School and Camp Field Trips Jughead Took

The School Field Trips

During the Sixties when I was a kid and preteen everyday from Monday to Friday except for holidays I had to go to school. What happened mostly during school days was learning and using books  and studying and doing the classwork and taking tests. Most of the kids back then always loved it when the final bell would ring and it would be time to get home to either play or watch TV or listen to the radio or go out and play with the neighborhood friends or in their yards. The Little Rascals always loved it when there was no school and they too loved not going to school. But one thing young students in Elementary and some Junior High and High Schools loved were Field Trips. Those days they were looking forward to and they were anxious to give their parents the permission slips to sign. In the Little Rascals one time they almost missed a day of school when the teacher was giving them an ice cream treat and they missed out on a day to school when there was a Circus and Amusement Park Field Trip. The school gives students field trips for some learning or amusement purposes for the hard work the students put in to learn and get good grades. Many of the field trips I took in my years I enjoyed alot. During the third grade I had an enjoyable time at Bear Mountain State Park. During my Fourth Grade year I enjoyed one that was taken to Van Saun Park in Paramus New Jersey which had a childrens zoo and big playground and also a traIn ride and enjoyable refreshment stand. Back then in the sixties a dollar could buy alot of refreshments. The Fifth Grade I went on two field trips that were to the Bronx Zoo and Sterling Forest Gardens in Tuxedo New York. In the Sixth Grade where I started at a Junior High School I had a great time at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Even though that trip was educational I still had a great time when all of us were at lunch together in an area just outside of Central Park. There were no field trips during the Seventh and Eighth Grades, but in my years at a special school or two special schools, there were several field trips that I took then too around New York City like NBC TV Studio tours and Kodak Photo Studios and Wall Street plus there was one to our Teachers Apartment which we took by way of New York City Subway and before that trip our teacher went over with us about Uptown and Downtown subways. After that there was also a trip to the New York City New York Experience. In that they were showing us fun things about the city of New York or the Big Apple with Special Effects. Also in my final two school years there have been tons of different types of field trips by both bus and van. All those school field trips when I was young was a super memorable experience.

Camp Field Trips

During the summer times when I was a kid and a preteen I would go away to a sleepaway summer camp, to get away from long boring hot days. Mostly what happens at camps are sport activities including swimming. Many of the campers do enjoy the activities including the fun evening ones but many times there are field trips that campers look forward to also. My first camp field trip was to Valley Forge which was two summers in a row from the same camp I went to. We would walk around in the park at the Delaware River in the area that George Washington made his famous crossing. The Delaware River is what separates the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvannia. The Delaware River had many bridges on it and one of them was in view of where we were walking in that park. Also during that trip we would watch an educational movie about Washington crossing the Delaware River then on the bus ride back, everyone would stop for an ice cream cone. The next year several Field Trips were taken from another camp that I went to or rather two different camps. One was a bunk field trip to Dairy Queen and one was also Bowling which has happened 4 different summers. Plus there was Nay Aug Park in Scranton Pennsyvannia which was done 3 different summers. At Nay Aug Park there was a mini zoo with different types of animals. One time there were animals I could feed there. There was also the Wayne County Fair which was also done 4 different summers as well. Wayne Country Fair like most types of fairs that I have been to had many types of amusement park rides and all kinds of exhibits including the fun refreshment stand and many types of shows. One summer the camp went to Ghost Town Amusement Park instead of Nay Aug Park. That was a combination Amusement Park with many rides and a tourist type old western ghost town which had old western type stores. There was one Bunk Field Trip I enjoyed very much which was to Monticello New York where we got to walk around the town alot and play pinball and buy comic books and browse around shops which we did the next summer afterward along with Ice Cave Mountains and Sams Point. Ice Cave Mountains were touring caves and Caverns similar to Howe Caverns where I went a few years later. Sams Point was a Lookout Point where you could see five states. After I was done with Field Trips I finally was able to do my own trips around town and travel on my own which I have and still enjoy doing.


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