Here's the place where you can view the Cheers and Jeers from Days.

If you would like to send Cheers or Jeers, please email me ( with the subject Cheers or Jeers. Please don't write a whole lot because I will post them every week and Geocities doesn't cooperate at times so I can't copy and paste. ~
In the email, please state whether you would like me to put your email address or not!~

If you would like to voice your opinion, please send in your Cheers or Jeers!


Shelly, Cheers to all the flashbacks of John and Marlena. Especially the montage to "I Love You Always Forever".

Fern, Cheers to the wedding i mean we J&M fans have waited plenty long for this and it's finally happening and to actually showing Belle and Brady


Shelly, Jeers to the "Father" John/Gina story. We want to see John and MARLENA not Gina!!

Fern, Jeers to the overused sayings, such as Damera, whatsupwiththat, and so on, and jeers to Roman, oh so annoying! last of all this whole Father John thing is so uncalled for UGH! and JEERS to GINA!!!