RPG: Character Bio's

Cheyenne writes for



Tareesa Cathleen Donovan (Tari)

Age: 27 Description: Caucasian, Height about 5"1 petite build. shoulder length brown hair, cut under toward her face and parted on the left side. blue eyes. Occupation: Marine mammal biologist She works at LA's Marine world and also manages a Health club. Place of Birth: LA Calif. Family: Mother: Eleanor Duprea Step Father: Arthur Duprea Brother: Mike Donovan Education: Collage major in marine biology. She has always loved the ocean and likes to work with dolphins. Personality Profile: Tari is shy and spends much of her time alone when she isn’t working. Her hobbies are computers, racket-ball, aerobics, and going for long walks in the park. Or camping and sailing with her brother Mike and nephew Sean.Most of the time she leads a quiet life, to the dismay of her mother, who would like nothing better than to have her married to a man with prestigious power or the son of one. She is very close to her brother and Step Father but she and her mom have never gotten along. Her mother disapproved of her occupation choice. Personal History (Background): When Tari was younger she was engaged to her brothers best friend, Marc Dawson. Marc was in Vietnam with Mike and was killed just before he and Mike were to get out. Tari took her fiancés death very hard and has not dated since. Instead baring her self in her work, the health club and hobbies. When the visitors arrived, Tari was at the Marine World working with the dolphins. She had been frightened yet awed and curious.

 In the next few months that followed Tari fought to over come her grief and her memory had returned.  
Horrid memories of time spent on the mother ship haunted her dreams.  
She started to become very involved with the resistance.  
And became good friends with Julie Parish along with some of the other resistance fighters.  Though nightmares plagued her,
her feelings for Martin never wavered.  
She fought with herself constantly, 
fighting her want and need to see Martin with the guilt of feeling as if
she were some strange pervert because she was in love with a 
'reptilian alien' from another planet. 

Mike had tried to help her sort out her feelings. But to no avail.  
Tari was still torn.
Until she met Harmony Moore.  The two became fast friends.
After all they had one very big thing in common, they were both in 
love with a visitor.  

One night as Harmy and Tari sat alone out side resistance Head Quarters
deep in conversation Harmy told Tari "No matter what Willie is on the out side,it's what's inside that I fell in love with, that's Willie" 
she tapped her heart with her hand. "That's what I love. 
And I think that is what you see in Martin. 
What is inside, that's all that matters."  

From that night on Tari seemed to finally understand and
started to become at ease with her feelings.
*That *  *is * what mattered, what was on the inside,'not' the outside.  

From then on Tari was driven to see Martin again. She had to see him, 
had to tell him, tell him it didn't mater.  She had to tell him how much
she loved him, no matter what.  

Tari knew her brother had been meeting secretly with Martin.
They had shared information and Martin was doing his best to help the resistance with the assistance of the rest of the fifth column.  

Tari begged Mike to take her with him but Mike refused. 
Martin did not want to see her. He had said it was for her own good.

Finally Tari's will won over; she'd followed Mike to one of his meetings
with Martin.   Martin had at first not been happy to see her,
But his heart overruled his mind and he gave into it.  

Tari and Martin seldom saw each other after that.
Even after Martin had been discovered to be a fifth columnist
and he had escaped with Mike to Earth. He and Tari had met 
secretly a couple of times but it had proved to be too risky.   

The birth of Robin Maxwell's child Elizabeth and her reptilian 
twin had rocked the resistance.   
It Was Harmony and Tari along with Willie that tried to care for the newborn.   They had been saddened by the reptilian child's death. 
But the discovery of the red dust had given the resistance New Hope. 
But Tari feared for Martin.  She was relieved to find that Julie had 
concocted an antidote for the fifth columnist.  

When it was finally time for the resistance to launch their
*Final Battle* some members of the fifth column joined the 
resistance at the lighthouse.   Martin was among them.

Tari had ridden with Mike and Julie to meet them. She'd flashed 
Tyler a glare when he and Chris had made some smart remark about 
there being no more rats in the dorm.  She had never liked Tyler.
She'd heard Mike's stories about his mercenary ways and it appalled her.  

When the introductory had been made and the fifth column 
members were shown where they could rest and sleep. Plans were
made for the final attack to be executed the next day. 
The fifth column were given the antidote to the red dust. 
Visitor uniforms were distributed to the resistance members who 
would be going aboard the mother ship and directions were given 
to the humans on how to fire the visitor weapons.  Martin had 
instructed Tari and when it was over and time to rest before 
the next day Tari and Martin found a quiet moment to be alone. 
They had held each other threw the night, and made a pact, 
"death together was worth far more than life apart." 
The next day they would fight, together.
    And they did.  
In the shuttle bay as they were discovered by
Diana's shock troopers while distributing the dust into the air vents,
Tari knelt hidden part way by a shuttle firing at the troopers. 
Martin stood next to her firing his own weapon.  

When Harmony Moore was killed realization hit hard and Martin 
feared for Tari's life.
He begged her to go with Willie into the shuttle and prepare to leave.
Though Tari grieved, tears streaming from her eyes for the lose 
of her Friend she abruptly refused. 
  "It's not over yet" she'd argued.  

Martin had smiled at her stubbornness and force of will.  

  "Alright" he'd said "together then"  

 "Together" Tari had repeated.  
In those final moments when they feared the mother ship would explode,
Tari stood next to Martin at the controls.  
They both had been shocked when the star child had magically stopped the ship from exploding.  

After all was said and done. 
Martin was instructed to land the mother ship in an abandon field. 
Mike captured Diana and she was fitted with a respirator and held 
in a top security facility.  Martin maintained his belief that she 
should be executed at once. But conformed to the fact that she would 
be held for trial and atone for her crimes as human justice seen fit.  

When Tari and Martin were finally alone they revealed their feeling for 
each other more deeply.
Martin had told Tari:
"I don't know what the future holds for us. But I realize now
there is no life with out you."     
There they made a new pact  "Together Forever"  

In the next few weeks Humans began to take back control of their planet. 
The fifth column visitors were given asylum. 
They could not return to their people it would mean certain death. 
The captured mothership was given up to be studied. 
The visitors were registered, as anyone from another country would be. 
They were given green cards to work. But they had to be sponsored by a human.  Mike of coarse wasted no time registering to sponsor Martin.  

Elias had taken on responsibility for Willie.  
The remaining fifth columnist who had also been stranded on Earth were all welcomed and sponsored by others. But then, Not all humans welcomed them. 
There were those who still distrusted and hated ALL visitor's. This time of peace would prove to be a trying one.  

Mike and Tari received a substantial inheritance from the death of their mother. 
It would prove to be appreciated in more ways than one.

Larry writes for...

Mike Donovan

Sheryl writes for...



Age: 32 Sex: Female Height: 5'9" Weight: 135 LB's Hair: black Eyes: green/brown Occupation: British spy Special characteristics: eidetic memory, ambidextrous Skills: martial arts expert, knowledge of weaponry, multi-lingual Hobbies: Kickboxing, martial arts, painting and sculpting. War History: just as she posed as a scientist to see what the Resistance was about to make sure what side they were on. Several British agents had been dispersed throughout the world, she being assigned to LA. she quickly discovered that the resistance was for real and on the right side. by the time she reported back to HQ, she learned the superiors had been converted or killed. she was on her own. She was with Tyler and the ground forces during v-day.

Mary Wrights for: 

Julie Parish

 Mary W. Wrights for:


Joe Wrights for: 

Ham Tyler

Ann Wrights for: 

Elizebeth and Holly Maxwell


A Time Of peace

Start the STORY from the BEGINNING