The Course of Love
By: Kim Cannon

Love is one of the most indestructable things that a person can come in contact with.  It's mysterious, but also very exciting.  No one has ever been able to really explain what love actually is, but many people have tried. A person is often left speechless when asked the question, "What is love?"  We as humans often define it as being an emotion or intense feeling.  Yet, through the years the writers of the daytime drama, 'Days of Our Lives" have provided us with an intense story about the feelings between thow magical people.  The magical star-crossed couple is Mr. John Black and Ms. Marlena Evans (now Mrs, John Black=).
  It is often said that a person can control only one thing in his life and that is himself.  He does not contain the power to control fate or the course for which it takes.  Now through their experiences with ftae, life, and heartbreak JOhn and Marlena's Course of Love has always began and ended in the same spot, in each others arms.
Through time they have made their own definition of love and it is this: Love is a "Gift or Feeling" not a prize to be won or a toy to be played with.  It is an honor that should be respected, cherished, and kept for eternity.  It should be felt in your mind, body, and soul.  JOhn Black and Marlena Evans will forever be known as the true daytime couple that represents Magic, Intrigue, and Love.

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