Paragon City Gazette: News and Information for the Paragon City Area The Official City of Heroes Site News and Information for the  Paragon City Area

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masumi/aya [Rob Miles] publishing ©2003, 2001

Local Heroes Battle Terrorists to Draw

Rob Miles

With little or no fanfare, budding local steet music scene icon Leticia Lee reappeared just as suddenly and mysteriously as she'd vanished almost a month before. Her disappearance had sparked concern amongst her closest associates, most of whom are signed to her music label, the Oakland-based Jungle Bunny Records. Her disappearance coincided with the still unexplained events surrounding the Campanielli clock tower and it was initially believed that she may have been a casualty of that event. To date, there are still several outstanding missing persons reports.

"We're all really happy that she's home and okay