Roses and Revelations

She is talking to herself as she is entering the penthouse

"Mrs. John Black. That has a nice ring to it."

She turns her light on

"Oh my. He is such an angel."

As Marlena's eyes highlight the room, she gazes at the roses and receives a shocking surprise. Greta is seated on her couch.

"What in the heck are you doing here?"

"Now now, Marlena. You don't need to yell."

"Who let you in? Is Chelsea here with the kids?"

"Well, duh, Marlena you know exactly where the kids are. They are with the Bradys."

"How did you know that?"

"Know what? Where the kids are? Father John told me."

"Why would John have told you that? Plus, why did you break into my house? PLease don't try to give me the line: 'Oh, Father John let me in' because he would not have done that and if he had he would have told me that you were here when we were at St. Lu...."

"Luke's. I saw you at St. Luke's together. Oh yea, I saw you at Salem PLace today, too."

"What are you doing stalking us? Are you psycho or something?"

"NO I am not. Why would you accuse me of turning psycho all of a sudden?"

"I'm not accusing you of anyhting. It's just that a 'normal' person doesn't follow a couple around town."

Greta geta up and starts walking towards Marlena

"Listen, Marlena I have tried to communicate with you ever since I arrived in Salem, but you won't even give me a chance."

"Greta, do you realize what exactly has happened since you arrived in Salem? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. For some reason you have tried to cause trouble for John and me. Plus, now I find out you have been following us."

"I have not been causing problems and you know that. Your insecurities is what has caused the problems between you and Father John."

Marlena yells at Greta

"JOHN! His name is John, not 'father' John!"

"Don't yell at me, because I can take everything you have worked so hard to get at away from you just like that."

"What are you talking about?"

Greta poulls a gun on Marlena and begins to walk around her

"You see, Marlena, I know that JOhn loves you. I mean my God if that rock you have doesn't prove it, I don't know what will."

"What's going on? Why are you doing this? Is this why you came here tonight? Are you planning to kill me?"

"STOP with the questions. The only thing I want is JOHN."

"What I don't understand. You want John? Well, you can't have him."

Greta jams the gun in Marlena's back

"Listen, Doc I don't think that you are in position right now to be telling me what I can and can't have. Do you understand?"

Marlena begins to cry

"Please don't kill me. I have two kids that need me. John needs me."

"John doesn't need you. He has me."

Just then Marlena turns around and starts fighting Greta for the gun. While fighting the gun goes off and someone is shot

The gun goes off

"Oh my God no! NO! I have to leave. I have to go right now. John can never find out that it was me. He can't find out I shot Marlena."

Greta heads for the door, but stops when Marlena speaka

"Greta, please don't leave. You shot me. I need help. PLease help me."

"Marlena, you know that I have to go. If I don't go John will find out I did this."

"John is going to find out eventually, you know that.
ouch Greta, if you don't help me I will die and John will hate you."

"I'm sorry. I have to leave."

Greta walks out the door and sits down. Then she hears Marlena scream

"John! Help me! Please! Someone please help me!"

Greta leaves because she can't stand to hear Marlena's voice. Then Marlena's phoine rings. She crawls over and grabs the phone and answers it in a weak voice.

"John? Is that you? Help me."

"Yes Doc, it's me. What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Help me!!"

John immediately drops the phone and rushes out of his room. Shortly, JOhn arrives at Marlena's and notices that her door is sightly open

"Doc, where are you? I'm he..."

He sees her delicate body lying in a pool of blood

"NOOOOOO! Marlena, oh my God you've been shot. I have to take you to the hospital."

John picks Marlena up and takes her down the fire escape and to his car