The 4th part of my first fan fiction writing attempt, please excuse any type-O's/tech. errors and you'll enjoy this that much more. Please feel free to send comments to

Rescue, Part 4: Revelations

By Jeff Belter

Looking directly at the figure lurking in the shadows, B’Elanna shifted in the cell trying to get a better view of him. *Bronn....... It couldn’t be........* The soft flicker of torchlight pushed back the shadows from his face as he approached. There was no mistake... it was….. "Bronn!" He moved closer to the cell, and she met him as he approached the cell door. He could see the look of shock on her face, and feel the piercing stare burn through him.

She spoke demanding answers, "What is going on? Why are you keeping me here?"

Bronn, savoring the moment spoke, "Lieutenant Torres nothing is going on........yet. As for why we are keeping you here.......well..... let’s just say you’re here to work for us."

"Work for you!" B’Elanna replied angrily, "Doing what!?"

Bronn smiled, "You will be helping us maintain our defense systems and develop new weaponry."

"I’ll never help you."

*Commendable attitude, but unlikely* Bronn thought then replied, "Oh, you will help us. We don’t expect you to come around right away, but I’m sure you will eventually."

Confidently B’Elanna replied, "I won’t be hanging around that long. As soon as Voyager locates......."

"Don’t count on Voyager.....", He interrupted.

She looked at him confused, "What?"

He continued, "We staged your death, made our condolences to your Captain, and your ship has left for home."

B’Elanna stood silently in disbelief, "They wouldn’t leave......"

Bronn spoke up, "They did. Voyager and her crew are long gone and will never return....... They have no reason to Lieutenant. You will be spending the rest of your life here. It’s your choice as to how that life will be lead."

The impact of his words was worse than the soldiers’ blows moments earlier. B’Elanna hung her head in silence.

Bronn turned to leave, "Think about it Lieutenant."

B’Elanna was thinking about it. Her friends, her crewmates and…… Tom, all of whom left thinking she was dead. The answer was clear..... even if she were trapped here, she would make sure Bronn got what was coming to him....




Tom awoke in his quarters, not immediately sure why he was there. He remembered hitting Denkar, Tuvok's voice and hand on his neck. The answer hit him instantly. *Vulcan nerve pinch* Tom knew he was wrong too, but it hadn't mattered. He sat staring at the bat'telh sitting in the corner. *Have to put all this stuff that reminds me of B'Elanna away.*

"Janeway to Paris.", the captain's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Paris here."

"Tom, I want you to join us in the conference room."

"I'm on my way."

"Tom…..Denkar will be there. … I don't want a repeat of the brig. Understood?"

"Understood Captain. Paris Out."

Tom turned and left his quarters, as he headed down the corridor he heard Janeway's voice echo through the ship, "All senior staff, Please report to the conference room."


Conference Room

Janeway was sitting back in her chair…. Still trying to make sense of Tuvok's mind meld. For the last hour they had been discussing it. Essentially, Tuvok had confirmed that Denkar was indeed telling the truth. More disturbing than that truth, was the incident involving B'Elanna's shuttle. During the attack on Voyager, Denkar witnessed an apparent cease-fire on the shuttle. Voyager, engaged in the fighting, was unable to see the Conda ships pull along side the shuttle. It wasn't until the Conda disengaged that Voyager was able to see the shuttle, and then only its destruction. Janeway wanted some answers, and she had a plan to get them.

The conference room doors slid open, Tom entered and took a seat.

Minute's later Denkar arrived. Tom stood and approached him. Tuvok rose from his chair. Expecting to have to break up another fight, he quietly issued a word of warning. "Mr. Paris, Denkar was telling the truth…. Do not take a course of action that you may regret." Tom stopped directly in front of Denkar who towered above him. * Paris what were you thinking!? This guy's tall enough to step on you. * Tom looked up at him, "I'd like to tell you that……. I'm sorry. It's just that B'Elanna was very special to me."

Denkar, sensing Tom's anguish, put a hand to his shoulder, "Accepted……. I too have lost many during this war with Conda."

The doors to the conference room opened and the rest of the senior staff entered and took their seats.

Over the next hour Tuvok explained what they now knew about the Aconden, President Bronn, and the attack on Voyager. Most of the crew sat in a state of disbelief. Tuvok looked at each of their faces before continuing, "However, we now believe that our shuttle's logs and information from the computer was stolen by the Aconden ships."

"Lt. Tuvok is right." Denkar began, "I believe they took information maybe even Federation technology from the shuttle before it's destruction."

* That's not all they took * Tom thought to himself.

Janeway interrupted, "We want to send someone down to the northern land zone. We believe Denkar's ship was taken there." She continued, "If we can gain access to its battle camera and sensors, we can learn exactly what the Aconden took from us."

"I'll go…."

"Tom, do you think you're up to it?" Janeway questioned.

"Yes, captain…. I am." Tom replied.

"Alright, Tom get prepared. We are transporting you and Denkar in twenty-four hours."


Twenty-four hours later

The transport went smooth. They arrived just before sunset. They were at the Aconden base in the northern land zone. Even though they knew they had slipped in undetected, the base was abuzz with activity. "Tom, we'll split up. You head for the computer system. I'll get the equipment from the ship in the hanger. I'll see you back on your ship."

Tom nodded in agreement.

Denkar turned to leave, paused, then turned to face Tom again, "You just tap this little emblem and that takes you back to the ship right?" Tom almost laughed, something he hadn't done for days, "Yep, you got it." Denkar turned to leave again, "Good Luck Tom."

"You too."


The Computer system

The computer building was set away from the main base. Beyond it lay the barren wasteland that made up so much of the northern continent. It was relatively easy sneaking into the building. Most of the Aconden soldiers were not on duty. Tom accessed their database, but could find no reference to Federation information or Voyager. Noting locations the Aconden used to store weapons and defense machinery, Tom was about to sign off the computer when he saw B'Elanna's name in a list on the screen. He tried to access the file but, RESTRICTED FILE 007941, appeared on the screen. Then the words ENTER PASSCODE:_____ . Tom took a guess, entering 007941. The screen flashed back. INVALID PASSCODE- RESTRICTED FILE. *What would they use for a code.* He entered, BRONN. Again the computer flashed back INVALID PASSCODE- RESTRICTED FILE. He decided to use the tri corder the third time when the overhead alarm sounded. The voice boomed, " Intruder in Computer Center. " Between the voice and the alarm the sound was deafening. He realized that he had to get out of there and quick…… Tom tapped the communicator badge….."Paris to Voyager" He waited for a reply…. Nothing happened. *Damn, this building must be interfering with the signal.*

He heard soldiers approaching. He headed to the back wall pulled his phaser and started cutting his own exit. Seconds passed before the front door was blown open. Seeing Tom, weapons fire erupted all around the room several shots hitting the wall next to him. Tom dove behind a desk using it as cover. He returned a couple shots holding the advancing Aconden back then finished cutting out a section of the wall. He fired a few more phaser blasts then crawled on the floor and squeezed out the opening *I hope Denkar is having better luck.* Tom thought as he ran towards an outcropping of rocks just outside the base. He reached the rocks as a weapon blast hit the rock next to him. He moved his hand to the communicator badge……. It was gone…. For the first time Tom was really worried. He had no way of contacting Voyager. They wouldn't be looking for him either, at least not this soon…..


Denkar was back on Voyager. It had only taken him a couple minutes to grab the video & sensor information. He knew exactly where the information was and how to get at it. "Captain, Here is the information you need."

"Lt. Tuvok, get started on an analysis of the data immediately."

"Yes, Captain."

"Any word from Tom yet.", Denkar asked.

Janeway looking a little concerned replied, "Nothing yet, I'm sure he is fine……"



In what had become the standard routine, B'Elanna watched as the guard slid her food through the bars. Then the guard watched as B'Elanna picked up the tray and threw it back at him. The guard dismissed her with his hand then walked out. B'Elanna hadn't eaten for a couple days, and she knew she would have to soon. It was the stubborn Klingon in her that had started this daily ritual with the guard. It was the stubborn Klingon in her that kept Tom at a distance too. *I wish Tom were here now….*



Tom was here and in a helluva lot of trouble. He was pinned behind an outcropping of rocks. The phaser wasn't stopping the Aconden soldiers. Tom peered quickly over the rocks. Weapon blasts nearly searing his skin. He didn't like what was happening. They had stopped advancing. He looked around for a way out. He saw a small crack in the rock pile behind him. *It's not big enough to fit through……damn…I don't have time for this*

He turned his phaser on the crack behind him. Too late…. The first explosion threw him off his feet. Looking up dazed by the explosion, Tom saw the crack might now be wide enough to fit through. He dove towards it as the second blast flashed all around him, it was the last thing he heard……


B'Elanna was giving into sleep when an explosion shook the walls of the cell and surrounding rock. Sending loose rock and dust falling all around her. The second explosion seemed even worse. Chunks of rocks fell…… B'Elanna covered her head….. Small pieces of rock bounced off her raised arms, after several minutes she uncovered her head and looked around. Her cell was still intact, and she caught a guard peering in from the hall to check on it. The moments of hope that Voyager, Tom, or someone had come to rescue her faded quickly…..



The blackness gradually receded from his eyes. The pounding in his head was just beginning. He reached for his head, and wiped his brow, looking down he saw his hand smeared with blood. The sudden ache in his leg forced him to glance down. His pant leg was torn and blood covered his lower leg. * You'll live Paris.* Tom thought, wondering just how long that would hold true. He looked up to see that the crack he'd been blown through had been sealed in the explosion. * Well with any luck, which has been missing lately, it'll take them awhile to find me.* Tom knew he couldn't remain here for long, but leaned back against the wall exhausted. "B'Elanna….." Tom spoke, as he closed his eyes. He thought about the restricted computer file. *What was in that file….. * Too tired to think Tom gave in to sleep……



B'Elanna drifted towards sleep once again……. *Tom.* She thought she heard him calling to her………


To Be Continued…..

Part 5: The Mysteries We Understand.

The Legal junk all Star Trek characters, ships, are copyrighted and property of Paramount pictures. Warki,Denkar,Aconden,Conda,Bronn,story , copyrighted and property of Sci-Fi Enterprises..1997

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