Jughead Zone TV Shows



Jughead & Television

Television has been a big thing in my life & still is. Most of my leisure time when I was a preteen, teen & adult always was enjoying televison to relax & entertain me. I have watched many TV shows since I lived in Tappan NY during the sixties. In my early days favorites were The Sandy Becker Show & The Winchell Mahoney Time with comedian Paul Winchell & his puppet son Jerry Mahoney & friend Knucklehead Smith. Also in those early days of sixties & seventies I have watched a sitcom named Julia & other cartoon shows, like Casper, The Flintstones & many others. In the early seventies one of my favorite TV times was Saturday Morning with very special types of cartoons. Most of the shows I like watching however are Situation Comedies or Sitcoms. I like all types of sitcoms with either family or other types of situations. Love Boat was a whole type of different situation on a cruise ship. Sitcoms always entertained me & still do. Usually when a new season begins in September, the first run is there & if I was out for some reason missing the sitcom, I would catch it on the rerun from March to early September. However because of the invention of the VCR to many households in the late seventies or early eighties, I would either tape the sitcom on the programmable timer, or if a new sitcom was a super favorite tape it permanently on the VCR & watch it anytime I like to. Little House on The Prairie was one of my favorite shows that I have watched during the Eighties. I also did enjoy the Leave it To Beaver Show too. Kate & Allie has also been a favorite sitcom show from the early eighties that I enjoyed alot One particular show I am enjoyed very much & still do today is Lost In Space. Plus on ABC TV which is a TGIF show a new show just before the millenium and century and after my cruise premiered and became a new favorite of mine which is Odd Man Out. To read more about Lost In Space or Kate & Allie or Odd Man Out, click on the following links below:

To Jughead Zone Lost In Space Page


To Jughead Zone Kate & Allie Page



To Jughead Zone Odd Man Out Page



Favorite Scenes of characters on some of the Sitcoms and TV Shows that Jughead liked.

In many of my years of watching TV I have liked so many types of shows in my life, I did like cartoons while I was a teen and preteen and young kid. The cartoons I enjoyed the most were The Flintstones and The Jetsons and Underdog which has Tennessee Tuxedo and Go Go Gophers and Klondike Kat. I did in seeing how the players did, liked watching all types of game shows like Password or To Tell The Truth and Sale of The Century and Its Academic and The Who What Where Game and Pay Cards and Jeopardy that had Art Fleming and even a rare show called Showdown. The type of TV shows that were my favorite were Situation Comedies or Sitcoms. In my years growing up I liked seeing Julia and all the things on it that Corey & Earl were up to or Please Don't Eat The Daisies based on the original novel and movie of things that Jim and Joan Nash did or the kids Kyle, Joel, and twins Tracy and Trevor did. I also liked seeing the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family on Friday evenings in the early seventies plus my favorite characters in the bunch of the six were Marcia and Bobby. On the Partridge Family I liked things that Chris and Tracy were doing and I liked it when Keith and Danny had their differences plus when either Laurie and Keith would yell at Danny together or Laurie and Danny with Chris and Tracy's help sometimes would criticize Keith. Plus the ways Danny would annoy Reuben Kincaid. Hazel was a funny sitcom that I did enjoy about a maid that worked for George & Dorothy Baxter who had a son named Harold, and who always butted into their personal business even though she was a good cook. The one person that hated her the most was Georges very strict sister Diedre. There was always funny things about George either yelling at Hazel or other people that got him annoyed or people like Mr. Griffin or others yelling Baxter. The Patty Duke show was great about two identical cousins who lived together in the same house with differences named Patty and Cathy Lane. Cathy was a person who was all over the world in many places who stayed with his Uncle Martin and Aunt Natalie and lookalike cousin Patty and Pattys brother Ross. There were always many types of crazy differences between Kathy and Patty and with Patty and Ross as well. There was also Pattys boyfriend Richard and her jealously with Sue Ellen that was funny plus nasty Gloria later on. Bewitched turned me on the way Samantha and Darrin would not allow their daughter Tabitha to use witchcraft but Endora would sneakfully encourage her to use her powers and everytime Darrin said something nasty to Endora she would put some spell on him or Durwood as she addreses Darrin and it would sometimes get him in trouble with his boss Larry Tate or the clients. Nanny and The Professor was interesting where Nanny whose real name was Phoebe Figalilly would always know what her boss Professor Harold Everett wanted before he even asks her, and how she was always there for Hal or Butch or Prudence whenever they needed her. Plus Ghost and Mrs. Muir was super interesting to me where Captain Greg was like a pal type father in all ways to Jonathan and when Mrs. Carolyn Muir would yell to Captain Greg the ghost about knocking it off the human mortal thought she was talking to him, after all nobody but Mrs. Muir or Candy or Jonathan or Claymore can see or hear the ghost Captain Daniel Greg. Plus when Claymore tried to be sneaky or do anything to hurt Mrs. Muir or her kids Captain Greg would haunt and give it but good to that Claymore who was her landlord head of the Schooner Bay Town Council and part of the Board of Education. Dick Van Dyke show interested me the way Buddy Sorrell insulted Mel Cooley everytime he walked in that office when he and Rob Petrie and Sally Rogers were writing things for the Alan Brady Show and when Alan Brady was talking to Rob about something, and Mel interrupted, Alan would yell out "Shut Up Mel". During the early eighties decade, Silver Spoons was a great sitcom about a boy named Ricky Stratton who moved from Military School to live with his Young At Heart lover of Pac Man Video father and his secretary Kate Summers who later got married to him. He has a mother named Evelyn too whom his father Edward Stratton divorced plus Ricky set him up on that house style date with a catering service butler type man who played the song Automation on his violin on that date with his secretary and close friend Kate. Rickys father and Kate fell in love while the violin man was playing Automation at the private dining table they formed a loving relationship and later they got married. Plus the friends that Ricky had like Derrick who was a part time wise guy and JT and Freddie. Freddie was a somewhat nerd and it made the show funny when JT would say sarcastic things to Freddie. Ricky sometimes called the Ricker would also do a lot of dating with pretty girls he met at his school too. Plus there was Alf which stands for Alien Life Force who landed in the Tanners Garage. He was from the planet Melmac and had an alias name Gordon Shumway. He had to be kept secret especially from Raquel and Trevor Ochmonock who were kind of like the Kravitz's on the first two episodes when Raquel would see strange things from Alf like Gladys Kravitz on Bewitched and Trevor like Abner would not believe him. Plus how the only ones that knew him were Willie, Kate, Linda, and Brian Tanner and Grandma Dorothy, Psychiatrist Larry, and nephew from the next door neighbor of the Ochmonicks named Jake and blind girl Jody then a panhandler named Pete who visited and Willy's brother Neil and Grandmas new husband Whizzer. Alf would lots of times embarrass the Tanners mostly Willie and Kate and do a lot of rude things and he did take over that household a lot and things he did cost them extra money in damage however next door neighbor of the Ochmonkics Jake could fix a lot of things. When the nineties came along I would not only watch new favorite sitcoms that came along but I would tape all the new ones from ABC or NBC or CBS where I got information from the Special Issues or Fall Preview TV Guides. Even two of the newest networks FOX and Warner Brothers had great new shows. Most of the new shows that came out then, I would tape them with my VCR and go back and watch them anytime I would get the chance. I have a super good memory of lots of particular things in details of many of the sitcoms I have watched and knows lots of things about different TV sitcom characters.

Even though I have never been on TV anytime in my life I always have had many dreams at night where it has happened but it never has in reality but here is me on TV below in an image designed by an Internet Friend of mine named Roberta.


Game Show Network

My Cable TV Company called Comcast Cable TV had on the
Sneak Peak Channel a new type of channel that showed all types games shows from past and present called Game Show Network. It's a cable & satellite channel that shows lots of old Game Shows from the fifties, sixties, seventies & eighties. Before I got that channel permanently I had that channel for 2 sneak peaks.  The first interactive games they did between the old TV games shows were Race For The Numbers and Decades which was hosted by Peter Tomarkin. On my First Sneak Peak Peter Tomarken was the host of it. Then both Peter & Marianne Curan were hosting it together. Then when I got Game Show Network permanently, Marianne was hosting it herself plus she did many of its announcments at the beginning of each of the game shows. Later on when Game Show Network changed its programs format and schedule of the TV Game Shows, Marianne would then be hosting Super Decades and Larry Anderson would do the Trivia Track. Later on when Larry Anderson left Trivia Track permanently, then Marianne would also be hosting that show. After more than another year game show network changed its program again then Marianne would host of a new type of Game Show with a helper named John called When did that Happen. It was a special type of Trivia Show of things happening in that decade of time where you picked out a Decade to find answers to. After Game Show Network no longer needed her, she then went to do a show for Pax TV Network called Great Day America with Marc Summers. When its show got cancelled she still got to maintain The Great Day America Website, plus she did a Money Management Infomercial and she writes plays and acts in most of them now in LA. From her experience in hostessing when Kathie Lee Gifford just permanently left the Regis and Kathie Lee show she was also asked to be on of the new substitutes to cohost with Regis on Live with Regis from her experience on Great Day America and Game Show Network. In the morning time slot at an old Club AM show first it was Steve Day & Laura Chambers hosting it. Then on my second sneak peak Laura was hosting it by herself. During that show she would do a funny game of Whats In The Box. Then Dave Nemeth helped her out doing it. When Game Show Network changed alot of its games and scheduling then two new games show came called Super Decades and Trivia Track went on the Night Slot. I was on one episode of Trivia Track and when it was my turn to speak, I was able to tell Larry how I enjoyed seeing Soupy Sales and Anita Gillette and Arlene Francis on Whats My Line when they would sometimes ask the Mystery Guest are there more than one of you. However in the race I did do my best in it but even though I didn't win Larry did speak to me afterward about it.   After that when I got Game Show Network permanently Laura left the Morning Club AM to do other things like some infomercials & a new show called Game TVe came out with both Dave Nemeth & Nancy Sullivan hosting it. On that show they still did the Race For The Numbers Game and they had many guests who were celebrities plus a special man named Fred Westbrook who knew about Game Shows in an encylopedia like way or like the back of his hand and he was nicknamed Mr.Game Show. The Game Show Network has many different old Game Shows but one of my favorites was Whats My Line. Whats My Line was about a panel of people asking only Yes No Questions to guess the persons occupation or whatever their line was. Sometimes questions are answered with Sometimes Kind Of or In a Way. But questions not closely linked to yes or no were not allowed. The first host of Whats My Line was John Charles Daly when it was in Black & White from 1950 to 1967. Then one year later Wally Bruner came back & did it, then in 1972 Larry Blyden took Wally Bruners place. Arlene Francis was always a panelist on the panel. Plus Soupy Sales was always there too, during Wally's
& Larry's Whats My Line episode. Frequently panelists Anita Gillette & Meredith MacCrae were on the panel alot. Besides Soupy Sales & Arlene Francis there were lots of different guest panelist who were famous celebrities every week. Also famous celebrities come on as mystery guests. Lots of times panelists would ask are there more than one of you. Sometimes after an occupation has been guessed, Jennifer Wood would bring out props for the panelists to try out what that guest was talking about. Or in another words to try out that stunt.

Old TV Show My Mother The Car

I like lots of old TV shows a lot. Some of them I watch when they come on & some of them I tape on my VCR. Just recently a channel known as Nick At Nites TV Land came up with a show I waited a long time to see for 2 decades. Its called My Mother The Car. I remember the fact that my brother used to watch it in Tappan NY from Fall 1965 to Spring 1966. My Mother the Car is about a lawyer named Dave Crabtree who goes to a Used Car Lot to purchase a new car he needs.The type of new car he decides to get is a very Classic Car 1928 Porter. While looking at that Porter, a voice speaks to him & it comes from the car radio, & its his mother speaking. He buys the car & only Dave can hear him speak the same way only Wilbur can hear the horse Mr. Ed speak. His wife Barbara doesn't believe him & a crook named Captain Bernard Mancini who wants to make a large business profit offers him from 500 to 1 & half grand for the 1928 Porter car even though he only paid 200 bucks for it. The car & his mother meant more to him than the profit & after he took the car for a car wash painted it & fixed the car in other ways, his wife & kids were somewhat more understanding about it. I was so glad when our cable company had a sneak peak to the TV land channel & so far I've got to tape some episodes of My Mother The Car.


Those are descriptions of some of my Television Shows If anyone wishes to make comments about them Email me.

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