I think gender doesn't matter when talking of a person of Kerry Roger's nature. We've all met one, whether guy or girl, and we wished that we hadn't. The superficial qualities of these people is what makes us notice them, and dislike them. Maybe some of them have a bad rap, albeit few, but Kerry isn't one of these exceptions. Her character situations all displayed the "look at me I'm Kerry Rogers, but don't make eye contact because I might break your heart" attitude, but it was something that added to the shows realism. There IS at least one of these individual in every school and the way she was portrayed was very accurate. I would like to clear up now however that this does not reflect on Jilana Stewart at all, I'm sure she's an outstanding person and she did a great job playing Kerry. That's all I have to say about this. I fear if I go on I may bring up more issues than I'd like on people like Kerry :)

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