Jughead Zone Compuserve & Computer Page

A Compuserve CBer

This is how I became a Cber on Compuserve with my handle Jughead. In 1985 I took a trip to San Francisco to visit my brother Arthur Kleiner. He is now a member of a network called The Well. He is presently married to Faith Florer & they both live in a house in Pelham NY. I first used a Kaypro computer of his & started out Cbing on it. During my stay in San Francisco, I went into some Radio Shacks where they had their first IBM Compatible known as the Tandy 1000. I became friends with a special Cber named Jayne. Jayne & I back then had a close CB relationship. After I returned home from my San Francisco Reno trip I bought my first computer called a Commodore 64. When I got it I logged onto Compuserve a lot to do Email exchanging & using the CB. I had my Commodore 64 for a long while & even got some software at it from Walden Software, then later on in the late 80's same time as record albums, the Commodore 64 became obsolete. I still used it until 1994. I needed a better computer or a change in a computer so in 1994 I got an IBM compatible Compudyne 486 with Microsoft Windows 3.1 which got purchased for me. It came with Windows Write, Program & File Manager, & I bought many games for it at Compusa & downloaded some games from a Windows Games forum on Compuserve. I also bought two of the Microsoft Windows Entertainment Game Packs & installed them on my computer. After awhile the 486 was becoming less useful when the Internet & Web became known in my computer world. Plus over the years lots of computers at Compusa & other computer stores, changed alot from 386 ones & 486 ones to Pentiums & Pentium 2's. Also the new Pentiums & Pentium 2's were using a new operating system known as Microsoft Windows 95. I needed more hard drive space & memory & a CD ROM & other things for working with the Internet & Web. So I got another new computer known as a Pentium 2, 266 Megahurtz , Compaq Presario 4640. I made lots & many different CB friends thoughout all the years in the last decade. Sometimes I met them in person a many parties. First I went to a party in Columbus Ohio, then I went to about 6 New York City brunches & then I went to another CB party in Columbus. After that a big party came about in Rhode Island. Then every year at Halloween Time came a party known as the Boo Bash. I enjoyed all the Compuserve Boo Bash parties a lot. TC or Top Cat was a great host at them. Even though I met many many Cbers over a whole decade or more 2 special ones I had a great friendship & was fond of a lot were know as Polkadot & Scarlett O'Reck, sometimes known as Reckless. At the 2 Columbus Parties the 2 Rhode Island parties & most of the Boo Bashes I danced a lot. After the third Boo Bash they added Karoke record your voice & take home the tape. My first time singing Karoke I sang the songs Mr. Sandman & Downtown. The Cbers loved the way my voice sounded. At other Karoke sessions, I sang Secret Agent Man, Mac Arthurs Park but at several of them many Cbers enjoyed the way I sang a song by the Fifth Dimension called Up Up & Away. All my CB Parties were very enjoyable

Helpful to Others with Computers

Even though I have picked up alot on my own with the computer I have taken several courses at a college near where I live called Southern CT State University. In that time while I was doing my work in the labs if others had problems with anything there I would help them out. Besides the Word Processing Softwares of all kinds the speadsheet that I was able to figure out a lot doing reports & graphs was Lotus 123. At The computer lab at Southern Connecticut if someone needs help with Microsoft Word or Windows 95 or the Internet or needs help on how to work on a web page or anything, I am happy to assist any student whom wishes that assistance needed. Its just something I like to voluntarily do. Lots of the students at Southern Connecticut have assignments from either a sheet of paper that their teacher gave them or from books that were distributed to them from the college bookstore. When they are stuck on something whether it relates to Microsoft Word or The Internet, like how to surf & find things or Windows 95 or anything I can show them how to do what they have to do, because lots of things I know relating to the PC's & things with Windows 95 & the Internet are instinct or super computer knowledge I picked up myself from just tinkering around. Besides at that computer lab, also at a bank I used to work at called Centerbank, now First Union, if a supervisor needed help with anything on Lotus I would come there & help them out. Also two of my friends needed help on their resumes & needed me to use the computer, so with the software Word Perfect for Windows, I got their resumes done to the way they wanted it. I am very good & knowledgeable on both Classic Lotus & Lotus for Windows. When others in the lab or anywhere needed help on Lotus I was right there for them.

Jughead at a Computer


This is me sitting at a computer at a place called The Boston Globe Shop in Boston Massachussetts in the Washington Street area of Boston. The shop was named after a top newspaper from Boston MA called The Boston Globe. The staff at that shop was very nice and kind to me and their computer was very comforting. They charge you a good fee and let you have as long as you like on their computer. I got to show about 2 of the staff working there my webwork and things I do on the Internet during my time there.  I even thanked them when I paid for my time there when I used that computer there. That store not only rents computer time to anybody but it sells alot of Boston Novelities and many types of Odds and Ends and is a great city or urban type General Store. Most of my computer doing is done mostly with my Compaq Presario at home and when I am home using it, I mostly use the Internet on it. I use my Compuserve Original Network occasionally and I do my games and use my word processor and make greeting cards on my computer both to send by Email and to surface print. I sometimes use one at a library or at relatives places and even at a school nearby me where I take courses known as Southern CT. I even rented time at a place called Kinkos Copys. However besides my own place the time I did the renting at The Boston Globe Computer Shop is one of my most treasured and memorable times and below is a photo of The Boston Globe Shop.

 About ATM Transactions with my Experience.

During the sixties when I was young, banks used to be opened only till 3:00 in the afternoon & only one night a week, either Thursdays or Fridays. When I started working in a bank in 1978 everything in it just started to become computerised like looking up accounts on a CRT. Before that it had to be looked up a paper reports or Microfilm or Microfiche. Now today the customer service representatives look up things on a computer by the customers account number. However doing transactions in the sixties & seventies was always a problem when lines were very long, mostly during the first of the month. At some banks & some branches of banks people could deposit in the night depository, but sometimes that too couldn't work out well. So a new thing gets invented in the early eighties. That is an Automated Teller Machine which people now call ATM's. People use ATMs to deposit if its at their bank or withdraw from their bank or any bank. The first time I started using an ATM was in late 1984 at Connecticut Savings Bank. They called that ATM the Moneytree. I got my first ATM Card with that checking account that I already have. I have used it not only at my bank but it was only at ATMs that were Yankee 24 related. Later on my friends at the ATM department of Connecticut Savings Bank said that Plus was added to the system. That way some out of State ATM's were allowed to be used. When I took my trips to Atlantic City New Jersey in 1991 & 1992 I have used ATM's there to get money that I needed from my account. Because of ATMs today now nobody has to carry a large sum of currency anymore. Of course when Connecticut Saving Bank got bought by Centerbank in 1991 then Centerbanks ATM card expanded to Cirrus & NYCE. NYCE which is New York Cash Exchange which as been around since the eighties was not yet with my ATM but I had wished it was cause I did like the TV commercials they showed for NYCE. At that time it was only around the New York New Jersey area. Later on when First Union bought Centerbank the my ATM card not only had expanded to most ATM's in the USA but it also became a VISA Debit Card which is opposite of Credit Card only it covers money in what ever your bank account is connected to. ATMs are not only found just at banks but they are found at many kinds of places, like Supermarkets, some types of stores, railroad stations, airports & even tourist attractions of all sorts. When I took vacation trips I have used ATMs at many places that I have needed money. Since mine is a Debit Card now I can use it for store purchases too. ATM's make getting your money more easier without worrying about banking hours & long lines to get money.


That's My Computer Information Web Page

If you have any Computer Experiences of any kind, Please Email me.


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