Author’s Note: This is my first ST:V writing attempt, please excuse any type-O’s/tech. errors including stardates and you’ll enjoy this a whole lot better! This Story picks up after 4th season ‘The Gift’ Please send any comments to or

Rescue, Part 2-The Attack!

By Jeff

Bridge: Voyager

 Ensign Kim patched Voyager through to Conda and President Bronn.

"On Screen."

The viewscreen lit up with Bronn’s image.

Bronn looked concerned. "What is the problem Captain?"

"Bronn we have reason to believe the Warki will attack again soon."

Bronn replied, "yes, that is a possibility. "

"You should have informed us of the holiday observance which created this cease fire."

"I’m sorry Captain I didn’t realize that would be so important."

Janeway turned to see Tom had entered the bridge and headed for the Conn. station. He looked more relaxed and that’s just what she had hoped. She turned her attention back to the viewscreen.

"Bronn we will be pulling all of our people off your planet immediately."

Bronn looked rather shocked. "What about the repair work?"

"B’Elanna will do what she can." "She will return only if needed, and then only when we can determine she will be safe on your planet."

Bronn seemed angry, but kept his cool. "As you wish Captain."

"Good luck Bronn. We will be in contact. Voyager out."


"Janeway to Lt. Torres."

"Torres here."

"B’Elanna I want you to get that shuttle on its way, with you on it."

"Understood Captain I’m on my way."

"Torres out."


Janeway turned to Kim. "Anything?"

Kim looked at the sensors. "Nothing yet Captain. Sensors are …."

"Wait we are picking up a number of ships at bearing 22 mark 2 4.

"On screen."

Sure enough what appeared to be three Warki vessels were closing on Voyager. Janeway turned to Kim. "Where’s B’Elanna shuttle?"

"Captain, B’Elanna’s shuttle is headed this way. The Warki will intercept her shuttle before she can get to Voyager."

When she turned to talk to him, Janeway saw the expression on Tom’s face. She knew that if something happened to B’Elanna Tom might not be able to handle it. "Tom move us between the Warki and the shuttle."

Tom moved Voyager between B'Elanna's shuttle and the advancing Warki ships.

"Tuvok, ready phasers and a spread of Photon torpedoes!"

"Phasers and Photon torpedoes ready Captain."


"Yes Mr. Kim."

"I've got seven more ships, which appear to be Warki, closing on the shuttle from the opposite side!"

Janeway looked tense as she looked around the bridge studying the faces of the crew, until her gaze fell on Tom. She was not going to let one of her crewmembers die. Not without a fight anyway.

"Captain the commander of the three Warki ships is hailing us."


"Captain, I am Denkar commander of the Warki we wish to speak with y…"

The voice trailed off and the viewscreen went blank.

"Mr. Kim what happened?"

"Captain, there seems to be some sort of interference!"

"Mr. Kim put me through on audio." Harry tapped at his console and looked up at Janeway. "Audio on Captain." Janeway turned from Harry. "Commander Warki vessels, this is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager, disengage or you will be fired upon." Janeway turned to Ensign Kim expectantly.

Harry looked up from his station once more, "No reply Captain."

"Captain, I am getting audio from the shuttle!"

"Let's hear it Mr. Kim, and get that viewscreen working!"

"Working on it!"

The static filled audio feed from B'Elanna's shuttle faded in and out over the bridge com. system, and Tom Paris nor anyone else on the bridge liked what they were hearing. The transmission from the shuttle was breaking up and tough to understand. It was clear to everyone on the bridge however, that B'Elanna was in trouble.

"Voyager.. I'm under attack … multiple ships.… shields are failing… can't keep this up much longer."

Harry looked up from his console, "Warki ships still closing."


"Yes, Captain."

"Lock phasers on targets and fire!!"

"Phasers locked. Firing…….. Two ships disabled."

"Captain, Three Warki ships heading towards the remaining five."

"Mr. Kim where's my viewscreen!"

"Working on it Captain!"

"Transporter room!"

"Transporter room here. "

"Can you get a lock on Lt. Torres!"

"Negative something is jamming our signal!"

Janeway was getting more frustrated by the moment and it was showing. "Damn it, we need to transporter her. Try narrowing the band width!"

Transport room; "Stand by"

Just then a number of weapon blasts rocked Voyager, nearly sending the bridge crew to their knees. The Warki had turned their attention to Voyager and had no intention of letting them interfere with the attack on the shuttle.

Tuvok announced the impact, "Shields down to 92% and holding"

Janeway replied "Tuvok lock phasers and return fire!" "Tom evasive pattern Janeway Beta1!"

"Aye Captain!" Tom began punching the console and changing the ships direction. *God what was going on with B'Elanna's shuttle. It's driving me nuts. If something happens to her I don't know what I'd do.* Tom snapped out of it as another weapon impact shook Voyager. Tuvok fought to be heard over all the commotion. "Shields at 88% and holding." "Firing phasers." " A Warki ship has been destroyed."

"Transporter Room to the Bridge."

Janeway responded "Bridge here, Do you have B'Elanna?"

"Negative we cannot get a lock."

"Voyager to Torres" Static and silence filled the bridge.

"Voyager to Torres respond!" Janeway looked in Harry's direction. He met her gaze and shook his head slightly from side to side. "No response Captain."

Tom heard Janeway trying to establish audio contact with B'Elanna's shuttle and he didn't hear a reply. His heart began to sink. *Please B'Elanna respond.*

Voyager was rocked again by multiple weapons impacting the hull. Tuvok's voice penetrated the noise again. "Shields at 80% Captain." "Firing Phasers…… Direct Hit. Warki ship disabled." "Captain, Four Warki ships remaining."

"Captain." Harry Kim looked up from his station.

"Yes, Mr. Kim." Janeway looked anxiously in his direction.

"I've got the shuttle on sensors, and will have the viewscreen on in a minute."

"Good, Put it on screen."

Tuvok's voice again split the silence "Captain, the remaining Warki ships are disengaging."

Janeway looked at Tuvok confused. Why would they break off the attack now?

"Captain, I think I've got the viewscreen."

"Let's see it Mr. Kim!" Janeway turned to look at the viewscreen as it flickered then focused in on a lone Star Fleet shuttle that of one Lt. B'Elanna Torres. What happened next seemed to happen at half speed. A lone Warki ship flew towards the shuttle firing a plasma weapon. The bridge crew watched in horror as the weapon impact blew the shuttle into millions of particles. The Warki ship disappeared in seconds. Tom stood and felt himself scream. It was minutes before he realized Commander Chakotay had come to his side and was helping him sit back down. Captain Janeway had fallen back into her chair and now sat open-mouthed starring at the blank viewscreen, a single tear rolled down her cheek..

To be continued.. Part 3:Aftermath

Legal Stuff: Star Trek Voyager, Crewmembers, Characters copyright and property of paramount pictures. Conda,Aconden,Warki,Bronn,and Denkar plus story line and plot copyright JeffB Enterprises 1997 @

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