We'll have to go home and bring back a lantern."

Flounder gasped. "You mean,'re listening to me? Wow! That don't happen very often!"

Ariel smirked at her friend. "You make it sound like I never take anyone's advice or something!"

Flounder grinned. "Really? Why would I think that?"

While Ariel was at the palace, looking for a lantern, Urchin dropped by. "Hey. What's up?", asked the young merboy.

Ariel talked from out of a storage cabinet. "I'm looking for a lantern,... Me and Flounder found a new ship to explore,... But it's too,.. Ah! Here it is!" Ariel brought out the lantern. "It's too dark to see in there."

Flounder shuddered. "Dark and spooky! The whole ship is white, a spook ship!"

Urchin snapped his fingers. "I know the one! That is a spook ship!"

Ariel giggled and blew the sand off the lantern. "Oh Urchin! Don't be silly!" The girl swam towards the kitchen; with Urchin and Flounder following her."

Flounder stammered at the merboy. "Is, it really a spook ship?"

"Sure is. At least; that's what I've heard. The "Lost Dutchman" it's called. Had some crazy Human Captain sailing it in a storm and it went down. Nobody got out. Now; it's haunted by the ghosts of the sailors."

Ariel smirked down at Flounder. "Don't listen to him; he's just trying to scare you." The girl swirled into the kitchen and opened the ice-water box.

"No; really! I'm not pulling your tail! I had a friend who didn't believe me either, and he spent the night in there,.."

Flounder's eyes got big. "What,...what,...happened?"

Ariel found some fresh kelp and put it inside the clear shell lantern.

Urchin voice sank to a whisper. "He said that he heard something inside the ship. Something he had never heard before."

The little fish gulped.

Ariel smiled at Urchin. "He heard the ship creaking, is all."

"Okay. Don't believe me", answered the merboy, " but don't say I didn't warn you. There's something in that ship that ain't from the ocean."

"Now,.. to find some glow-worms", said the little mermaid.

They went back outside, and the girl soon found a bunch of little worms wiggling on the sand. She gently picked them up and put them in her lantern. They started munching on the kelp and began to glow. "Now; remember where we picked up these little guys so I know where to let em go", noted Ariel.

Flounder tugged at Ariel's arm. "Do we have to explore that ship? Can't we explore a different ship?,... That doesn't have spooks?"

Ariel shook her head. "We explore the spook ship."

Urchin smiled and waved goodbye to them. "I'll see you guys later,....maybe.

As Ariel swam towards the shipwreck, Flounder lagged further and further behind. Ariel looked back at him and smirked. "Flounder! Are you coming with me or not?"

The little fish stared at the ship, ghostly white and creepy, with a shudder. "I,...I don't think I can do it, Ariel. I just can't,...go in there,.."

Ariel put her hands on her hips. "Urchin's really got you upset about this, doesn't he? Flounder; there's no such thing as spooks!"

"Oh yeah? Then,..then what was it his friend heard; huh?"

Ariel shrugged. "Could have been anything." The girl smiled; kindly, at her friend. "Okay; Flounder. You stay out here and be the look-out. If you see any spooks, just holler out; okay?"

Flounder trembled. "Then you'll be going in there by yourself! The spooks will get you!"

Ariel sighed. "Hmm. How can I convince you,..."

"Maybe if Urchin went in there with you," offered the little fish.

Ariel's face lit up "That's it! We'll have a party! In the ship! A spook party!"

Flounder gasped. "What?!"

Ariel flipped around and started swimming back to Atlantica. "Yeah! I'll invite Urchin, and my sisters, and Sebastian, and you! We'll tell ghost stories and play games and have lot's of fun!"

Flounder shook his head. "The spooks aren't gonna like that,..."

The first thing the girl had to do was get permission from her father to have the party. A party, by itself, was no problem: it was the location that Triton would protest. The girl put on her best smile and swam up to the King. Triton looked at his little girl, with a sly smile: she wanted something.

"Daddy; would it be all right if I have a party?"

"Certainly; Dear. Who's going to attend?"

"Oh; just us girls, and Flounder and Sebastian and some guys."

Triton raised an eyebrow. "Which guys?"

"Urchin, and Aquata's boyfriend, Adrian, and Dusten and Philip."

The King nodded. "That will be all right."

Ariel kissed her father on the cheek, "Thanks Daddy!"

"Where is this party going to be? The palace?"

Ariel gulped. "Well,...not exactly. It's gonna be,...on a shipwreck."

"That won't do. Have it someplace else, Dear."

Ariel cringed. "But Daddy! It's a spook party! We gotta have it someplace scary! There's this old ship, and it's supposed to be haunted, and it'll be the perfect place!"

"I don't want you playing inside a Human ship. They are full of dangerous things."

Ariel nodded. "I guess you're right. It'll be such a scary place; I'd probably never go near one of them again,..."

Triton paused. "You say Aquata's going with you?"

Ariel nodded; casually.

"Then I guess it will be all right, then. Go get your big sister; I want to talk to her."

Ariel nodded and tried to keep a somber face.

Aquata swam in and went to up to the King, "You wanted to see me, Father?"

Triton nodded. "You're attending this party of Ariel's? I want you to keep an eye on her. Don't let her play with any Human things on that ship. I'm holding you responsible for her."

Aquata nodded. "I'll watch her, Father."

The next evening, Arista and Philip followed the directions on Ariel's map to the ghost ship. Philip pointed to a sign stuck on the hull: "Welcome to the spook party! Enter above."

Arista smirked at her boyfriend. "This really is silly! I only came because Ariel begged me. You know little sisters." Philip smiled and nodded. "Yeah. They can be a big nuisance sometimes."

The two teenagers went down into the ship to join the party. Ariel had hung-up lot's of phosphor lanterns on the cross-beams, which flickered with a warm yellow, or orange glow. Decorations (draped across the ceiling) hung down over the party-goers: red and brown and orange seaweed; fake sea-spiders, batfish, and "ghosts" made from seaweed sheets. A spooky coral tree stood in one corner, and a fake mer-skeleton in another. Arista's sisters were already there; they were dancing to the music supplied by Sebastian and his band. Right in the middle of the room was a big table, covered with party-food. Ariel had taken a big sea-pumpkin from the palace's kitchen, carved scary eyes and a mouth into it, and set the pumpkin in the middle of the table. A red phosphor candle flickered from inside the sea-jack-o-lantern.

Ariel was trying to get Flounder to dance with her, but he was too nervous. He kept staring at the hatch to the ship's hold, underneath them. "The spooks are down there!", he whispered.

Ariel smiled. "If there are spooks down there, then they must be deaf, if they haven't noticed the racket we're making!"

The girl stood up. "Come on, Flounder! Dance with me! I'm the only one without a partner!"

Flounder looked anxiously at the floor. "What if the spooks don't like us dancing?"

Ariel blew at her curl, with frustration. "Okay; let me just open that hatch and I'll show you there's nothing down there!"

The little fish shook his fins frantically, "No! No! Don't bother them! I'll dance with you!"

Ariel took Flounder's fin, and joined her sisters and their boyfriends. Urchin and Adella danced over to the girl. "Cool party, Ariel!", exclaimed the merboy. "Bet those ghosts haven't seen this much fun in centuries!"

Sebastian waved his baton, as he frowned over at the teenagers. "I could be home working on a new concert piece, but no,... I gotta play stuff like de Sea-monster Mash and babysit some kids." The crab looked around at the ship. "What a place to have a party! Dis place gives me the creeps!"

The merkids danced a while; then they started playing games. Adella won the "Bobbing for sea-apples" and Philip got closest in "Pin the tail on the stingray". As a prize, Philip got a fake "sea-spider" pin, which he stuck on Arista's seaweed shaw. The girl glared back at the grinning boy.

After the games, everyone sat down to eat cake and sea-ice cream. Ariel poured everyone a cup of "boo-berry" punch.

Arista looked at her party hat and sighed. "Ariel; do we have to wear these ridiculous things?"

Aquata smirked at her younger sister. "Don't be a party-pooper, Arista! Put it on!"

Arista reluctantly stuck it on her head, and looked at Philip, with a frown. "You better not laugh now!" The boy smiled and shook his head.

Everyone enjoyed the sweets, and even Sebastian had on a smile, as he finished off his cupcake with "little seaweed-candy sprinkles on top".

Ariel grinned with delight: now was the time to tell ghost stories! She put out all the lanterns except one, which she set on the floor. The kids all huddled around it in their sleeping bags; their faces reflexing the eerie red glow. Flounder shivered, as he snuggled up against Ariel.

Ariel looked at them; excitedly. "Okay! Who's gonna be first?"

"I've got a good one!", offered Urchin. "This one is really scary cause it's about this ship!"

"I was afraid of that", moaned Flounder.

Urchin leaned forward and grinned with a scary face, " Years and years ago, there was this sea-Captain, see? And everyone was afraid of him cause he was real mean! He liked to catch fish and just throw-em on the deck and watch em gasp for breath! If he ever saw a mermaid above the water, he'd order his men to throw harpoons at her!"

"That's terrible!", whispered Adella.

"Yeah!", answered the merboy, "And all his sailors hated the Captain, but they would do what he said cause they were so afraid of him! He was big and nasty and always walked around with an evil scowl!" Urchin gave an evil glare at the girls; Ariel giggled through her hands at his expression; Flounder trembled and drew up close to her.

"One night, this Captain decided to set sail; just cause everyone else was afraid to. "There's a terrible storm comin!", they said to him and he just laughed a cruel laugh: "HA! HA! HA! HA! A STORM?! THA' STORM BETTER BE FEAR'D OF ME!"

Arista whispered,"Is this really a true story?"

Ariel smirked at her sister, but Urchin nodded his head. "As I live and swim! So the Captain grabbed some poor sailors out of their beds and he hauled em to tha' ship! And tha' women folk cried and wailed cause they knew they'd never see their men again. And tha' Captain just laughed at them! "HA! HA! HA!"

Uchin laughed so harsh that the girls drew back in fright. Even Ariel lost her grin.

"And the wind screamed through tha' sails that night, as they set off, and the folks watchin' from the dock said that the ship looked white under tha' shine of the moon. And the clouds flew across the sky like shredded ghosts, and all tha' sailors knew they weren't comin' back."

Flounder looked up at Ariel with fright. "He's just making it up; isn't he?" The girl looked uncertain, and the little fish shivered.

"The waves crashed against tha' hull and the sailors tried to hold on, as the black water roared into the ship and tried to pull them over tha' side. The waves looked mad; like the mad gleam in tha' Captain's eyes, as he watched the sails stretch in the howling wind. And the First mate screamed at tha' Captain to drop tha' sails or they'd all drown, but tha' Captain just laughed, "HA! HA! HA! HA! I'M BIGGER THAN THIS STORM! IT'LL OBEY ME! " And the wind shreeked in their ears and the rain whipped at them with a frenzy, and the first sailor was torn loose from tha' rigging and lost over tha' side!"

Ariel felt her heart pounding. The fear around her was making her afraid too!

Urchin lifted his arms, "And the lightening bolts cracked down onto the ship and split the main sail in two! Sailors fell screaming all over tha' deck as tha' sparks flew all around them! And tha' ship tossed like it was gonna capsize any second, but tha' Captain just stayed at tha' wheel and shook his fist at tha' lightening! "THAT'S THA' BEST YA CAN DO?!", he thundered! "I'LL RIDE YA OUT TIL DOOMSDAY!"

Ariel gulped and held Flounder close to her.

"Tha Captain laughed at tha' storm: "HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" and a bolt of lightening hit em square in the head! And there was a flash and he was gone! And tha' ship reared-up like a wild seahorse and dove straight into tha' water!

Urchin paused, to catch his breath, but no one spoke. Ariel watched him with frightened eyes.

"Then,...then what happened?", whispered Aquata.

Urchin rose up over them and lowered his arms. "Tha' ship sank down,...with all the poor sailors still inside tha' ship, down to the bottom of the ocean,...down to,...RIGHT HERE!".

The girls jumped.

"Right here is where it lies", whispered Urchin. "Those sailors never got out". The merboy pointed down to the floor. "They're down there. Every night; when the moon is full, can hear em down there. Trying to get out,...trying to get back to their wives and children,..."

Urchin sat back down and smiled. "How was that? Okay; who's next?"

Adella whispered. "I,..I don't want to hear any more ghost stories!"

Ariel nodded. "Yeah,.. Let's go to bed."

Everyone nodded and spread out their sleeping bags. Flounder was still pressing up against Ariel. "Flounder; don't you have a sleeping bag too?", asked the girl.

The little fish looked up at her, with frightened eyes, and nodded.

Ariel smiled, gently. "You'd rather sleep with me?"

Flounder nodded.

Ariel opened her bag. "Okay. Come on in."

The little fish snuggled up against her.

"Pleasant dreams!", offered Urchin.

"Yeah. Thanks", replied Arista.

"Don't let the sailors get ya."

"Quiet, Urchin", warned Arista.

It took Ariel a long time to get to sleep. She kept thinking of those poor sailors who never made it back to their families. What had happened to their wives and children? Why didn't the cruel captain think about them? Then Ariel realized that every shipwreck might have caused the loss of Human lives. Why did the Humans risk so much to enter her world? The girl fell into uneasy dreams.

Ariel was awakened in the night by a noise. She raised up suddenly; in a cold sweat. The fear around her was thick. Everyone was wide awake; looking at the floor. From below her came a faint sound, bones scraping across the wood.

"What's that? What's that?", whspered Arista. Flounder squeezed against Ariel, with eyes wide with terror. Even Sebastian was shaking with fright.

Ariel looked over at Urchin; his pale, frightened face was hard to see in the dying red glow of the lantern. "I,..I,..didn't think that story was,...real,..", he whispered.

Suddenly, they heard more scratching; like bony fingers clawing across the floor. A faint, high-pitched scream echoed under them; it was short, but sounded terrible.

"Daddy!', whimpered Adella.

"It's de sailors!", moaned Sebastian. "Human ghosts are worse dan Humans!"

Ariel shivered in fright, as she looked at the frightened faces of her sisters and their boyfriends. The scraping went right underneath the mermaid and she jumped up to get off the floor. Flounder clung to her.

"I,..I don't believe in spooks", whispered the girl, "but whatever that is is doing a good job of sounding like spooks!"

"Let's get out of here!", cried Arista. Everyone rushed to the top hatch. It was shut!

"Who shut the hatch?!", cried Aquata.

Arista stammered. "I,..I did. I thought I was supposed to close it!"

Adrian pushed against the hatch, but it wouldn't open! "It's stuck!", cried the merboy.

Arista shreeked, "We're trapped! We're trapped! The sailors are gonna get us!"

Ariel looked down at the floor and swallowed. She could hear the scraping, and the short high screams echoing through the floor. Flounder was almost frantic beside her.

"I,..I don't believe in spooks!", whispered the girl. She hesitately swam to the lower hatch.

Flounder looked at her with wide eyes. "What,..are you doing?!"

Ariel took a deep breath. "I'm,...gonna find out what's making that noise!"

Arista shreeked from above. "No Ariel!! You'll let them out!!"

Ariel grabbed the hatch and pulled at it. With a loud creak, it flew open. Nothing came out, but the scrapping grew louder. The screams suddenly sounded,...familiar to the girl!

She took her lantern and lowered it down into the cargo hold of the ship. Ariel gasped in surprise!

It was SEAHORSES! Giant baby seahorses! They were swimming in the hold of the ship; having fun! The "screams" were really their playful whinnys! The scrapping noises were the sounds of the seahorses scratching their backs on the roof! Ariel could see seven or eight of the cute little animals swimming around. The mother seahorse was resting on some old blankets; sleeping, as her children played.

Ariel looked back at her sisters and grinned. "Come everybody and look at the spooks!"

Flounder breathed a sigh of relief, as he saw the baby seahorses. "Those little guys were making all those scary sounds?"

Ariel smiled and nodded. "Yep! See; there's the mother, down there!" Ariel looked around and spotted a single hole near the front of the ship. "And that's how they get in and out! She must bring her children here, at night, where it's safe to sleep."

Arista swam up and gasped. "Why! It's little seahorses!"

Sebastian laughed. "Dose little fellas had me shaking in my shell!"

Urchin grinned. "Well; so much for the spooks! Maybe this is tha' wrong ship!"

Ariel laughed. "I think those are the cutest spooks I've ever seen!"



NOTICE: This story has some scenes that may be too frightening for preschoolers. Use your own discretion.)

Eric sat on the blanket and smiled, as he watched his wife and their daughter. It was a beautiful summer morning, and they were all sitting outside on the lawn of the palace, enjoying the sunshine. Ariel was tickling Nerine; who was giggling in her arms. The child had just turned two; she had been born three and a half years after Eric and Ariel had married. Ariel loved the girl just as much as she did her husband, and Eric had a hard time keeping Ariel from spoiling her! The young man looked from his wife's pretty face, to the child. Nerine had all of her lovely features, except for the hair: Nerine's hair was jet black; like her father's, and it was already getting long. Nerine also shared Ariel's sweet nature; quiet and gentle,but it hadn't taken long to discover that she had inherited Ariel's eager curiousity and spirit, too!

Ariel blew on her daughter's belly; making the girl squrm with giggles, then whispered in her ear, " Go get Daddy!"

Nerine scampered over to the young man; her arms wide for a hug. "Daddy!", she squealed.

Eric took her in his arms. "Boy! She's getting heavy!"

Ariel grinned and nodded. "Carlotta is sure trying to fatten her up! Just like she did me!"

Eric looked down at the child. "You like Aunt Carlotta?,... You do?"

Nerine nodded and showed her father a flower she had picked.

"That's pretty! Let's put it in your hair!", sugguested Eric.

"Your Grace!", called a voice.

Eric's smile faded, as he raised up and looked towards the voice. It was one of his sentrys.

"Your Grace! Two degrees South-east! A three-mast! Black flag!"

Eric stood up, and looked at Ariel. "Pirates."

The girl's face paled, as Eric gave the child back to her. "Go inside. Tell Grim."

Ariel touched his arm. "Three mast. That's a big one; isn't it?"

Eric nodded.

"You're not going to do anything silly, are you?", worried the girl, "Like sail out there and try to fight them?"

"I'll do what I have to do to protect you and the kingdom. Take Nerine inside."

Ariel nodded. "I'll take her inside, and I'm coming back." Before Eric could protest, the girl was hurrying to the palace, with Nerine in her arms.

Eric ran over the the edge of the cliff; where he could look out over the ocean. His sentry called from a hundred yards to his left. "Second ship, Sire! Four degrees; South-east!"

Eric looked out over the shimmering green. Now he saw the first ship: it was a big one, all right. Twenty-five cannons, at least. The boy called over to the sentry, "Ring the bell!"

The bell began to clang; signaling an attack. Eric could hear the sudden shouting of voices behind him. Looking out at the pirate ship, he saw five or six puffs of smoke rise from the port side. Eric stood puzzled. "They're not even turned towards us!", he shouted. "Why are they firing?"

The roar of the cannons swept over them, like the distant cracks of thunder.

"It's not us, Sire!", shouted the sentry. "Second ship is carrying, American flag!"

Eric strained his eyes towards the horizon, just as Ariel came running up to join him. She looked out at the pirate ship with fear on her sweet face.

Eric suddenly pointed. "There! It's an American ship!"

They could now see the second ship firing. They were firing at the pirates! The boy looked back at the pirates, and saw their sails change position. Eric grinned. "They're running!"

Ariel looked at the ships with confusion. "Huh? Who's running?"

Eric put his arm around her waist and smiled. "The pirates. They're running away!" He looked at the second ship. "Whoever that is; the pirates don't want to mess with him!"

Ariel sighed with relief. The pirates were going away!

"American ship is heading this way, Sire!", called the sentry.

"Okay!", shouted Eric, "Dress down!" Ariel heard the bell change it's rhythm: the danger was over.

Eric looked down at the girl. "I'm going to welcome the ship in."

Ariel smiled. "I'll go with you."

The young couple walked down to the dock and watched as the American ship dropped anchor a few hundred yards offshore. Ariel's eyes were wide with wonder: she had never seen a "floatamajigger", this big, before! Eric had seen quite a few, but he, too, was amazed. It was no wonder the pirates had run! The boy pointed to the lettering along the side of the hull, "U.S.S. Constellation", he read.

A rowboat was lowered over the side, with the Captain on board. When he reached the dock, Eric held out his hand and helped him out of the boat. The man bowed, "Do I have the pleasure of addressing Prince Eric?", he asked.

Eric nodded. "Yes, Captain. Welcome to my kingdom!"

The Captain looked at Ariel and took off his hand. "I am Captain Thomas Truxtun of the United States Navy.

Ariel smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Captain."

Truxtun motioned to another man, as he climbed out of the boat. "This is my First mate; Lieutenant Daniel Gray."

Eric shook Daniel's hand; warmly. "Daniel! I didn't know you joined the American Navy!"

Truxtun looked at his Lieutenant. "You two know each other?"

Daniel nodded. "Yes Sir. I served under the Prince about seven years ago."

"I see", answered the Captain, with a smile. He turned back to Eric. "Daniel and I are here on behalf of the United States to discuss the pirate infestation in the West Indies, and some possible remedies to it."

Eric nodded. "We just saw some of that infestation a moment ago! But he evidently didn't like the looks of your ship!"

Truxtun smiled. "There aren't many pirate ships who would dare confront the Constellation. If our mission is successful here, they won't have a choice."

Ariel looked up at the Captain. "You're here to,..get rid of the pirates?"

Truxtun nodded. "We're going to do our best, Your Grace."

Ariel blushed. " My name is Ariel. And this Eric." Ariel sqeeezed her husband's hand.

Captain Truxtun smiled. "A lovely name for a lovely girl."

Eric smiled. "Well, Captain. If you and your men would come this way, we'll escort you to the palace and you can tell us about these plans."

The Prince lead the visitors into one of the parlors; where a white whicker table and chairs were set out in front of the large balcony, overlooking the ocean. Eric helped Ariel with her chair, then the men sat down to discuss Truxtun's plans. Grimbsy came out and offered the sailors some iced tea; which they gratefully accepted.

After his first sip, Truxtun looked over at the Prince. "As you probably already know, the pirate problem has been left largely ignored for the past several years; resulting in increasing boldness on the part of these criminals."

Eric nodded. "I had one of my ships boarded just last year."

Ariel gasped at him. "Sweetheart! You never told me that!"

Eric took her hand. "No one was harmed,... and I didn't want to alarm you with it."

The captain nodded. "It's never enough to warrent any one kingdom from waging a war on them, and this is well-known by the pirates. An attack here,...and then over there. An insidious weakening of West Indies trade, on-the-whole. It's become so much of a nuisance that the President has ordered the Navy to put a stop to this thievery."

"I'll do everything I can to assist you, Captain," offered Eric.

"For now; all we ask is free passage inside your waters. I am part of a task-force of three ships patrolling in the Antilles. At the moment; we're still gathering information on the pirates' movements; their numbers, strength and their bases."

The men heard a little girl's voice calling, and saw Nerine come running into the parlor and into the arms of Ariel. The young woman hugged her daughter, with love.

Eric smiled. "Our daughter; Gentlemen." Ariel grinned and whispered in the girl's ear; Nerine smiled and quieted-down.

"She has her mother's sweet face, I see", noted Truxtun.

Eric chuckled. "Yeah. She takes after my wife; thank goodness!"

The boy looked at the captain. "Nerine and my wife are why I want to help you with this. I never want them to go to bed at night in fear of a pirate attack."

Truxtun nodded. "I understand completely. And your help will be needed, before these ruffians can be driven from the sea."

Ariel looked up at the man, with concern. "What do you mean? You need Eric? Not to,... fight?"

The captain sighed. "I'm sorry, Princess, but it may come to that. We will need the help of his ships, at-the-least."

Eric nodded. "They are yours, Sir."

Truxtun smiled. ""Thank you, Sire. Your ships won't be needed right away: as I said, we're still gathering information. What we do know is this: the pirates have approxiamately six ships in this area; mostly converted schooners that they've captured from the various islands in the region. The one that you saw today was their flagship. Their leader is a man called Black George. His real name is George Black, but they call him that because of his black beard and his violent temper. I believe that if we can capture him and his ship, we will break the back of the pirates' strength in the Carribbean, and the others will go down with him.

"That sounds like a worthy plan", answered the Prince.

"There's a problem, however", noted the captain. "I'm afraid there's a traitor somewhere in the task-force. Black George has avoided too many of the traps I've set for him. Someone is leaking our plans to the pirates."

"That's terrible!", burted Ariel. "Why would one of your own people do that?"

Truxton sighed. "For money; for power. Maybe even just to hurt others. Not all the pirates out there fly a black flag, Princess."

"Eric nodded. "That's sad, but true. Well; you have my word that nothing that is said here will be repeated to anyone else."

The captain smiled. "I know that already. The President, himself, assured me that I could place my total trust in you and the Princess."

Ariel smiled. "You mean Mr. Adams? He's a sweet man."

"Actually; no, Your Grace. President Jefferson."

Ariel looked at him; anxiously. "Is, Mr Adams all right?"

Truxtun nodded. "Oh, yes, Your Grace. He just lost his re-election."

Ariel looked at Eric, in confusion.

Eric smiled. "He,...retired."

Ariel smiled and nodded. "Oh; I see! I guess that's for the best. He needed to step down and let someone younger take over. Like Daddy did with Aquata."

Nerine was starting to squrm in Ariel's arms. The girl stood up; holding the child, and the men rose. "If you will excuse me, Gentlemen,...I'll go look after our little girl."

Truxtun bowed. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Your Grace."

Ariel blushed and smiled. "Please,..Ariel."

The captain nodded. "Please forgive me! Ariel."

Ariel grinned, then carried Nerine out of the parlor.

After the girl had left, Truxtun turned back to Eric, "For now; all we ask is that you have a ship ready, in case we need you. It won't require much firepower, because we won't be asking you to actively participate in any battles. Your ship will be used to blockade any escape route the pirates may try to bolt through."

Eric nodded. "Sounds good. I'm afraid none of my ships was meant for much more than shipping and fishing,... although my largest has a few cannons on board, if it comes to that."

Truxtun smiled. "That's good." He finished his tea, and stood up. "Well; as much as I would like to visit with you and your lovely wife,...I must deal with more serious matters. Thank you for your hospitality."

Eric stood up and shook his hand. "It was our pleasure. Let me know when you decide on a course of action."

"We should know by the end of the week", answered the captain, as he put on his hat. "I'll return then, and give you all the details."

Eric nodded. "Oh. By-the-way, captain: That pirate ship we saw before you arrived,... Any idea why he was in my waters?"

Truxtun hesitated. "I really didn't want to worry you with this,...and especially your wife. But, for some reason, Black George has taken an interest in you. I have no idea why."

Eric looked stunned. "Me?"

"One of our ships has kept patrol in this region for some time now; in the hopes of confronting him. But; as you have seen, there's just too much room here for him to manuver and escape."

Eric face was full of concern. "That's really odd. I'm sure I've never met the man before. And there's really nothing here that a pirate could want."

Truxtun nodded. "It's a mystery which I hope to solve,...when we have Black George in chains."

The man called Black George thudded across the deck, with a fearsome scowl. All the other pirates lowered their eyes as he passed. They knew he was furious, because they hadn't been able to get the Prince because of that American ship. "It was all that traitor's fault!"; growled the pirate. "Givin' us false infermation about the Connie's whereabouts!"

That traitor was in for a storm, thought the other pirates. They knew Black George. The man stood six foot five and weighed enough to shake the deck. Fearsome black eyes glared out from underneath bushy eyebrows. His beard was long, black, and ragged; to match his clothes. He was a terrible sight, any time, but especially when he was angry at you!

"Good fer nothin' sneak!" growled the pirate. The bear-of-a-man ambled to his cabin and hollered at a deck-hand, "Call that traitor up here! I want to chat with 'em!"

The other pirate nodded urgently and took off to find the traitor.

After Captain Truxtun had left, Eric went to find Ariel. She was in the kitchen with Nerine: the child was watching, with delight, as Louie fixed some brownies.

Ariel hurried up to her husband; concern and worry were clear in her eyes.

"Nothing has been decided yet", assured the boy.

The girl hugged him. "Thank goodness!"

"He'll be back in a week. We'll know, then. But if he asks me to fight for him,... I must."

"Mommie! Can,...can I have a brownie,..when Louie gets through?", asked Nerine.

"After you finish your supper, you can have one", answered the girl. She looked back at her husband. "Sweetheart! You can't go out there fighting pirates! Your place is here,...with Nerine and me!

Eric hesitated. I,..know. There's no place in this world I would rather be than here with you. But I'm also the ruler of this kingdom. It's my duty to protect my people."

Ariel laid her hand on the boy's arm, and looked up at him; her big blue eyes shone with love. "It's not your duty to fight pirates! Let Captain Truxtun do that! That's what he's here for!"

Eric nodded. "He needs my help. I would be betraying my people, and you and Nerine if I didn't give it."

Ariel looked over at their daughter, and her eyes grew haunted with memories. "Do, you want Nerine to grow up without a father? You know how that felt. Don't leave us alone!"

Eric cupped Ariel's face in his hand and kissed her lips. "I will never leave you. Never again."

Ariel hugged him, with anguish. "I'm,...afraid for you."

The boy smiled. "But nothing has even been decided yet! Let's wait and see what happens."

Black George heard a knock on his door and looked up to see the traitor enter his cabin.

The man closed the door, then stood there a moment; looking at the pirate. Black George turned his eyes away from him.

"Well,..", said the traitor, at last. "Why did you run?"

The pirate hesitated. "I,..I can't fight that ship! That's tha' Constellation! I'd be blown outa tha' water for sure!"

"I can't stand a coward", answered the man, with a sneer.

Black George growled, "I'd like to see you try and take her on! We'll get that Prince, next time. When that blasted man-of-war ain't around!"

"I've more than complied with my side of the deal", warned the traitor. "Captain Truxtun is starting to suspect that I am the leak. I don't have much more time to help you."

The pirate nodded, "I know that! We'll get that Prince! If I have ta' carry him on my back!"

The traitor sighed. "One more chance. And remember: I want him alive. The girl is optional, but the Prince must be alive."

Black George nodded.

"You are to drop me off at the Leeward Island. I'll be there a week. You will pick me up there, next Saturday."

"Understood", growled the pirate.

The traitor didn't say another word, but turned and left the cabin. Black George muttered to himself, "Tha' snake! He gives us pirates a bad name!"

By the next day, Ariel had nearly forgotten about the pirates. She was sure that she would be able to talk Eric out of any foolish ideas about fighting them. Their love was more important than silly old "duty." Ariel came out of her dressing room in a beautiful white sundress. It had lace on the cuffs and around the edges; and the girl wore a white, wide-brimmed sun-hat to top it off.

Eric gazed at her with a grin. "You look beautiful! As usual!"

The boy took her in his arms, as Ariel grinned up at him. "Silly! You always say that!", she giggled.

"It's always true!", answered the boy.

"Wait til you see Nerine!", giggled the girl. "She's so cute!"

They went downstairs; where Carlotta was straightening Nerine's bonnet. The little girl wore a dress like Ariel's: more fluffy and roundish, but in the same style. Ariel picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Here's my little angel!"

Eric straightened his tie and looked at their housekeeper. "Is that a new dress, Carlotta?

The woman nodded. "We went on a shopping spree last week! Even got a new suit for Grim!" Carlotta turned and shouted upstairs," Come on, Grim! We're waitin' on you!"

"I'm coming, Madam", answered a restrained voice. Grimbsy came down the stairs; looking distinctly uncomfortable in his new suit. "I believe you purchased this a size too small just to enjoy my reaction", declared the elderly gentleman.

Carlotta huffed. "You're just not used to wearing something that isn't twenty years out of style!"

Eric laughed. "I think we'd better get in church before we come to blows here,.."

After the service, Grimbsy drove their carriage to the village, where they stopped to chat with their neighbors. Everyone was happy to see them, and invited them inside their homes to sit and talk. The women doted on Nerine, of course; Eric discussed everything from the weather to business with the men, and Carlotta caught up on the latest gossip from their wives. Ariel was happy to listen to everyone; she always coming home with something new that she had learned. Grim was content to sit quietly and listen to the others; although he would not hesitate to offer some words of wisdom whenever it was appropriate.

To Ariel's dismay, the talk of pirates would often disturb the happy conversations. Many of the sailors had seen them,..or thought they had seen them, just on the horizon. Eric would listen, with a serious face, and take in every word.

No matter how hard she tried, the girl couldn't shake off her feeling of dread, at the mention of those sea-going robbers. She would try to change the subject: "Eric and me are taking Nerine to America next year! Aren't we, Sweetheart?"

Eric nodded. "We thought we'd visit some of the east coast cities. Spend about a month there. Nerine should be big enough for the trip, by then."

"I'm really excited about it!", said Ariel with a grin. "I've seen pictures of those places before,.. but to actually be there will be so wonderful! And Nerine will get to see all those pretty little towns, and the country-side all around!"

"Once the pirate threat is eliminated,...we should have smooth sailing", declared Eric.

Ariel's smile died on her lips. Those pirates again. She was starting to cringe at the word. Another week,..and it would be over. Eric would be out of danger. If she could take it that long.



Four days later, Eric and Ariel were sitting in one of the parlors: the balcony was opened to let in the fresh air. The scent of grass and the rustle of the trees were a delightful addition to the room. Eric was sitting on the sofa, with Ariel snuggled up next to him. He was showing her one of his books: this one had pictures of France and Italy in it. Nerine was on the rug: playing with Max's ears. The dog didn't even seem to notice the child was there.

"You think maybe we could visit these places someday?", asked the girl.

Eric smiled. "Sure. As soon as Nerine gets a little older. Or we might leave her here with Carlotta. It's a long voyage to Europe."

Ariel looked down at the little girl. "I'd like to see those pretty churches, and those little villages,...but I don't want to leave her behind. We'll wait til she's bigger."

A guard suddenly entered the parlor and bowed to the Prince. "Your pardon, Sire! But the Constellation has been sighted heading this way."

Eric nodded. "Captain Truxtun is early. He must have changed his plans."

At the first mention of the Constellation, Ariel tensed. Eric noticed the change in her, at once, and squeezed her hand with reassurance.

Eric ushered the captain into the parlor. This time, Ariel hadn't gone out to meet him. Now, the girl looked at Truxtun with a frown. He was the one who was trying to drag Eric into this danger. Why wouldn't he leave her man alone!

The captain took off his hat and bowed to the girl; then he sat down in a chair, across from the young couple. "The reason I'm here early is because we've learned some new information that may bring Black George to justice sooner than we could have hoped for. As I told you earlier; we feared that a traitor was in our ranks. I suspected one man, in particular, and I was proven right, just a few days ago. One of our scouts spotted Black George's ship enter the harbor at Leeward Island, and let off a rowboat. Sure enough, the man, that I suspected, was on that boat; my scout positively identified him!"

Eric smiled. "That's great!"

Ariel looked at the captain, with apprehension. "So,..what does that mean? For Eric?"

Truxtun looked at the girl. "Well; we now know who the traitor is. My scout managed to discover the time Black George is going to pick him up again. My ship will be there to trap him inside the harbor."

Ariel grinned and squeezed Eric's hand. "So you won't need Eric! That's wonderful!"

The captain hesitated. "We,... will need the Prince's help."

Ariel's smile died.

"The plan is this", continued Truxtun, "Next Saturday, at noon, the pirate ship is scheduled to pick up the informant." The man pulled a map out of his tunic, and spread it out on the coffee table. Eric leaned forward with eagerness, but Ariel stared at it, with dread.

The captain pointed at the map, " Black George will probably anchor here. The Constellation will move into the main channel to block off the harbor. Eric; it will be your job to cut off his ecape route here,.." Truxtun pointed to a narrow strait running along one side of the harbor. "He'll see my ship and head in your direction. Turn broadside to him and fire off a round with your cannons. He might get off one round back, but the Constellation be in range before he can do any damage to you."

Ariel throat tightened. "He's,..gonna get fired on?"

Truxtun smiled. "Don't worry, Ariel. It'll be from extreme range. Eric's ship might not even get hit."

"That's,...easy for you to say,..", whispered Ariel; she got up and ran out of the room.

Nerine stood up and stumbled after her, "Mommie? What's wrong, Mommie?,.."

Truxtun looked at Eric, with confusion. "I,..I don't understand."

Eric nodded. "She's just worried about me. She'll be all right."

That night, Ariel lay silently next to Eric, as he blew out the lamp. She hadn't said hardly a word all evening. The boy knew what was bothering her; but he didn't know what else to tell her.

The girl snuggled up against him and put her arm across his stomach. It took her a long time to get to sleep.

Ariel went out early, the next morning. Eric was too busy readying his ship, to ask her where she had been. That evening, she seemed in a better mood, as they ate supper. Eric was glad that she was finally getting over her worry.

Right after they had eaten, Grimbsy came into the room and looked at the Prince. "A young man is here to see you; Eric."

Ariel grinned and took Eric's hand. "Come on! Let's see who it is!"

Eric was shocked when he saw his old friend, Shawn, standing in the entrance hall: his clothes were filthy from hard riding.

When Shawn saw the Prince, he rushed up to him. "I came as quickly as I could, Eric! What do you need me to do?"

Eric looked at his friend, with confusion. "But,..I didn't send for you; Shawn!"

Ariel ran up and took Eric's arm. "Don't you see; Sweetheart! Shawn is here to help you! He knows how to fight pirates better than anyone in the kingdom!"

Understanding washed over Eric's face. He looked down at the girl, with a smirk. "You sent for Shawn."

Ariel blushed and nodded. "Please; Darling! Let him go for you! He was your best fighter; wasn't he? He can help Captain Truxtun!"

Eric looked back at his old friend. "I'm sorry you had to come all this way for nothing; Shawn. Come into the kitchen and I'll have Carlotta fix you something to eat. You can rest here, tonight."

Ariel looked at Eric with frustration. "Why can't you let him go? Why do you have to go?! Ohhh!" Ariel huffed away.

Eric looked at Shawn and shrugged. "She's,...worried about me."

On friday morning, Eric went down to the dock to assure everything was in readiness. Ariel wasted no time in finding Carlotta. The girl shoved a thermometer into the woman's hand. "Here! Put some water on the fire and heat this up real good!" Before the housekeeper could speak, Ariel was scampering to the bathroom to find a washcloth. She came running back into the kitchen and grabbed Carlotta again. "Did you get it hot?"

"Yes, Dear,.. Here it is; don't burn your little hand. But why on Earth,.."

"Listen now", interupted the girl, "here's what I want you to do,.."

Eric was checking the gunpowder, in the ship's hold, when Carlotta called up to him from the dock, "Eric! Eric! Come quick! It's Ariel!"

The boy ran down the gangplank; to the woman. "What is it, Carlotta?! Is Ariel all right?!"

The elderly housekeeper took his hands. "She's sick! The poor little thing! Go up and see for yourself! She's in the bed!"

Eric raced to the palace and up the stairs to their bedroom. Ariel was lying in bed, in her nightgown. She had a wet rag on her forehead and a thermometer in her mouth.

"Sweetheart; what's wrong?", he blurted.

Ariel coughed past her thermometer. "I'm thick", she whimpered.

Eric felt of her forehead. "You don't feel hot,.."

"Theck my themperature", she mumbled, weakly.

"Hmm,..130 degrees", noted the Prince. He looked down at the girl; trying not to crack a smile. "That's not good."

"I feel really awful", moaned Ariel.

Eric looked down at her and nodded. "You look awful! Sickly complexion,... Eyes sunk in,..."

Ariel gave him a quick angry glance.

"And it hit you all at once, too,..", continued the boy.

"Please stay with me; Eric,... Til I'm better," she whispered. Then she coughed again.

Eric sat down on the bed and sighed. "I guess there's only one thing for me to do,...Tickle You! The boy went for the girl's ribs and she broke out in hysterical giggles.

"There!", grinned the boy, "You're feeling better already!"

Ariel pouted at him. "Meanie,.."

Eric kissed her cheek. "Nice try, but you look too beautiful to be sick." The boy smiled, lovingly. "I've got to get back to the ship and check on something. I'll be back in a little while."

Ariel watched him leave, with frustration. She knew, now, what she had to do. She had no other choice. The girl got dressed and went to find Carlotta. The woman was downstairs.

"Did it work, Dear?"

Ariel shook her head. "Please watch Nerine tomorrow. Me and Eric are going on a little trip and won't be back til tomorrow night."

Carlotta nodded. "Of course, Dear!"

Ariel put her hand on the woman's shoulder. "And please don't mention this trip to Eric either. It's gonna be a,...surprise."

The woman nodded.

That night, Ariel came to the boy; wearing a black silk nightgown. "I've put Nerine to bed", she said, softly. The girl took his hand and led him to their bedroom.

Later that night, Ariel awoke in a panic. Eric took the trembling girl in his arms; her back was wet with sweat. "It's okay! It's okay! You just had a bad dream."

She looked at him, with eyes wide with fear. "It, was terrible! The pirates got you! And Captain Truxtun came to see me,...and he said,...he said you were dead!"

Eric stroked the girl's hair. "It was just a dream. I'm here with you."

"Eric; please don't go on that ship, tomorrow!"

"It's my duty, Sweetheart. What would the villagers think,..what would the captain think, if I refused my responsibilty?"

Ariel hugged him desperately. "I don't care what they think! Something bad's gonna happen to you! I,..I can feel it!"

"It's just worry", soothed the boy. "By tomorrow evening, it will all be over, and we can live in peace: no longer in fear of the pirates." Eric kissed her lips. "Get some sleep, now."

Ariel snuggled up against him, and closed her eyes.

"That's my girl." Eric kissed her forehead, and fell back to sleep.

Early next morning, Eric awoke to find himself alone in the bed. He walked over to the bathroom and found it locked. "Darling? Are you in there?" The boy heard no reply. "Please don't be angry", urged Eric. "I'll be very careful. I promise." The girl didn't answer. "I'll be back, tonight,... I love you." Eric got dressed and went downstairs. Ariel would feel better soon. The boy hated having to worry her like this, but he had no other choice.

Before leaving the palace, the Prince stopped to talk to Grimbsy, who was waiting at the door. "When Ariel comes downstairs, keep an eye on her; would you, Grim?"

The elderly man nodded. "I have a bit of advice for you, Eric. When the cannonballs start flying on your side of the battle, try not to be under them when they land."

Eric gasped. "Who told you?"

Grim smiled. "I may be getting on in years, but I'm not blind, yet. The recent interest in pirates, combined with the readying of your only battle-worthy vessel, adds up to approaching conflict."

Eric smiled and patted his shoulder. "I never could hide anything from you. I'll try not to get killed."

"I will hold you to that," answered Grimbsy.

The Prince ran up the gangplank and shouted at the sailors, "Let's get underway! We've a long trip ahead of us and our kingdom to defend!"

"Aye! Aye! Captain!", shouted the men.

No one noticed when a barrel, sitting on the deck, raised it's lid. Ariel peeked out to watch her husband directing the ship's crewmen. She had snuck on board early that morning, and hid in an empty water barrel. Her heart ached with fear of the approaching battle; not for herself, but for Eric. At least, now, she would be with him when, the cannons started to roar. She felt that, if she was there, she could somehow prevent her nightmare from coming true.

Eric grinned, as the sails billowed out, and the ship jumped through the water. It was going to be a friendly sea, that day! Leeward Island was three hours away, at this clip; he might even get there before the Constellation!

Captain Truxtun looked at his chief enginner, with frustration. The Constellation should have started off an hour ago! Instead; it floated; crippled; due to a snapped steering cable on the rudder. "How long before you can replace it?", asked the captain.

The engineer wiped the sweat from his brow, as he and his men worked on the rudder mechanism. "At least an hour; Captain! We're just now gettin' the old rope out!"

"Time is critical! If Prince Eric is alone when Black George spots him, he'll be blown out of the water!!"

Across the span of water from Captain Truxtun and the Constellation, Eric's ship was approaching the Leeward Island. It was really split into two pieces: the main island, and a small , narrow spur less than a mile offshore. This was the escape route that Captain Truxtun feared that the pirate ship might decide to take. Any ship in the main section of the harbor would have to either go around it, or navigate into the channel; costing time enough for the escaping ship to gain a considerable head-start.

With the wind in her sails, Eric's ship entered the channel a good hour before noon. The Prince had a look-out sent aloft to check for the pirate ship's location.

Ariel watched all the activity, from her barrel, with a mixture of curiousity and concern. Any other time, this would have been treated as a new "adventure", and recieved delighted wonder,...but not now. The girl knew that every crewman on board would soon be in deadly peril, and that this was no innocent game. Her heart ached for her husband, but she knew the knowledge of her presence would only hamper his decision-making.

"Pirate ship spotted, Sire!", called the look-out. "She's anchored a quarter-mile away!"

"Drop anchor!", shouted Eric. "Run out the guns!"

Ariel heard a frightening rumble, as the ship's cannons were rolled into postion. She watched, as young deck-hands carried sacks of gunpowder to where the gun-crews waited to load their weapons.

"How about the Constellation?!", shouted the Prince up to the look-out.

"No sign of her, Sire!"

Eric looked back at his anxious crew. "We'll wait here until the Constellation arrives."

Black George gritted his teeth, as he put a hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun, and stared out over the water. "Well?! What is it, you scurvy dog?!"

The look-out called back, "Maybe a sloop,...too small to be a frigate! She's flying a red flag with an E on it."

Black George stared up at the man. "Tha' sun's baked yer brains!"

"Nar, Captain! It's an E, I tell you!"

Black George stroked his whiskers. "That's Prince Eric's ship! What in tha' blazes is he doin' here?" The pirate shouted at one of his "officers", who ran over to him. "Hear this now! As soon as that traitor comes on board, we make for that ship! I'll have me that splinter out of my side by tha' day's end! Man yer battle stations!"

Forty minutes passed, and, across the bay, the look-out called out, "Pirate ship is raising anchor, Sire!"

Eric stared out at the harbor, and shouted, "Set sail! We're gonna stop her! Battle stations!"

The crewmen rushed to their postions: Ariel watched, as sailors wetted-down the deck for the coming battle; topmen climbed the masts to unfurl the sails; while others raised the anchor. With majestic power, the sails billowed out and ship surged forward into the harbor.

"Pirate ship has spotted us, Sire!", shouted the look-out. "She's coming around!"

"Watch her, now!", answered Eric. The Prince ran over to the helmsman, "When we get within range, I want you to cut across her bow; we'll rake her as she passes!"

"Aye, aye; Captain!', returned the man; gripping the wheel tightly.

Eric looked out across the harbor. "We'll run by her and let her chase us right into the Constellation!"

Ariel tried to hear her husband, through all the noise and shouting on the ship; something was happening! Her stomach tensed with her nervousness.

Black George grinned, as he saw Eric's ship making straight for him. "Thinks he's gonna slip by me, does he?! Helmsman! Hard to port!" The pirate ship began to turn broadside.

Eric saw the pirate ship swinging away from him and shouted to the crew, "Hard to starboard! We don't want him on our stern!" The wind was with the Prince, and he got into firing range before Black George had started his loop back to him

"Fire!", cried Eric. The cannons boomed; making Ariel cringe with fright and plug her ears with her fingers. The pirate ship got slammed broadside, but she was in position to answer with her starboard-side guns.

"Fire!", shouted Black George. Ariel cried out, as explosions rocked Eric's ship; the pirates poured a murderous fire into her hull, as they passed. Smoke covered the deck, and made the girl cough and gasp for breath.

Eric looked around at his crew: a couple had been wounded, but he knew that it could get much worse. "Lay on the sails!", cried the Prince, as he saw the pirate ship come around. Black George let loose another round from his fore-guns; smashing into Eric's stern.

Ariel cried out in fear, as she felt the ship tremble from the pounding. There was a frenzy of activity all around her: smoke and shouting and confusion. Eric was looking back over the stern, at the pursuing pirate ship.

His first-mate ran back to him, "So far, damage isn't too bad; Captain. The mizzen is splintered, but we got a stay around it."

Eric stared, grimly, at Black George's ship.

The First-mate nodded. "We can't outrun him. He's got too much canvas."

Eric gritted his teeth. "Where's the Constellation?! If we don't get some help soon, our only choice will be to fight man-to-man!"

"That's what Black George wants", answered the First mate.

The pirate ship leaped forward; Black George glared at the approaching enemy ship with devious planning. "Helmsman. Bring us along-side her. Let's soften 'em up a little."

Eric saw the pirates coming broadside to them and ran forward. "Prepare starboard guns! She's coming around!" His shouts were drowned out by explosions; as Black George raked them down the side. Ariel screamed in terror, but no one could hear the girl amidst the returning cannon's fire. They traded blows: Eric's six guns were answered by the pirates' ten. Soon, the deck was covered with fires and splintered wood.

Black George spoke quietly to his men. "She's struck. Prepare to board her." The man glared at them. "And Prince Eric is took alive. Understand? Any scum who sticks him will get worse from me!"

The pirate ship swung over; as pirates jumped from the masts with ropes and guns. The fighting was terrible, but Eric's men were no match for the bloodthirsty pirates. Eric was tied-up and brought in front of Black George. "You've been a worrisome little brat", growled the pirate.

Eric said nothing. His clothes were torn and burnt from gunpowder; his face was smeared with soot, but he held his head up, proudly.

"Put em in tha' lock-up", ordered Black George.

"What about his men?", snarled the pirates.

"No playing with em yet", answered Black George. "Put em in their ship's hold. We're close to a harbor; we might have to cut-and-run."

Black George went to his cabin and found the traitor sitting in a chair; reading a paper. "We've got em, " said the pirate.

"Is he unharmed?", asked the man, quietly.

"Not a scratch on the dear little boy", answered Black George.

The traitor continued to read his paper, "Then your part of the deal will be fulfilled as soon as he is turned over to me."

"He's in tha' lock-up", added the pirate.

The traitor nodded. "I'll be out in a moment."

Black George went back on deck, to find his men in an up-roar. "What's all this?!" growled the man, as he strode forward. His crew parted for him until he reached the cause. It was a,...female!

"We found 'er in one of tha' barrels, Captain!", laughed a pirate. "Better'an salt pork, ain't she?!"

"Any scum touch her?!", growled Black George.

The pirates shook their heads. "Naw! We knew you'd have our hides!"

Black George stared at the girl and grinned. "My! My! Ain't you tha' pretty one!"

Ariel looked back at the man, proudly. "I want to see my husband."

The pirate laughed. "Not so fast now! You haven't had a chance to meet me, yet! Name's George Black!"

"I want to see Eric", answered Ariel. Her voice was beginning to crack; she was afraid she would start crying any second.

Black George's eyes went wide. "Well! Well! This must be tha' Princess! Right this minute; your husband is kinda busy down below,.." The other pirates laughed. ",..but don't worry. I'll keep yah company til he gets back!" The pirate started for the girl.

Ariel ducked away and grabbed at the pistol she had kept her eyes on. The other pirates backed away as she brought it up to Black George. "Now, Missy,..Let's not get all upset about this,.." The pirate leaped forward with his arms spread; Ariel ducked right under him and ran out of the crowd.

Black George hollered at the laughing crewmen, "Get her, lads!"

Ariel jumped into the hatch-way and flew down the stairs; with the laughing pirates right behind her. Ariel looked desperately, left and right. She was in the crews' berths. She ran down the ship, with the following pirates hooting and laughing. She found some more stairs and started down them; she tripped on her dress and fell onto the deck. Ariel picked herself and ran through the mess-room. Where was Eric?! She could hear the pirates shouting with glee: they were making a game of it, as they drove her deeper into the ship. Down another flight of steps, and, at the first door she opened she saw Eric! He was behind bars and looking right at her!

"Eric!", she sobbed.

The boy stared at her, with amazement. "Ariel! What in, did you get here?!"

Ariel could hear the pirates approaching. She wiped the tears from her eyes. "No,..time to explain. How do I get you out?"

"Over there! The keys!", answered the Prince.

Ariel grabbed them and threw them over to Eric. "Gotta go!", she said, as she blew him a kiss. "I love you!"

Before Eric could say a word, Ariel was out the door and shutting it behind her. The pirates saw her, and hooted with pleasure. Ariel stuck out her tongue at them "Nah! Nah! You fat ugly pirates can't catch me!' She took off down the ship, with the laughing men at her heels.

The girl reached the last door and went inside; water splashed on her legs: she was in the storage room at the bottom of the ship. The girl scampered around the barrels and boxes; just as the pirates came in after her.

"We got ya now, girlie!", laughed one of the pirates. "Got no where else to run!"

Ariel looked around; desperately. The pistol was still gripped in her hand, but she had no idea how to use it. Suddenly, she spotted some empty barrels tied up on a shelf overhead. She started crawling to them.

The pirates fanned out and drove towards her; Ariel hid behind a box, as one of the pirates passed close enough for her to hear his breath. Ariel ran out and heard the pirates shout with excitement. The girl grabbed the (What did Scuttle call it?) tarfinpooper. She knew that, if you pulled the end of one of these things, stuff like dorfburbles (or barrels) came out. Too late, the pirates saw what she was doing. Right at her feet, they looked up, as she yanked on the rope and the empty barrels came crashing down on them; knocking them back. Ariel ran to the door and bolted it behind her. The pirates were locked up! Now; to find Eric!



Eric fumbled with the keys; trying to find the right one to unlock his cell door. Time was desperately short! Ariel was on board! How, on Earth, could she have gotten on board a pirate ship?! The lock clicked, and the Prince scrambled out of the cage and out into the corridor. He listened, but didn't hear the girl, or the pirates. Shouting her name would only alert the cut-throats to his location: he had to search the ship for his wife.

Ariel made her way up to the top deck, and looked around: smoke still obscured her vision, and she didn't see Eric.

A man laughed behind her, "Ha! Ha! Welcome back; Missy! Just couldn't stay away from me; could you?"

Ariel turned to see Black George grinning at her. She raised the pistol with shaking hands. "You,...stay away from me! I'll,..shoot!"

The pirate laughed. "Now,...little girl! You ain't strong enough to even pull tha' hammer back! Come here to Black George!" The pirate lunged forward and grabbed at her skirt.

Ariel clutched the pistol with both hands, and brought it down, with all her might, onto the pirate's head.

"You,...weren't supposed, do that!", mumbled Black George, before he collapsed onto the deck: knocked-out.

Ariel dropped the pistol, with trembling hands. It was over. Now; to find her love,..

Suddenly; she was grabbed from behind. Vice-like hands pinned her arms behind her back. Ariel looked up to see the man holding her:

"Morgan!", she choked. All the horrors of Helena's palace came back to haunt her; the girl's legs grew weak.

"Your continuing interference in my affairs is starting to become quite irritating; Princess."

Ariel whimpered in pain, as Morgan twisted her arm. She kicked her foot in his shin, but the man didn't move a muscle.

"Do that again, Princess, and I'll break your little neck."

Ariel shuddered and went loose with helplessness, in his arms.

"Morgan! Let her go!" Hope leaped in Ariel's heart: it was Eric!

Morgan threw the girl away like a sack, as he drew his sword. "My patience has been sorely tried; waiting to meet you again; Prince.

Eric snarled, "I see you didn't learn anything from our last encounter."

The man crept closer towards the boy; his movements as deft as a cat's. "But I did learn! That blade through my arm taught me much. I've been practicing constantly, since that embarassing incident. Now; I shall even the score!

Ariel looked up at them and trembled with fear. She had to help Eric!

"I should have known you would turn out to be the traitor", sneered the boy. "I'd hoped we had driven you from the Carribbean, years ago, but I see you managed to creep back."

"I couldn't stay away", answered Morgan, with a smile. Not when you were here,..."

Eric walked around some barrels, and into a clear spot on the deck; his eyes never left Morgan, as he studied the man's movements.

Morgan got within a few yards of the Prince and suddenly lunged at the boy: Even knowing it was coming; Eric still got grazed on the arm by his sword. The man was quick as a fox!

The boy's own sword swung around, but Morgan was already out of range.

Ariel stumbled to her feet and started searching the deck. Where was that pistol?!

"I'm not going to kill you right away; Prince. I think a pass through your gut will be more appropriate,.."

The man's sword flashed out at the boy; Eric ducked just in time to prevent losing part of his scalp. Eric countered with a swing for Morgan's ribs: the man was there and gone before Eric could find his target.

Every time their swords whistled through the air, the girl cringed; fearing that Eric would get hit. Fear and smoke confused the girl; she wandered desperately; looking for the gun.

Eric could barely keep up with the man, as he lunged at the Prince again and again. Every time Eric got cut, Ariel cried out; as if she was feeling his pain.

"I'm going to cut you up slowly; Prince", announced Morgan, with a sure, quiet authority. His blade flashed with lightening speed, and glanced off Eric's sword, with sparks.

Eric gritted his teeth, and tried to manuever behind some barrels: the man was deadly, in the open; the boy had to find some weakness to exploit!

Ariel gasped with relief; she had found the pistol! She picked it up, and, using both her thumbs, managed to pull the hammer back. The girl aimed it at Morgan,..but was afraid of hitting Eric!

The boy was panting from exertion; his arms grew heavy from countering the never-ending blows from Morgan. The man cut him across his arm, and he winced with pain.

Ariel cried out for her husband, and moved around them, to get a clear shot. She aimed the pistol; closed her eyes, and yanked the trigger. The blast knocked the girl backwards onto the deck.

Morgan managed a smile back at her. "Your marksmanship is quite poor; Princess", he chuckled. "Now; watch as I kill your husband,.."

Eric stumbled and barely held-off an eager thrust from Morgan. Ariel couldn't move; she was frozen with horror.

"Drop yer sword; Morgan!", growled a voice.

The man turned to see Black George aiming his pistol at him; he was still rubbing the bump on his head.

"Are you mad?", hissed Morgan.

The pirate snarled at him, "Drop that sword; or I'll put a shot o' lead between yer eyes."

Morgan's sword clattered to the deck. Ariel and Eric looked at George, with amazement.

"Okay; Missy. Where be me crew?', growled the pirate.

Ariel tried to find her voice, "I,..I locked them up in the bottom of the ship."

Black George managed a reluctant smile. "I've never had a lady get tha' best of me,...til now."

Morgan glared at him, "The Prince is mine! That was the deal!"

"Tha' deal is over!", shot back the pirate. "I'm not hurting this little girl cause o' the likes of you."

Morgan smiled; sarcastically. "The terrible George Black! Gonna have a tea party with them? What will your crew think of you after this? "

"Look over tha' starboard side", answered the pirate. Morgan turned, to see sails on the horizon.

"No time for a tea party", George said, with a smile. "The Connie will break it up." The pirate looked at the Prince, "Eric! Go below and let loose my crew!"

The boy hesitated. "Go ahead; Sweetheart", said the girl. "I, him." The Prince nodded to the girl and ran below deck.

Black George looked over at the girl. "Why don't you come over here, where it's safer; Missy?"

Ariel smiled at the pirate. "I don't trust you that much."

Black George laughed. "Just one little kiss?"

"Sorry,.. I'm married", answered the girl; smiling.

The pirate nodded. "As am I, this ship."

Morgan looked at the pirate, like a trapped animal, but George kept the pistol aimed at his head. "I won't forget this", he snarled.

"I have enough folks wantin' my hide, to be worried about you", answered the pirate.

They heard a commotion, as the other pirates swarmed up on deck. "What's the deal; Captain?", asked his men.

"Make sail! We're leaving!"

The pirates stared at each other, with amazement. "But,..Captain! We haven't even sacked tha' ship!"

"Do as I say!", barked Black George. "Tha' Connie's about to shoot off your tail!"

The pirates yelled, with alarm, as they spotted the approaching sails. They rushed to get the ship under-way.

Ariel was bandaging Eric's wounds, as the Captain looked at them. "You two get on board yer ship. I,...don't take captives." The pirate glared at Morgan. "That goes for you, too!"

Black George handed his pistol to Eric. "Watch that snake with both yer eyes. He's quick as a fox."

Eric nodded to the pirate. "You know the Constellation is gonna stop you."

The pirate smiled. "She's gotta catch me, first."

The pirate ship cut loose from Eric's striken ship; just as they heard the Constellation fire a warning shot.

Captain Truxtun and Daniel were the first men on board; they rushed up to the girl; with amazement. "Princess! What are you doing here?", gasped Truxtum," Where's Eric?"

"He went down in the ship to let his men out.", answered the girl. "I,...snuck on board."

The Captain sighed. "Eric is a brave lad. But he shoudn't have tried to take-on Black George, alone."

Eric and his crew came back on deck; the Captain ordered that Eric's crew be taken aboard the Constellation. His injured men were carried over, to be treated.

The Prince returned to the Captain. "Looks like I made a mess of things. Black George has the jump on you, now."

"I'm sorry for the delay; Eric. I got here as soon as I could. Not soon enough; by the looks of it."

"Eric nodded. "I'm afraid I was out-gunned and out-classed."

Ariel hugged her husband. "That's not true! You were so brave! You should have seen him; Captain! He did everything he could!"

Eric smiled down at the girl, and returned her hug.

Truxtun nodded. "I'm sure he did. Well,..if we're going to catch Black George; we'd better get under-way."

Eric looked towards the hatch, "We've got one prisoner in the lock-up; Captain. The traitor."

Truxton gasped. "Morgan?! I'll have him brought up, right away!"

After Eric's ship had been abandoned, the Constellation went after the pirate ship. Ariel stayed by Eric's side; and made sure his bandages stayed clean. Her eyes shone with love; remembering how he defended her from Morgan.

The Prince wanted to explore the ship; Daniel offered to show him around; but Ariel would not have it. She kept the boy in the Captain's cabin; to rest up after his duel. "There'll be plenty of time to look at all the sails and stuff", said Ariel, with a smile.

The girl wanted to fix him a bite to eat; Daniel showed her to the officer's mess.

"So; tell me, Princess,..what do you think of being on a ship?", asked the Lieutenant.

"It's, when you're just sailing around", started the girl, "It's,...horrible when the ships start fighting."

Daniel nodded. "Battle is horrible, wherever it takes place."

"Why,..why do you stay here; then? Why go through such a,...terrible thing?"

Daniel sighed. "I'm protecting my country, in this way. I'm protecting my people."

Ariel nodded. "That's what Eric says. I,..guess I understand it. But that doesn't make it any easier. I just wish people wouldn't fight at all."

Daniel smiled. "The world would be a much better place, if they followed your example; Princess."

Daniel picked out rations for the Prince, and they returned to the cabin. Ariel gave Eric the plate. "Here; Sweetheart! Eat something; you'll feel better."

Eric took the plate and kissed the girl. "Thank you; Darling." Eric sat down at the table; with Ariel joining him.

Daniel started for the door, "I'd better get back on duty. I'll see you later!" Daniel tipped his hat to Ariel, and went out.

After Eric had eaten, he took the girl out to look at the ship. The sails were very pretty to the girl, but she couldn't help but remember that this ship was built only for battle. Captain Truxtun noticed the couple, and walked over to join them.

"We've spotted the pirate ship. It looks like some of her rigging was damaged during that skirmish with you; Eric. We'll come-up on her, shortly.

Ariel trembled, and Eric hugged her close.

The captain smiled down at the girl. "I'm sorry to have to put you through this, again, but I hope to make it a short engagement. You'd better head back to my cabin. No place is really safe, during a battle, but you might feel better inside.

Eric nodded. "I'll take her back."

Truxtun smiled at the Prince, "Where do you want to be, when we catch her; Eric? You'll get a better view, forward."

Eric took Ariel's hand. "Not this time; Captain. I'm staying with my wife." Ariel smiled back at him, with love. The Prince took her back to the cabin, and they waited for the battle.

When the firing started again, Eric was there to hold the frightened girl. It was over, sooner than she could have hoped for. They heard a loud explosion,....and then silence.

The couple went outside, and Ariel gasped. Black George's ship was ablaze, and sinking fast. The Constellation was heading along side her; looking for survivors. Ariel hid her face in her hands.

Truxtun and Daniel came over to them. "A lucky shot", announced Truxtun. "We must have set off her powder magazine!"

Daniel looked at the girl; with concern. "Princess,... What's wrong?"

Ariel looked up; with tears in her eyes. All those men,... and poor Black George."

Eric explained to the men, "It was,..Black George who saved us from Morgan. I,..can't say I'm happy to see him go that way."

Truxtun nodded his head. "A pirate's life is a brutal and short one. It's never a pretty ending." The Captain shouted to his crew, "Prepare to make sail!"

"Captain!", called one of his men, "We've got a survivor!"

It was Black George! The brought him forward; wet as a water-rat. The pirate glared at the Captain. "Ya sank my ship; ya no-good skunk! How' m' I supposed to make a livin' now!?"

"You're not", answered Truxtun. "Your next job will be to fill a hangman's noose."

Ariel gasped, "No! Please don't kill him! He,..he's not totally bad,..."

Black George smiled. "Listen to the little lady! I'm just a poor lad, took the wrong road! Gimme another chance!"

Truxtun smirked back at the pirate. "I don't believe that for a second. But, for the sake of the Ariel and Eric, I'll put in a good word for you, at your trial."

The pirate grinned and tipped his hat at Ariel. "I'll be thankin' ya; little lady!"

They took him away, and the Captain turned back to Eric. "I'll also talk to the Commander about getting you a new ship. After what you've done for us; I think you derserve it."

"Thank you; Captain.".

Truxtun looked down at the girl and smiled. "Well; Ariel. The fighting is over! It's time to get you and Eric back home!"

Ariel grinned and squeezed Eric's hand.

A week later, Eric stood outside the palace on a bright summer morning. He heard a giggle, and turned to see Ariel running out of the palace. She was wearing the new dress that she and Carlotta had picked out, the day before. The girl ran to his open arms and kissed him hard. "Do you like my new dress? I picked it out special, just for you!"

Eric hugged the girl, with love. "Everything looks beautiful on you!"

Ariel giggled. "Silly! You always say that!"

The boy laughed, and kissed her. "Are you ready for the picnic?"

The girl nodded, eagerly. "Just waiting for Grim. He's getting into his new suit!"

The boy looked back, to see Grimbsy and Carlotta coming out the front door; with Max following behind. Nerine was in the housekeeper's arms.

Ariel grinned at her husband. "Doesn't Nerine look sweet?!"

Grimbsy was talking to Carlotta: "Please enlighten me; Madam: Why must one wear formal attire to a picnic?"

Carlotta huffed, "Well; what else are you going to wear? Your pajamas?"

Eric laughed, as he helped Ariel into the carriage. The Prince took Nerine and handed her up to the girl; as Carlotta and Grim got in.

Ariel smiled at the housekeeper. "Me and Eric found the prettiest spot! It's got lot's of flowers and green grass and it looks right out over the ocean!"

Eric lifted Max into the back of the carriage; then he got in, beside his wife and daughter, and took the reigns. With an easy, unhurried pace, they started off towards the sunrise.



Ariel looked out over the beautiful flowers, and smiled; as she sniffed their sweet fragrance. Nerine looked up at her mother, and then imitated her. "The flowers smell pretty; Mommie!", she said.

Ariel smiled at the child and nodded. "Look how tall they've grown since spring-time! They must be happy in our garden!"

Nerine grinned and nodded.

"Ariel!", called a male voice.

The girl turned towards the palace and called back, "Over here, Sweetheart!"

Eric walked up behind her his wife, and hugged her, as he kissed the girl's cheek. "Here you are!"

Nerine hugged his leg, "Daddy! Look at the pretty flowers!"

Eric smiled and cupped her head; "Yes, Sweetie! You and Mommie have grown them pretty!"

Ariel bent down and reached for some vines, "Look at these, Eric! My strawberries are almost big enough to pick!" The girl pulled him over to another section, "And my tomatoes are getting ripe too!"

Eric scratched his head and chuckled. "You've done a lot better than me! All I've ever managed to grow was weeds!"

The girl grinned back, "I used to grow seaflowers back in Atlantica; Daddy always said I could grow the prettiest flowers in the kingdom!"

Eric hugged her; with a sly smile on his face. "So,...tell me. What's your secret?"

Ariel answered, with a mischievous smile, "Oh,'s just a woman thing,..."

Nerine came running back to them, with a flower in her hand. Ariel grinned down at her daughter. "Plus; Nerine knows how to sprinkle the seeds just right!"

The little girl smiled, and nodded vigerously.

"Grim saw a notice in the village you might be interested in", offered the boy.

Ariel turned around and grinned up at him. "What?!"

"They're having the San Juan horseraces, next month. I was thinking you might like to see them."

Ariel's eyes lit up. "Oh yes! Could we go?"

Eric grinned. "I don't see why not. Nothing important is going on; maybe we can take the whole household."

Ariel hugged her husband and kissed him. "That sounds wonderful!" She bent down and picked up Nerine. "Would you like to see the horse'es, Sweetheart?"

Nerine grinned, "Yeah!"

Ariel had to tell Carlotta and Grimbsy about it: at once! Carlotta wasn't so excited with the news of the races as she was with the shopping potential in San Juan. "You watch the horses; Dear,..this lady is going to be visiting the market-stalls!"

Grim seemed rather constrained about the whole affair. "A trip to watch some four-legged beasts running in a circle is all good and well; but I can imagine many ways that my time could be better spent."

Ariel took his arm and smirked up at the man, "Oh; Come on, Grim! We'll have lot's of fun!"

Grimbsy sighed. "Very well. Perhaps I can win some money for Carlotta so that she doesn't return home penniless.

Ariel grinned. "That's my Grim!"

The man smiled down at her. "You know; Princess,...There's no reason why you couldn't compete in those races, as well."

The girl stared at him, with puzzlement. "Me?"

"Certainly. I would imagine that you would enjoy it much more, if you were participating in the action, rather than merely watching it."

"I,..hadn't thought of that,.. You really think I could?"

Grim smiled. "There's only one way to find out; and that is to try. I know that competition is not in you; so I'm sure that you would enjoy it; no matter where you finished."

Carlotta laughed. "Now Grim! Ariel doesn't want to get in a dirty, old horserace! What would people think, with a Princess riding around with a bunch of silly boys?"

Ariel smiled. "I don't know. It might be fun! But,...but I won't do it unless Eric joins me!"

Carlotta gasped. "A Prince and a Princess in a horse race together?! What,...what will the neighbors think?!"

Ariel giggled and kissed Grim, "Thanks for the wonderful idea! I'll go tell Eric about it, right now!"

Carlotta shook her finger at Grimbsy. "Grim! I'm ashamed of you for suggesting such a thing! That poor girl doesn't know anything about horseracing!"

Grim nodded. "Not yet. Give her another week."

When Eric heard about the idea; he shook his head. "It's too dangerous, Sweetheart. If you fell off, you could really get hurt!"

Ariel nodded. "I just won't fall off."

"Horseracing,... isn't for girls. It's not nice! The other riders will do everything they can to win. You'll get hurt, if you get in their way!"

Ariel nodded. "I won't get in their way. I'll let them go by me. Besides,.. you'll be there to protect me!"

"Wouldn't you rather just watch the horses?"

Ariel looked up at him, with her sad blue eyes.

Eric groaned, "Don't,...look at me that way. You know I can't resist you,..."

Ariel gave a him a hopeful smile.

The boy nodded and sighed. "Okay,...okay. we'll enter the race. But I make no promises that we'll get to the finals!"

Ariel squealed with delight and hugged him. "Thank you, Sweetheart!"

Eric took the girl out to the royal stables. He started looking the horses over.

Ariel went to her pony and stroked his nose. " Why can't I just ride Stormy?"

"I'm afraid Stormy wouldn't be able to keep up; Sweetheart. We need to pick you out a horse." The boy looked over at his own horse, but shook his head, "Trooper's a little too big for you,..."

Ariel walked over to a little black stallion that she had always thought about riding. "What about Meadow? He looks like he could keep up."

Eric nodded. "Sounds like a good choice. Meadow's pretty gentle, too."

The Prince brought Stormy's saddle over to the little horse. "I bet this will fit Meadow too,.." He fastened it on; while Ariel stroked the horse's flank. Meadow turned his head to watch the girl.

Eric saddled up Trooper, then led the two animals outside. Holding Ariel's boot, he lifted her up onto Meadow, and gave her the reigns. The girl grinned and patted the horse, "That's a good boy!"

Eric mounted his own horse; then looked at his young wife; who was grinning with delight. "Let's just take a slow stroll through the country-side, to get Meadow used to you", suggested the boy.

Ariel nodded, "Okay." The girl started Meadow off, at a gentle pace, and Eric followed her out the front gate.

Ariel was a little timid: this was the first time she had ridden a horse by herself. She'd learned just how hard the ground was, after Stormy got spooked, one time, and tossed her right off into the grass! Getting thrown above water was a lot more painful than below water! Medow made it easy on her; however: he was so gentle and easy-going that the girl's confidence soon began to grow.

As they rode down the cobblestone lane, townsfolk would smile, and tip their hats to the couple. When they reached the village, the blacksmith had to come out to see Ariel's new horse, "Well! Well! Looks like Your Highness is moving up, in the equestrian ranks!"

Ariel grinned and blushed. "His name is Meadow! Isn't he handsome?"

"That he is!", answered the blacksmith. "Bob! Come out here and see the Princess's new horse!"

A young man walked out; wiping his dirty hands with a rag. He bowed to the couple, and nodded. "Yep. That's meadow. Shoed him myself, a while back."

Ariel nodded. "Eric's gonna teach me how to race him! We're gonna enter the horseraces, next month!"

The blacksmith scratched his balding head. "You don't say! You're gonna enter? I'd like to see that! But tha' Miss'us would tan my hide, if I up and took off.

The blacksmith's apprentice grinned. "Meadow can't win no horserace. He's too timid!"

The burly man glared at him. "Shows what you know. Never can tell with a horse." He winked up at Eric, "I bet that there horse could win tha' Keentuky Derby!"

Ariel's face brightened. "You really think so? I wouldn't want to win for me; of course, but I would like Meadow to win."

The blacksmith nodded. "You just keep practicing, Your Highness. Listen to what Eric, there, tells you. A while back, he won that thing three times in a row!"

The girl looked, wide-eyed, at her husband. "Eric! Really?"

The boy smiled. "In my more reckless days."

Ariel grinned at the blacksmith. "Thank you, Mr. Harding! I'll do my best!"

The couple said their goodbyes, then rode on through the village. Everyone wanted to see Ariel's new horse. "I'm not getting rid of Stormy, of course" explained Ariel. ""Meadow is just for a liitle while. I'm gonna take him to the horseraces!"

The crowd gasped, with wonder. The men hid their smiles, while the ladies talked excitedly. "Are you really? Aren't you afraid?"

Ariel giggled. "Why should I be afraid? It's just a little race! Eric's gonna be there too!"

The women wished her luck; while the men winked at the Prince. Eric was starting to realize that the girl's expectations about winning were leading to a big disappointment. Not that she was a bad rider, or anything. But the young men, who were entering, had been practicing for years. Eric had barely won his races; and he had no illusions that his best riding days were over. He doubted that his wife's eager spirit would compensate for her limited horsemanship,... and her gentle ways.

They left the village, and started off into the meadows. The scent of the grass was delightful to the girl, as she followed her and Eric's familiar path through the country-side.

It was at times like these: outside in nature; that Ariel felt that same closeness with her surroundings that she had felt as a mermaid. She could feel the animal beneath her; feel the power of his muscles and the grace of his movements. The scent of the grass and the flowers; the singing of the birds; the gentle floating of butterflys: all combined to lift her spirit. She wanted to gallop so much! Meadow felt eager and willing, as she quickened his pace.

The boy noticed her speed, and cautioned her, "Give Meadow a chance to get used to you. I know you want to run him; but give him a little more time."

The girl grinned back at him. "How could you tell?"

Eric smiled. "I know my little Ariel!"

Ariel giggled, and guided Meadow along the dirt path. They soon reached a small grove of trees. Eric's father had set them out; many years before. He had brought them over from America: there were oaks and hickories and maples; even some beautiful, smooth-barked beeches. They were akin to the apple and orange and peach trees nearer to the palace, in the royal orchard.

The couple dismounted; to give their horses a rest. Eric took the girl by the hand and led her under the prettiest beech tree. "I want to show you something", he said. His fingers touched some intials carved into the bark. "These are mine. I carved them when I was a boy." Eric took out his knife.

"What are you doing?", asked the girl.

Eric smiled back. "I'm going to put your intials next to mine."

Ariel gasped. "Oh no! Please,...don't hurt it."

Eric looked down at the girl, with understanding, and put away his knife. "Okay."

Ariel took his hand and kissed it. "You will always be in my heart", she answered; lovingly.

They walked, hand-in-hand, among the trees, together. Ariel felt so happy; this was where she wanted to be, more than anyplace else on Earth: with her Love. The girl looked up at him, and Eric knew what she wanted. He took her in his arms, and kissed her; tenderly.

They sat down at the foot of a big oak tree, and watched the sunlight playing among the leaves. It was so quiet and peaceful here. Eric pointed out the squirrels in a nearby oak: Ariel giggled, as she watched them chasing each other along the branches.

She lay back against Eric, and sighed with happiness. "When I was a mermaid,...I wanted to see this world 'cause of all the exciting new stuff. I was, curious about everything Human: how you lived,...what you did with all those thingamabobs. But,...I never thought about little places like this. How beautiful and peaceful it is here!"

Eric nodded, as he watched the leaves stir with the gentle breeze. "I used to come here, as a boy. I loved climbing these trees! Mother would always scold me : "You're too high! You're going to fall!" My father never minded, though. He said he paid enough to have them shipped here: He was going to get his money's worth!"

Ariel giggled, and grinned up at the boy. She thought about her own father. "Daddy never really worried about money,...but he didn't spoil us, either. We all had our allowance, and he wouldn't let us spend any more than that."

Eric hugged the girl, "Poor baby! You never got jewelry, or anything special?"

Ariel smiled, "I didn't say that! Daddy made sure we got pretty things, too. He kept an eye out for what we liked. Sometimes, he would take us to the marketplace and pick out something we'd had our eyes on for weeks. It was,...more special coming from him; and knowing that he cared about what we looked at. But the nicest things were the one's Daddy had made special, just for us. They didn't come all the time, but when they did, they were very special!"

Eric smiled. "I was a little different from you. I was spoiled rotten! Especially by Mother and Carlotta. I got just about anything I wanted. It took a long time to realize that it wasn't as much fun that way. To earn what you get, much more satisfying."

"I don't spoil you; do I?", asked the girl, playfully.

Eric grinned. "There's something to be said for a little spoiling!"

Ariel giggled, "Silly!"

They talked, quietly, for a while; then returned to the horses, who were munching on the grass. Eric helped Ariel back onto Meadow; then followed the girl's lead down the path.

When she returned to the open fields, Ariel looked back at the boy. "Can't I run him now?"

Eric nodded. "I'll keep an eye on him."

Grinning like a child, Ariel shouted, "Giddie-up! Meadow took off and Ariel gave a delighted gasp. That feeling of excitement and adventure returned again, as she saw the ground racing past, and felt the wind blowing back her hair.

Eric followed close behind; admiring the girl's skill: She was just a natural with handling a horse. And she was so beautiful; with her long red hair flowing back over her delicate shoulders!

Ariel turned Meadow this way and that, as she got a feel for how the horse moved. Eric galloped up beside the girl, and she looked over at him with a grin of pure delight.

"Do this!", called the boy. He bent over, on Trooper, to show her how to cut down wind resistance. Ariel imitated him; leaning over on one side; with the horse's mane almost touching her face.

Eric watched her ride; and his heart suddenly ached for his wife. She was so happy doing this. The boy knew she would be hurt, when Meadow didn't win that race.

When they got back to the palace, Grim was outside to meet them. He smiled up at the girl, "You seem to have graduated without any difficulties."

Ariel nodded, "Meadow was such a good boy! And Eric showed me how to ride him really fast!"

They took the horses for a walk, to cool them down; then led them back into the stables for a brush down. Ariel had to pet Stormy, too, "Don't be jealous now, Stormy! You're still my favorite!" The pony nuzzled up against the girl; tickling her into giggles.

As they walked through the front door, Carlotta took the Princess by the hand, "Oh my! Just look how dirty you've gotten! I'm sure that boy led you through a mud wallow! You come, this instant! I've got a hot bath waiting for you."

As Carlotta made off with the girl, Grimbsy walked up to the Prince and put his hand on his shoulder, "Well, my boy! How did she do?"

Eric smiled. "Not bad! You know Ariel,...she puts her heart and soul into everything she does. I just wish,..."


"Well; Grim,...I just wish she didn't have her heart set on entering that race. Those guys have been practicing all year! Ariel just started riding today!"

"You're afraid she will lose?", asked Grimbsy. "Do you think that matters to her? She loves to have fun! Where she places, at the finish line, won't make a bit of difference!"

Eric sighed. "Not for her,....but what about Meadow? She'll be hurt if Meadow doesn't win. I know her; Grim,...she thinks like that."

The elderly man nodded, as he put his hand on his chin. "I hadn't thought of that. I believe you're right; Eric. Now, I'm sorry that I sugguested it to her, at all."

Eric smiled. "Well,.. We'll think of something. I wonder if I could, to the other riders,..."

Grimbsy raised an eyebrow. "Bribery? What would Ariel think?"

Eric's shoulder's sagged. "Yeah. She'd be really disappointed in me. That would be worse, to her, than Meadow losing! I'm just gonna have to think of something else,..."

That evening, at supper; Eric had to tell everyone about how well Ariel did with her lesson. "I had to really press Trooper, just to keep up with her!", laughed the Prince.

"I,..I like Trooper!", commented Nerine, from her highchair.

Ariel grinned, but Carlotta shook a finger at him, "Horseback riding just isn't Lady-like! Princesses are supposed to ride in carriages; not ride on what pulls them!"

Grim looked over at Eric, and winked. "Perhaps, are right; Carlotta. This race business is certainly not a very good introduction for the Princess into sociaty."

Carlotta gaped at him. "I'm right? Are you feeling all right, tonight? You're agreeing with me!"

Ariel looked, uncertainly, at Eric. "People will think,...I'm not a girl?"

Eric looked at his wife,...and his heart melted. He knew what Grim was trying to do,...but he just couldn't let Ariel think that. "Riding a horse has nothing to do with how feminine you are. If any man at those races tries to say otherwise; he'll get a punch in the nose from me!"

Grim stared up at the ceiling; Eric shrugged at him.

The girl grinned. "I,...I hope you don't hit anyone,...but that's very sweet!"

"Now; I never said the child wasn't feminine!", insisted Carlotta. She patted Ariel on the shoulder. "I'll be there to cheer for you, Dear! Don't you think I won't!"

Eric looked at Grim and shrugged.

That evening, Ariel and Eric got ready for bed. The girl hugged him; looking up into his eyes, "Do you think I'm not feminine, 'cause I want to be in that race?"

Eric kissed her. "I think you're the feminineest girl in the whole world."

Ariel giggled. "Feminineest? And I think you're the manliest man in the whole world!"

"We make a good couple; don't we?" Eric pressed his lips to her's.

Ariel's lips never left his, "Mmm Hmmm,..."

The next day, Eric and Ariel took their horses into the village to get them ready for the race. Meadow got re-shoed, and Eric bought him a new sadle; which fit a little better than Stormy's.

While the Prince was talking with the blacksmith, Ariel went over to watch Bob hammering on new horseshoes. "Doesn't that hurt him?", asked the girl.

Bob laughed. "Naw! Horses don't feel nothin' down there!'

"Will those make him run faster?"

"Maybe a little. Not much difference; though", answered the apprentice.

Ariel looked over at her husband, and smiled. "I can't wait for the race! It'll be so exiting!"

Bob snickered, "It'll only be exciting if I win somethin' on it."

"I'd like Meadow to win; of course,...But I'd rather see Eric come in first. I'll get second place for Meadow."

Bob laughed. "Boy! Are you dreaming! Eric won't win that race! And you'll be lucky to make it to the finals!"

Ariel turned to him, with a hurt and confused face. "Why won't Eric win?"

"Cause he's over-tha'-hill! That's why! Ya gotta be young and mean to win that race! He just ain't got it anymore."

Ariel turned her nose up at the boy. "Well; You just don't know Eric. He's gonna win that race. You'll see!"

Bob just snickered. "Think what ya like."

When Ariel got back home, she went to see Carlotta. The woman could tell that something was bothering the Princess.

"Do, you think Eric can win that race? I mean, you think he's too old to win?"

Carlotta sighed. "Well Dear,...To be truthful,... I think he tried to win that race a couple of years before he met you. He laughed about it, afterwards,...Said those kids could ride circles around him!"

Ariel bit her lower lip.

Carlotta patted her hand. "I wouldn't let it worry you; Child. Things like that don't bother the boy."

Ariel's face was filled anguish, as she bit her nails. "I,...I never thought that Eric might not be able to win,... Eric's proud. He'll feel bad if he loses in front of everybody,..."

Carlotta puzzled. "Well, Dear,...I'm afraid there's not much we can do about it. He can only try his best."

The girl thought for a minute; then looked towards a window facing the ocean. "I wonder if,...Daddy could help him win,..."

The housekeeper stared at her; with shock.

Ariel looked at her; guiltily, "I,...know it's,...cheating. But it's for Eric!"

"What would Eric think, if he found out he didn't win that race honestly?", asked the woman. "And that you cheated for him?"

Ariel blushed, with guilt. "He,...wouldn't be proud of me,..." The girl crossed her arms and blew at her curl, with frustration. "There must be something we can do!"



Later that day, Carlotta was in one of the parlors; dusting the mahogany mantle over the fireplace. She happened to glance over a a ribbon that Eric's father had made for him, when he was a child. It read: "For a job well-done of cleaning your room all month." The housekeeper smiled; Eric had kept this little scrap of fabric, just as if it was made of solid gold. A thought suddenly came to the woman, and she turned and hurried out of the room.

Downstairs, she found Grimbsy in the study; cleaning his pipe. "Grim! Put down that silly thing; I've got a question for you!"

The elderly man put the pipe on the table, and clasped his hands together. "I am all ears."

"Well,... Let's say someone was putting on some kind of contest. Like a race or something. Don't they give out special awards, sometimes? Like Best Comeback,...or some other such sillyness?"

Grim nodded. "I'm sure that they do. If one thinks long enough, it's usually possible to award a prize for almost anything."

Carlotta grinned. "That's just what I wanted to hear!" The woman rushed off just as quickly as she had appeared.

Grim returned to his pipe cleaning. "Any time; Madam", he answered, dryly. As he sat there, the woman's words came back to him. A special award? Grimbsy suddenly smiled; He had just resolved Eric's dilemma!

Ariel looked down at Nerine,sitting in her lap, and smiled. The three-year-old was listening attentively to every word. "One evening, the sun was just setting in wintry splendour, when a flock of beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes; the duckling had never seen anything so beautiful." Nerine stared at her mother with wonder. "They were dazzlingly white with long waving necks; they were swans! They mounted so high, and the ugly duckling became strangely uneasy, he circled round and round in the water, craning his neck up into the air after them. He did not know what the birds were, or whither they flew, but all the same he was more drawn towards them than he had ever been by any creatures before."

Why does he want to be with the swans, Mommie?", asked the child.

Ariel smiled. "You'll see,..."

Carlotta rushed into the parlor, with a happy, excited face. She saw Ariel on the couch; reading to Nerine. Eric was sitting close-by, in a chair; catching up on some royal paperwork. Max was sprawled-out at his feet; twiching, as he napped.

The woman went up and whispered in Ariel's ear. The girl's face brightened. "You have?! Tell me!", the girl urged.

The month went by very slowly for the eager girl. But, at last, it was time to pack up some clothes and load them onto the ship. Carlotta took only one or two dresses. "Don't worry. I'll be getting plenty more, after I get there!", she answered, with a smile.

Grim looked down at her and shook his head, "I'm sure that the locals will be happy to see you arrive."

Ariel laughed, and picked up Nerine. "Are you ready to go see the horses; Sweetheart?"

Nerine shook her head and started to cry.

Eric smiled at the child. "You know Max is going too? You and Max can play together on the ship!"

Nerine looked at her Daddy and the tears stopped as suddenly as they had come. "Max? Where is he?"

"He's getting put on the boat right now!", said Ariel. "You wanna go see him?"

Nerine nodded. Ariel looked back at Eric, and grinned. Eric took her hand, and they walked out to the dock.

The last to come on board were Trooper and Meadow: Eric and Ariel led them up the gangplank and onto the ship; they tied their horses to some posts; next to a supply of hay and fresh water.

When everything was ready; Eric took Ariel and Nerine to the bow of the boat. "Set sail!", commanded the Prince.

Ariel loved the way the sails unfurled and blossomed out; she grinned like a child! Nerine just watched everything with wide-eyed wonder.

The ship leaped forward: they were on their way!

Ariel and Nerine loved the sea-breeze, and the beautiful ocean, and the bright blue sky. Eric was kept busy running the ship; athough he would stop, occasionally, to see if his wife and daughter were comfortable. Max stayed under the shade, most of the time; but he did make a good time of catching a ball that Ariel and Nerine would toss across the deck. Carlotta spent most of the time trying to help the sailors "tidy-up" the ship, and Grimbsy spent his time trying not to get sea-sick.

It wasn't long before the look-out called out, "Bahia de San Juan!"

Ariel took Nerine up to the front to see; the Princess was as excited as her daughter! The first thing she saw was a massive stone building; jutting out into the sea. She looked back at her husband, as he came up to join them. "What's that; Sweetheart?", she asked.

"That's El Morro", answered the boy. "It's a fortress that the Spanish built to guard the city."

Ariel stared, with wonder. "It's so big!"

Eric grinned. "That isn't even the biggest one on the island! San Juan is like a fortress city."

Ariel looked at him; hesitately, "It's not,...pretty?"

The Prince hugged her. "It's very pretty! You'll see."

Ariel grinned back. Nerine pointed at the big stone walls, "Are the horse'es in there; Mommie?"

The girl shook her head. "I don't think so; Sweetheart. But we're getting close!"

After they had docked, Eric went to see the Governor. He soon returned, to direct the sailors on where to unload their belongings. The horses were to kept in the governor's stables. When everything settled, the Prince guided his family and staff into the city.

Eric was right; San Juan was pretty! Ariel tried, eagerly, to walk in every direction. The houses were all so beautiful! Everything was in the Spanish style; with wrought iron balconies, over-flowing with exotic green plants. Each little cobblestone street offered some delightful new surprise. The girl grinned, with happiness: she had to see everything!

Carlotta started off towards Cristo; a street packed with shops, before Eric called her back. "Wait a second! Now; Everyone knows where we're staying; right? La Fortaleza. Just tell the Governor who you are. Grim; you coming with us?"

Grim smiled. "Actually; I thought I would investigate the local tobacco resources. Perhaps, even buy a new pipe."

Carlotta grabbed the man by his sleeve, "Well; we're going in the same direction, then! You coming with us; Ariel, Dear?"

Ariel turned from Carlotta to Eric. "I,...I don't know! I don't know what to see first!"

Eric smiled. "Let's go with them. We can look at the buildings, later."

Ariel looked down at Nerine. "You wanna go shopping; Sweetheart?"

Nerine nodded.

Carlotta proved to be a savvy buyer; picking up some nice clothes and jewelry, at bargain prices. Grimbsy was quite impressed by her skill. Ariel got Nerine a stuffed horsey, and a hand-made lace bonnet. She also bought Eric a "guayberas"; a very fancy shirt. Her eyes shone with admiration; as he tried it on, "You look so handsome! I just want to squeeze you tight!"

Eric grinned. "I think I'll buy a few more of these!" He picked out a beautiful necklace for his wife; Ariel blushed with love, as he put it on her. "Thank you, Sweetheart! It's lovely!"

Grimbsy found himself a new pipe; which he proceeded to try out.

Together; they shopped until the streets glowed orange, with the setting sun. They walked to the end of Fortaleza street; then up a hill, overlooking the harbor, to the Govenor's mansion.

The Governor welcomed them inside, with a warm smile. He and Eric continued their earlier discussion involving Eric's section of the Antilles; while Ariel took Nerine to their bedroom suite, to get cleaned-up.

The Governor laid out a supper fit for a King; Eric and Ariel were very grateful for his hospitality and kindness. The Governor looked over at the Princess and smiled slyly, "I cannot believe that a young woman as beautiful as yourself is going to compete in our races! You will certainly bless it, with your presence."

Ariel blushed. "Thank you; Sir! I don't know if me and Meadow will get to the finals,...but we're going to try our best! Eric's been teaching me to ride, all month; he knows a lot about horseracing!"

The Governor nodded. "That I know, as well! I remember him as a young lad; fighting for the lead just like the rest of them! You would hardly think that he was a Prince; from his boldness!"

Ariel smiled; knowingly. "Eric hasn't changed; he's quite a man."

The Prince smiled; showing his dimples. "I hope I'm not as foolhardy as I was back then! Boldness is one thing; but being run-over is best to be avoided!"

The Governor chuckled. "Perhaps to be first is no longer as important; now that you have a wife and a daughter to think of!"

The next day, Ariel and Eric got their horses ready for the first race. The racetrack was located just east of the city; with grandstands and a dirt track. Eric showed her the stall that Meadow would wait inside, until the gate opened. They only had a few hours to get aquainted with the course; before it was time for the first race.

Eric watched, tensely, as Ariel came out of the gate, for the first time. Her face was full of happiness and excitement, and Meadow acted like he had been doing this for years: She qualified with no problem at all! Eric was relieved and grateful that the other racers did not try to bully her; indeed; they were very polite, and gave way to her, instead.

The girl was grinning from ear-to-ear, after the first event. Eric helped her down and she instantly embraced him, with happiness. "We did it! We did it! Did you see Meadow?! Wasn't he wonderful?!"

Eric laughed. "Actually; I was watching you! You did a fine job! I'm proud of you!"

Ariel kissed him. "Thank you; Sweetheart!"

Eric also didn't have any problem with his race, either. But he knew that this was just the first step: It would get much harder as it went on.

By the last qualifying race; Eric was realizing that he could never win it all. He barely qualified; Trooper did a magnificent job of overcoming the Prince's shortcomings and pulling out a position in the finals. Ariel actually did almost as good as the boy; the other riders continued to show her great respect, and not crowd her out. As for the girl; she was having a wonderful time of it! Her happy face always greeted the boy, after each race; as she hugged him, with excitement.

Now came the finals.

The grandstands were packed with excited spectators. Grim, Carlotta, and Nerine sat in their usual spot on the bottom row.

Ariel looked around, with joy, at all of the festive ribbons and flags and balloons. She took Eric's hand and looked up into his eyes, "I wanted to thank you; Sweetheart. I've had so much fun here; Thank you for letting me do this."

Eric smiled, and kissed her cheek. "You and Meadow have earned it. Good luck."

Ariel grinned and hugged him, "Good luck to you, too; Sweetheart!"

Carlotta took Nerine in her lap, so she could see her Mommie and Daddy, as they came around the track. Grimbsy sat there; looking rather anxious. The competition had been very polite to the Princess, up to this point, but he was afraid that it was about to end. He only hoped that she didn't mind Meadow losing this one.

Carlotta noticed his agitation. "What's wrong; Grim? You act like your suit is too tight."

The man raised an eyebrow. "I'm simply concerned for the Princess."

Carlotta smiled. "She'll do all right. Won't she, Sweetheart?"

Nerine grinned and nodded, "Mommie can ride Meadow real good!"

Grimbsy smiled and nodded. "That she can; Nerine!"

The gates opened! The horses sprang out of the stalls and galloped down the track. Ariel got squeezed out, before the first turn; Meadow yeilded to the more aggressive riders and fell back. Carlotta and Grim watched; with sinking hearts. Eric tried his best to open a path for the girl, but he had a hard time keeping up, himself. By the final turn, Ariel was last, and Eric was too far back and out of contention for a prize. He crossed the finish line, and slowed down to wait for Ariel to catch up.

He looked over at the girl, and saw,...a happy face! There was a little disappointment, but she knew that they had nothing to be ashamed of. She came up beside him; smiling with love, and reached out to touch his hand. The boy smiled back; returning her love.

They heard cheering, and suddenly realized that the crowd was cheering for them! They smiled back at the crowd, and waved to them, as they went by the grandstands. Carlotta was holding up a happy-faced Nerine: it didn't matter to her where her Mommie finished! Grim was clapping along with the rest. He, too, was proud of them both!

After giving away the main prizes, the Governor surprised Eric and Ariel by asking them to come forward. The man handed Eric a special trophy.

"For the outstanding effort of a former champion; no other before you has come back to do as well as you have, today! Congradulations; Your Highness!" The crowd cheered and Ariel looked at her husband, with happiness for him.

The Governor smiled down at the girl, "And for you; Princess,..." He brought out a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and gave them to the surprised girl. A wreath of flowers was put around Meadow's neck. "For gracing this event with your beauty, skill, and courage; we are honored to offer you our thanks." The crowd cheered, and Ariel blushed with happiness.

Carlotta wiped her eyes, as she watched Ariel and Eric kiss. "That sweet girl! You know,...she was behind Eric getting that award. She asked the Governor if he could do it for him."

Grimbsy looked at the woman, in surprise. "Indeed?! Eric arranged the very same thing for the Princess!"

Carlotta stared at him, with open-mouthed amazement. "You don't say?!" The woman looked over at the couple,...and a warm smile crossed her face. "They have each other. And that means more than any old horserace."



It was on a bright summer morning that Ariel heard her young daughter squeal with delight: "Mommie! It's Sebastian!"

Ariel, who was sitting on the couch, looked up from her knitting. Her old crab friend was sitting on the sill of the parlor's open window.

The girl grinned. "Sebastian! Come here and look at the sweater I'm making for Nerine!" Sebastian hopped down and skittered over to the couch,... with a giggling Nerine right behind him.

Ariel's smile disappeared when she saw the worry on the crab's face. She put down her knitting. "What's wrong?"

Sebastian frowned. "Humans! Dat's what's wrong! They've got Flounder and Scuttle!"

The girl straighted in alarm. "Got them?! What do you mean?!"

The crab clattered his claws with agitation. "Oh Mon! What a mess! We were out by de cay; in shallow water,...just minding our own business. Scuttle was puttin' us to sleep with some ridiculous story,.. And dis Human comes over and just snatches dem up! He would've gotten me too, but I pinched his finger." Sebastian snapped his claw for illustration.

"That's terrible!", exclaimed the Princess.

"What did you do, Uncle Sebastian?", asked Nerine, sitting beside her mother.

Sebastian paced back and forth on the floor, waving his claws. "What could I do? I felt helpless! Dat's when I hot-footed it over here!"

Ariel bit her nails. "Let's see,... Eric's away on a meeting in Jamaica,... Did you see where the Human went?"

Sebastian nodded. "I watched the scoundrel carry dem off to a big house on the hill. A big, fancy place!"

Ariel stooped down to pick up the crab. She leaned over to kiss her daughter. "Mommie's going to get Flounder and Scuttle back. Aunt Carlotta will take care of you til I get back."

Nerine grinned. " But I want to go too."

Ariel smiled. "You're a little too young, just yet!"

Sebastian managed a smile through his worry. "Just like you were. She's gonna be a clawful in a couple more years!"

Ariel smirked down at him. "A couple more years?,... She's a clawful now!"

The Princess waved goodbye to Nerine and Carlotta, as Grimbsy drove their carriage through the front gate. "You be good now! I'll be back soon!", called the girl to her daughter.

Eric's counsellor looked back at the girl and sighed. "You might have waited until Eric returns, Princess. "

"Why can't I do it by myself?", asked the girl.

"I did not say that you couldn't", explained Grimbsy. "The fact of the matter is that not everyone knows you at present; while the Prince has had more exposure in the more remote regions of the island."

Ariel giggled. "Don't be such a worry-whale, Grim! I'll just knock on the door, explain that they're my friends, and to please let them go."

Grimbsy nodded. "I hope that it will be that easy, Princess."

Sebastian, who was sitting next to the girl, looked up at her, nervously. "I tink Grimbsy is right. With us,'s never dat easy."

With Sebastian to point the way, Ariel was ushered to the house: a large mansion on the far edge of the island. The girl remembered that it belonged to a retired Governor from one of the larger nearby islands. The Governor had once been close friends with Eric's father, so the Prince had felt it only right that he allow the man to build here.

Ariel walked up to the gate and smiled at the gatekeeper. "Hello! I'm Princess Ariel. May I speak to the Governor please?"

The guard looked down at the girl, with a frown. "Do you have an appointment?"

Ariel shrugged her shoulders, "Well,...nooooo. But it's very important! "

The guard smiled, sarcastically. "I'm terribly sorry,... princess. No one sees the Governor without an appointment. Now get lost."

Ariel huffed with anger. "But I really am Princess Ariel! And he's got two of my friends in there! Please let me see him!"

The guard just ignored her. Ariel looked up at the house with angry frustration. Then she walked back to the carriage and Grimbsy helped her in.

No success, I presume?", asked the man, dryly.

Ariel puffed at her curl with anger. "He doesn't believe me. How are we gonna get to see the Governor?"

Grimbsy put his hand to his chin, in thought. After a moment, he stepped down from the carriage. "I'll be right back, Princess."

The elderly man walked slowly over to the guard, who eyed him mercilessly. "She doesn't get in."

Grim nodded. "I understand that, of course. Which only produces a wealth of problems for all concerned, I'm afraid. I know this young Lady very well, you understand. Her temperment is not one to tolerate rejection."

The guard chuckled. "That's too bad."

"Yes; it is. I have no doubt that she will shortly be heading for the royal palace, to throw your refusal to her (which was totally warranted, of course) onto the Prince and pleading for his help."

The guard looked at him, suspiciously. "So?"

Grim smiled. "I'm sure that you're aware of the Prince's soft heart. The young Lady will sway him toward her side without fail. Which leads to misfortune for you and your master."

"What do you mean?", asked the guard, sharply.

"Well,...Eric will, of course, have to rectify the problem personally. Which means a trip to the Governor's mansion. I'm afraid the Governor will be quite inconvienced; having to explain his "heartless" treatment of the young Lady. And I'm afraid that your master will surely have some words for you, after the affair is finally over,.."

The guard shifted, uneasily. "Hmmm,..Yes,..."

Grim waited.

"Uhhh. Okay. She can see him. Let me tell the Governor that the,...Princess is coming."

Grimbsy smiled. "Very good, young man! You've averted certain catastrophe!"

Ariel beamed with joy upon hearing the news, and gave Grim a kiss on the cheek. "I don't know how you do it!", she laughed.

Grim smiled. "Devious methods should best be left to those more familiar with the courser qualities in Man. I'm confident that you will remain much too wholesome to learn them."

Ariel waited in the entrance-way of the mansion, while the guard brought to Governor to see her. The Governor looked to be in his forties: a large, polished man with a balding head of gray.

"Well! What is it? I'm very busy, you know!", he blurted.

Ariel looked up at him, urgently. "I'm Princess Ariel and I heard that you have my friends here!"

The Governor's fat face expressed shock. "Your friends? Your friends? Whatever do you mean, young lady?"

"A fish and a bird! You took them from the water! They're my friends! Where are they?!"

The Governor suddenly chucked. "Oh ho! So that's what you're after! You saw them too! It's too late, my little urchin! They're mine now! Go find your fortune elsewhere." The Governor looked coldly at the guard. "See this girl to the gate. And if she sticks her nose in here again, sick the dogs on her."

The guard nodded and took Ariel by the arm.

The Governor sneered. "And Randolf;...I'd like a word with you later,...about letting in tramps."

"Yes Sir", sighed the guard.

Ariel's shoulders sagged as she walked back to the carriage.

Sebastian looked at her, with concern. "Ariel? What happened?"

The girl squinted, angrily, back at the mansion. "He won't let Flounder and Scuttle go. He wants them for some reason or another."

"Perhaps for their ability to talk," sugguested Grimbsy.

"Dat's it!", growled Sebastian. "That silly seagull was doing enough of it before he got grabbed."

Ariel nodded. "Yeah! I bet that's it! We've got to rescue them!"

The Governor grumbled to himself as he walked back up the stairs, "Everyone wants to take away my treasures,...but they won't! This one belongs to me!"

Behind one of the bedroom doors, Scuttle was sitting on a high-back chair, munching on a mango. Flounder floated, sullenly, in a big tub of warm water.

Scuttle brightened as the man entered the room, "Glad yer back Gov! I'm starting to run short on fruit."

The man nodded his head. "So sorry! I'll have Clark bring up some more,..." He headed for the tub. "And how is our favorite fishy doing?"

Flounder stuck out his tongue.

Now, now! That's no way to act; now is it? I've got you some nice fresh kelp! You want some?"

Scuttle called over to his friend, "Come on, Flounder! Watcha so grouchy for? This is tha' life! A nice, cozy room,..plenty to eat,.. Why don't cha say something for the Govner?"

The Governor nodded eagerly. "Yes! Talk like you did on the beach!"

Flounder gave him a dark look and turned away.

Scuttle flapped onto the Governor's shoulder. "I don't think yer reachin' him, Gov." The seagull smiled, "Hey! I know!" Scuttle whispered in the man's ear; accidently nipping it with his beak. "Oh. Sorry about that".

The man drew a deep breath. "Quite all right, my feathered friend. You're ineptness is certainly worth a few scratches."

Scuttle flapped proudly back to the chair. "See there, Flounder! He's callin' me royal-like now! My Ineptness!"

The Governor rolled his eyes, and then stooped back down to Flounder. "I bet I know what you'd like! How about if I bring up a pretty girl fish to share your tub!"

"A girl?! Yuck!", answered Flounder.

The Governor scratched his balding head. "Hmmm. Well; at least you're talking. That's a start.

Ariel stared, with silent thoughtfulness, at the fence-encircled mansion. Grim looked down at her with anxiety. "You're very quiet. That does not bode well."

Sebastian nodded. "She's up to someting."

"Do you think I might,...might be able to sneak inside?", she asked hesitantly.

Grimbsy shook his head. "Certainly not. I can just imagine the turmoil when the Prince has to lock up the Princess for "breaking and entering". It's time to return to the palace and await Eric."

Ariel started. "No! Not yet! Let's go around the back first. Maybe there's a servant's entrance or something."

The crab shrugged. "Might as well do it. She'll come back here herself if you don't."

Grim smiled and prompted the horse to get-up. Sure enough, the far side (overlooking the expanse of the ocean) reveiled a separate, gated entrance. There was another guard, but Ariel spotted something else. A large sign was posted on the fence: "Maid wanted. Apply within." Ariel grinned.

Sebastian hopped into her dress pocket as she got down from the carriage. Ariel smiled up at Grimbsy, "Come back in a few hours!"

Grim sighed and turned the horse. "You will be careful, I trust?"

Ariel nodded, as she hurried to the gate. She looked up at the guard and pointed to the sign.

The guard eyed her with a sly smile. "You're a cute one,..."

Ariel smiled. "That's what my husband always says. My loving, devoted, madly-jealous husband. You know him; don't you? He teaches swordsmanship in the village."

The guard looked away. "Job pays two shillings a week. See tha' butler."

Once inside, the butler rushed up and grabbed her by the shoulders, "Can you serve drinks? Be a hostess? Great! You're hired! The party's tonight and we're desperately short help! Go see the cook in the kitchen to find out your duties!" The man rushed off before Ariel had a chance to speak.

Sebastian peeked out of her pocket. "Good. Now let's find Flounder and Sebastian and get out of dis place!"

Ariel smirked. "We just got here! I can't just start wandering around the house; that Governor might spot me. Let's find the kitchen first."

Sebastian moaned. "I don't like Human kitchens!"

The Governor was starting to get a headache. "Come on now, little fishy,.. Say something." Flounder squirted water in his face.

Scuttle came flapping over and landed on the man's head; still munching on a mango. "I tell ya, Gov,...that fish can be stubborn sometimes. He's been around the Princess too long."

"Would you get off my head, please!", moaned the Governor.

Scuttle nodded. "Sure thing, Gov! It's just that that bald spot reminded me of my nest back on the island. Kinda shiny-like."

The man wiped his drenched face with his handkerchief.

"Not that I'm saying your head looks like a nest or anything! I mean,..your head looks real nice, as far as Humans go, of course. A head doesn't have ta' have hair on it to look nice."

"I have hair on my head; thank you!", growled the Governor.

"Scuttle nodded, with a silly smile. "Oh yeah! That stuff around your ears! Very striking, if I may say! Plenty enough to keep yer hat from fallin' down over your eyes."

The man turned around to the gabbing gull. "Why don't you,...sit back down in your chair and eat mangos?"

Scuttle rubbed his belly. "Actually, I'm startin' to feel kinda full, at tha' moment. I'd rather just talk with you, Gov. Humans don't really pay much attention to us gulls,...unless they're throwing rocks at us, of course. Then it gets to the point where I'd really not prefer to have that much attention,.."

The man sighed, deeply. "Well,...You'll have plenty of Humans to talk to, this evening. I've invited all of my close friends to hear you. Very important, powerful friends. It's my chance to show them up. It's my chance to rise above them. You and that fish are going to leave them stunned and utterly humbled by my good fortune!"

Scuttle nodded. "Sounds good, Gov! Most Humans get stunned by me; guess it's my charm. Hear that, Flounder? We're gonna be famous!"

Flounder smirked and squrted the Governor on the back of the neck. The man jumped and spun around. "Why you!,....dear little fishy,... That's no way to act,.... You want me to impress my friends tonight, don't you?"

Flounder suddenly smiled. "Yeah,...I guess so,..", he suddenly answered.

The Governor grinned, joyfully. "That's it! I knew you could do it! Just wait til they hear you!" The man walked towards the door. "I'm going downstairs to see how the preparations are going. I'll return shortly."

Scuttle waved goodbye. "See ya Gov! And bring me back some milk; would ya? My tummy's kinda queasy."

Ariel heard the man stomp into the kitchen just in time. She stuck her head into a cabinet.

"Well? How is the dinner coming?", demanded the Governor. "The guests will be arriving soon!"

The cook nodded his head urgently. "It's almost done, Sir! The new maid is helping me with it!"

The Governor darted a glance over at Ariel. "New maid? Splendid! Now get your head out of that cabinet and get busy!"

Ariel answered; trying to disguise her voice, "Uh,..Yes Sir!"

The Governor raised up on his toes, with a pompous frown. "Look at me when you're talking!"

Ariel hesitanty poked her head out and smiled weakly.

"You!", roared the man. "How did you get in here! I'll have you thrown,.."

"Your guests have arrived, Sir!", called the butler from the entrance hall.

The Governor pointed a finger at the girl as he glared, "I'll take care of you later!" With that, he rushed out of the room.

"We're in a kelp-ful of trouble now, Girl!", moaned Sebastian.

"We've got to find Flounder and Scuttle before he has a chance to throw us out!", returned the Princess.

The Governor rushed as fast as his big belly allowed up the stairs to check on his captives. Flounder grinned, like a catfish, at the man when he came in; Scuttle was relaxing in the chair. The bird was rubbing his beak with something grey and hairy and flat.

The man bellowed, "My toupee! What are you doing?!"

Scuttle stopped pulling the hair-piece back and forth over his beak and looked at it with puzzlement. "A toupee, huh? Sorry about that! I thought it was a beak polisher! Does a good job too! The hairs are just soft enough to get a good shine,..."

The man moaned and covered his face. "I bought that in America. It was custom-made!,.."

"Well,...I'll let ya use it too! Perfectly fine! Just lost a few hairs here and there,.."

"No, That's all right", groaned the Governor. "Your idiocy will be worth it yet. My friends have arrived. We're about to have dinner,.."

"I'd really like ta join ya, but I'm pretty full up on mangos. Not that I'd love a change about now. After ya eat five or six of those things, they kinda get old. That's why I like goin' over to tha' palace. Tha' Princess always has some new kinda fruit for me to try. They get bananas and pineapples and peaches,.."

"Yes", growled the man. "Now I must go,.."

"You ever had peaches, Gov? Great little guys! Kinda fuzzy, but they taste really good if ya' don't mind tha' hair. You all right, Gov? Ya look kinda red in tha' face."

"I'll,,..back. To take you downstairs to meet my guests."

"I can't wait!", announced Scuttle, with a silly grin. "Me and Flounder will be gabbing til ya' get back."

Ariel almost got run over by the Governor as he rushed downstairs. The man roared at her as he dashed to meet his friends, "You! Stay away from that staircase! Go into the kitchen and serve dinner!"

Ariel recoiled from the man's fury and backed into the kitchen. "Guess we gotta server dinner first", sighed the girl.

The Governor's blood-pressure managed to drop a little as he ate with his guests. He even smiled as they asked him what the big secret was. "Oh,...You'll just have to see, Baron! It will be quite a shock to you!" The Governor chuckled.

Another man laughed. "Perhaps Edmund has bought a new boat. The one he had before had more barnacles on the hull than wood !"

The Governor grinned with devilish mockery. "Oh no. It isn't a boat. It's something that you certainly don't own,...and you'll wish that you did."

Ariel came around and put out the next course. She tried to stay clear of the glaring Governor. When she turned to leave, the man grabbed her wrist. "No, dear. Sit over there so I can keep an eye on you,.."

Ariel shook free and sat down; glaring at him.

One of the guests chuckled. "Perhaps you're talking about her; eh Edmund? Did Winfred approve of her?"

The Governor smiled; confidently. "It doesn't matter whether Winfred approves or not. I'm the Master of this house."

The other men laughed.

After the dinner, the Governor ushered his friends into the living room. He beamed at them, "Prepare to be awed, Gentlemen!" Ariel looked anxiously at the man. She only hoped that her friends were all right!

When he brought down Scuttle, on his shoulder, and Flounder, in a big bowl of water, the men burst out laughing. Ariel and Sebastian watched from as close as they dared.

"Now that's amazing!, Edmund! Where on Earth did you find a fish and a seagull on an island?", laughed the Baron.

The Governor smiled slyly and set the two on a table. "You are about to hear how special they are; my ignorant friend." The man grinned at Scuttle. "Say hello to my guests, Mr. sea-gull."

Scuttle opened his beak,...and let out a barely-audible squeek."

The grin froze on the Governor's face. "I beg your pardon?"

Scuttle made a bunch of whispering noises; he motioned to the Governor.

The Baron chuckled. "That's really something, Edmund!"

Scuttle whispered in the man's ear.


The guests roared with laughter. Sebastian shrugged and smiled feebly.

The Governor wiped his head with his handkerchief and turned to Flounder. "Okay, little fishy,..Now's your chance,.. Say hello to the nice gentlemen!"

Flounder grinned and squrted water in his face." Ariel couldn't help giggling.

The Baron put a hand on the Governor's shoulder. "Really, Edmund; I think you've been out in the sun too long."

Another man snorted, "I, personally, don't find this, in the least, amusing."

The others nodded and grabbed their coats. "We've had enough of your strange joke." They walked out; leaving the Governor wiping his face.

Scuttle flapped onto his shoulder. "Sorry about that, Gov", he barely whispered. "Guess I've just been gabbing too much. Hit me just like that!"

The man's face turned a bright red. "I've always,...wondered what sea-gull tasted like,... And tomorrow night; I'm going to find out! Sea-gull and fish!"

Ariel gasped with horror. "No,..."

"Edmund!!", roared a woman's voice. Ariel turned, to see an older woman marching through the front door. "Just what is going on here?!"

"Winfred!! Dearest!", gasped the Governor.

"What are those animals doing on my table?! Having fun with the boys while I'm away; hmmm?"

"No, Dearest! I was,...I found these,..." The man wiped the back of his neck as he waved at Flounder and Scuttle. "They,...can talk,.."

Winfred nodded with a cold face. "Oh,...I see,..."

"Well,...they can't talk, the moment,..."

The woman's eyes narrowed and she pushed her husband aside when she saw Ariel. "And I suppose you found her as well!"

The Governor moaned, "No Sweet ems! She just,...just snuck in,... She's after the fish and the bird!"

Ariel expressed mock suprise, and she shrugged.

Winfred fumed silently, before walking towards the stairs. "You will remove those animals from my house. And dismiss this,...maid. I'm going upstairs to decide whether you're going to join them."

The Governor nodded. "Yes, Dearest."

Ariel heard the woman stomp up the stairs and then slam a door shut. The girl looked angrily at the man. "I want my friends back!"

The Governor eyes widened. "You, want your friends back?,..." The man started giggling. "You want them back?,... He! He! He!"

The man rushed over to the table, grabbed Flounder's bowl, and shoved it into her arms.

"Please! Please take them!" Without a pause, the Governor brought Scuttle and sat him on top of Flounder.

"Take them!! Take them!! Far away!!" Take them away!!"

The girl smirked up at the man. "Teaches you right. Bet you won't go locking up my friends again!" Ariel turned up her nose and left.

Grimbsy had the carriage waiting when the girl came out. He smiled when he saw Flounder and Scuttle in her arms. " I never doubted."

Ariel carefully put Flounder's bowl into the carriage. She looked up at Grimbsy. "Let's get them back to the palace as soon as we can! Flounder needs his water changed and Scuttle's throat is sore!"

Sebastian blurted from out of Ariel's pocket, "What's dat ting Scuttle's holding?"

Scuttle grinned and showed it to his friends. "Oh; this?" he whispered. "It's a beak polisher!"



The AlftheMerking Page

(c) Doug Webb
(c) Disney for The Little Mermaid

Both me and Doug are not associated with the Walt Disney company.
Our work does not necessarily reflect their views on Little Mermaid.
We are simply trying to spread the word.