Kevin Collin's Bio

The good Doctor arrived in Port Chuck during 1993 in
search of his twin brother Ryan Chamberlin, who was terriorizing
the town. He was instantly fansinated by Felicia
Jones (Im thinking it's a family thing). He came with alot
hidden secrets and surpressed memories that he would be
forced to overcome.

Then in 1994 Kevin was approached by Lucy Coe for
counsling. Their relationship quickly became more than
doctor-patient and they're love grew more and more. Soon
Kevin was haunted with memories of his former lover,
Grace. But Lucy helped him overcome the nightmares and
they finally made love in 1995.

In 1996 Kevin began stalking Felicia and had to relive
old surpressed childhood memories. But again got though it with
the help of Lucy. Soon in 1997 Kevin was faced with the
return of Lucy's ex-lover Scott Baldwin. Kevin soon
there after proposed to Lucy but faced losing her after she
was posined by Rex Staton. She lived through it but
then after Kevin was caught in an explosion and almost
died. He then proposed to Lucy for the second time and
she said Yes again.