Tommy Pickles

The Tommy Wing

This wing is dedicated to Tommy Pickles. The most courageous baby of the Rugrats.


Name: Tommy Pickles
Age: 1
Sex: Male
Description: Little hair, always wears blue shirt, disposable diapers, no shoes, no pants

Tommy loves going on adventures. He leads the other rugrats everywhere, from the North Pole, to the Jungle, to inside of Chuckie, to... well... anywhere a baby could imagine. He is the protector of the group, and often saves the other kids from bullies, like Angelica. Tommy is basically the hero of the series, and everybody can count on him. He is the Rugrats' escape artist, and usually has something in his diaper that will help him out of any situation... especially his screwdriver, which he uses to escape from the crib.
Tommy is the most developed, complex baby out of the Rugrats. He is the most adventurous, impulsive and daring kid of them all. This little kid is extremely curious as well. Tommy likes to find things out for himself, instead of someone else telling him. He is always loyal to his family and friends, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. He also refuses to let Angelica intimidate him, and often sticks up against her.

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Born on: October 31, 1997

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