Sapphire's Shrine: Anime

Sapphire's Shrine: Anime

("Safiiru" in Japanese)

Hair: Royal blue
Eyes: Blue
Height: Unknown, but he's definately a bit shorter than his older brother, Prince Diamond (how appropriate that he should look up to his brother in both senses of the phrase). If I were to hazard a guess though, I'd say about 5' 10".
Description: Everyone takes note of Sapphire's strong resemblance to Tuxedo Mask/Darien, so I will too. ^_~
Costume: Royal blue mandarin-style dress coat with 2 dozen steel rods across the front, and a round white jewel at the collar; matching blue driving gloves; pleated white slacks with plain white shoes.
Powers: Certainly nothing compared to his brother's. He is, however, the one who creates the "dark power wedges" for Emerald and he does manage to teleport himself from the future to the present when attacked by Wiseman.
Appearances: Sailor Moon R (Japanese): episodes #75, 76, 80 - 87; Sailor Moon, season 2 (N. America): episodes #3, 4, 8 -15.

Background: Sapphire is the younger brother of Prince Diamond, who rules the desolate, rogue moon of Nemesis. Sapphire clearly idolizes his brother, the Prince. Even at an early age, he looked up to him (no jealousy or jockeying for power between these siblings). He even supported Prince Diamond's bid to conquer the Earth (he stopped this once he realized that that hadn't been their original intentions, though). He has complete faith in his brother's powers and abilities, but is not above giving advice or worrying about him. He is suspicious of his brother's most trusted advisor, the Wiseman; once his suspicions are confirmed however, it reforms Sapphire. He still tries to warn Prince Diamond about the Wiseman, though. He does this even when his brother had trouble believing him, being swayed by Wiseman. In a way, Sapphire's love for his brother is probably what leads him to his eventual downfall.

Quote: "You've been very quiet, Sapphire... What are you thinking?"
---Prince Diamond, Secret of the Luna Sphere
(Okay, it isn't actually a Sapphire quote, but it pretty much sums up his role and personality... Also, this is the line that first introduces him.)


Sapphire doesn't appear that much in the Sailor Moon series... He only shows up in ten episodes total, and those are, for the most part, brief appearances. However, there is one episode in which he is the focus; ironically, it's his last...

"Brotherly Love"
Season 2, episode 14
Air date: November 18, 1997
(YTV channel, Canada)

* The episode begins at Serena's house, where the girls are gathered in the living room, watching TV. There is a news report on about the dark crystal that Prince Diamond and Wicked Lady planted in the city from the last episode. Serena is worried about Reenie, who was subverted by Wiseman and transformed into Wicked Lady. Her worry is compounded when her mother brings in an extra cup for tea but can't remember who it's for. Raye (surprisingly) manages to comfort Serena.

* In the future, Wiseman is ranting about his true master, the mysterious Doom Phantom, insulting Prince Diamond in the process. Sapphire overhears this, confirming his own mistrust of the Wiseman, and plans to warn his brother. First, though, he goes off to check on the Dark Crystal. He notes its high energy level, which he surmises is Wiseman's doing. Sapphire then decides to take the control chip for the Dark Crystal. Wiseman catches him though, but Sapphire challenges his authority (note how sure he is of Prince Diamond's power). Wiseman then attacks Sapphire with the "life-cleansing" power of the Doom Phantom, which Sapphire barely manages to escape. There is then a brief interlude with Prince Diamond and Wicked Lady contemplating conquering Earth.

* In the present, the Four Sisters recognize the Dark Crystal that has been planted in the city, and wonder if they are to be punished for abandoning their mission. Prisma then notices someone who appears to be Sapphire staggering into an alley.

* Sapphire has escaped Wiseman's wrath by teleporting to the future, but he has been badly injured. He ends up in what appears to be a park, and falls unconcious onto the grass, the smell of which raises up childhood memories.

[Young Sapphire gazing adoringly at his brother] * Flashback: Young Prince Diamond and Sapphire (probably in their early teens) are kneeling over a flower on Nemesis. Sapphire has never seen one before, and Diamond comments that that flower is the only one of its kind on the planet. Diamond them recalls with anger how they were banished from Earth, and how that he plans that someday they will return. Sapphire, as always, enthusiastically supports his older brother. Wiseman then calls the Prince for his "lessons", and Sapphire is brought rudely back into the present.

[A bed-ridden Sapphire] *Sapphire awakens suddenly in a bed, his wounds bandaged. Prisma enters the room, with food for Sapphire. She then tells him that he is in her room. Sapphire tells her that she and her sisters betrayed him and his brother. Meanwhile, the other 3 sisters are listening outside the door. Catzi comments that she thought Prisma hated men, and Bertie wonders if Sapphire is there to punish them. Avery then tells them to leave the two alone, citing that Prisma and Sapphire "used to be an item" (the way she says this doesn't match the expression on her face, IMHO).

* Meanwhile, in the future, Wiseman has just reported to Prince Diamond that Sapphire had turned traitor, through his stealing of the Dark Crystal's control chip. The Prince simply cannot believe that his brother has betrayed him. Wicked Lady decides to go after Sapphire, however, while Wiseman continues to try and convice Diamond of Sapphire's betrayal.

* Back in the present, Sapphire comments to Prisma how she has changed; that she seems "so calm". (That's a bit of an understatement; the last time she appeared in the series, she was trying to strangle Bertie. ^_^ BTW, it should be noted that the Four Sisters don't seem to have their usual voices in this ep, except maybe for Bertie; Prisma's voice definately seems calmer.) Prisma explains how she and her sisters have been influenced by human kindness, and how unlike Earth is to desolate Nemesis. Sapphire then begins to have doubts of trying to conquer the Earth with his brother. He decides that he must warn his brother of Wiseman's treachery again, and struggles to leave. Prisma begs him not to go, becuase he is not well enough and that he might die, but Sapphire defends himself by telling that she would do the same for her sisters. He then tells her to keep his uniform jacket, and promises to return. (When somebody says that, you just know they're about to die...)

* Prisma stands on the balcony of the Sisters' apartment, holding Sapphire's jacket and waiting for him to return. Bertie and Catzi want to help Sapphire, but Avery reminds her that "we aren't what we used to be". Catzi then decides to call Serena for help.

[An injured Sapphire, off to warn his brother]* Sapphire is leaning against an alley in Tokyo when Wicked Lady spots him. She is about to attack him when the Sailor Soldiers appear. Sapphire is surprised that they would defend him, but Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter explain how the Four Sisters asked them to help him.

* Meanwhile, Wicked Lady deflects Venus's Cresent Beam with the magic of her Luna Sphere. Mercury tries her Bubbles, but Wicked Lady fans them away. Sailor Moon then attempts to heal Wicked Lady with her crystal, but Wicked Lady shields herself. Venus's tries her Love Chain, but Wicked Lady then encloses the three Sailor Soldiers in a dark dome. Sapphire tells Mars and Jupiter to help them, thanking them for their protection. He then spots Diamond watching nearby and tries to talk to him.

* Diamond feels betrayed by Sapphire, but uncertain. Suddenly, Tuxedo Mask appears, destroying the dome enclosing the Sailor Soldiers and disarming Wicked Lady. He then tells Diamond to listen to his brother. Diamond listens to him (for some reason) and Sapphire tries to tell the Prince of Wiseman's treachery. Suddenly Wiseman appears, attacking Sapphire. Diamond is stunned. Sapphire continues on, trying to tell his brother about the Doom Phantom, but Wiseman silences him with a fatal blow. He then recovers the control chip from Sapphire's body and leaves, Wicked Lady close behind.

* Tuxedo Mask is the first to get to Sapphire, apologetic that he could not protect him. Sapphire is sorry that he cannot keep his promise to Prisma. (It should be noted that Sapphire's Dark Moon symbol has disappeared at this point, once the bandages fall off his face.) Sailor Moon mourns over Sapphire as well. Then Diamond retrieves the body, saddened by the loss of his brother, and vows revenge towards Wiseman. He then disappears with the body.

* Meanwhile, Prisma also mourns the loss of Sapphire (his jacket fell off its hook just before he died). She says that she will always remember his smile, even though it was his last (I think that line is particularly heart rending).


Differences between the Anime and English dub

Sapphire stuff cut out or changed in the North American episodes for censoring, time and other unfathomable reasons... (Please note that I use the English dubbed episode titles here.)

* In "Emerald Takes Over", after Sapphire reprimands Emerald, the moment where Prince Diamond mentally lashes Sapphire for belittling his powers is cut out. *winces* Ouch...

* In "Lonely Amy", at the very beginning, the scene where Sapphire "pops in" on Emerald in the bath is (obviously) cut out. (He also walks in on her in the bath again at the end of the episode! Bad Sapphire! *^_^*)

* In "The Legend of the NegaMoon", near the end of the episode, where it is revealed that Emerald helped Serena to escape Diamond's seduction. Instead of Sapphire saying that both he and Emerald despise Sailor Moon, he admits his love for Emerald! (Although... He said it with a wicked smile on his face, I thought. ^_^)

Sapphire and Emerald a couple? Not in the original... ^_^;

* In "Jealousy's Just Reward", that scene where Diamond hits Sapphire for dissing Neo-Queen Serenity is cut out. Diamond, how could you do that to your brother?!?! Especially since he's only looking out for you... *sob*

* In "Birth of Wicked Lady", at the end of Prince Diamond and Sapphire's discussion, a moment where Diamond affectionately pushes the hair away from his younger brother's face is cut out. Aw...

* In "Brotherly Love", just after Sapphire's death, when they cut back to the Sisters' apartment. They cut out a shot of the Sisters and Prisma holding Sapphire's jacket as it fades away.

One final note... You may have noticed that in the DiC version, Sapphire is never referred to as Prince Diamond's brother until the "Brotherly Love" episode, while in the original, he is addressed that way from the beginning! My possible reasoning for this is that the Japanese word for brother, "onii-san", sounds a lot more like "your Highness" than "brother" does. And since that term is the proper address for a prince anyways... *shrugs*

Trouble is, the shaping of syllables is pretty important when your translating from a different language, since you want the words to match what is coming from the character's mouth. Still, it really should've been pointed out that Diamond and Sapphire were related from the beginning.


Next... Manga

Back to the Shrine


Sailor Moon and related characters created by Naoko Takeuchi, and used without permission.

Webpage graphics courtesy of 7 Rings

Images of Sapphire are from The House of Evil and are used with permission.