The Office of Iguana Flats


A Little Bit About Me
This is my first stab at a web page, so I'll be continually playing around with it until I get it the way I want it, so please bear with me. Well, a little bit about me: I'm a 30 year old, happily married guy from a small New York town. I have a Masters Degree in English, but I work in the computer field now and am branching out a bit into the world of web pages. I also love to collect wav files ( I have nearly 2200), so if there's a wav your looking for, just ask me, I may have it for you. I have a pretty wide range of wavs, covering, tv, cartoons, movies, music, sports, history, and sound effects. If I don't have it, I can usually find it or make it myself. Here's the plan: Since I now have some extra server space, I will post at least 100 wavs here each month. Each month will then have at least 100 different wavs, and I will fill any requests that I can during that month as well. Most requests will be filled via email, since I have limited posting space here. Some sounds may be considered vulgar and of an adult nature and thus may be inappropriate for young ears. Use your discretion, please.


Links to other Wav Sites

The EARchives, a good sound source.
Michael's Home Turf, Lots of wav pages with all kinds of sounds.
TV Wavs, lots of cool TV show wavs found here.
SoundAmerica, the largest sound source I have seen.
The Daily WAV, a new sound every day.
The WAV Place, another great large wav source.
Links to my friends on the Web

My good buddy Skippy has a cool site with lots of neat images and links.
Go see the Jester, everything from the mundane to the bizarre.
Check out Oscar's home page, he's an interesting guy.
Go see Morgaine LeFey, she's a pretty cool gal!.

Links to other sites on the Web

If you don't have ICQ, go get it here!
Sarah McLachlan's website. She's fantastic!
Find out where your favorite celebrities are buried at Find a Grave.
The Food Channel's web page. They have some great recipes here.
Find the web pages of your favorite celebrities from here.
The New York Mets homepage. Let's Go Mets!

Feel free to email me with comments or wav requests at:


WaVaRaMMa Wav Ring2.gif (8067 bytes)1p_musc1.gif (30658 bytes)             owned2.gif (12227 bytes)                                     Iguana Flats

join1.gif (35990 bytes)

WaVaRaMMa_Wavs.jpg (2999 bytes) list.jpg (7530 bytes)    next.jpg (7863 bytes)    random.jpg (9368 bytes) WaVaRaMMa_Wavs.jpg (2999 bytes)

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