Disclaimer: I don't own them, they own me, or at least that's how I feel sometimes. Please don't sue

Title: Lest we Forget

Author/pseudonym: Sentarla

Rating: G

Status: Finished

Date: 25/04/99

Archive: Yes Please

Series/Sequel: Non

My Gen Website: http://www.oocities.org/televisioncity/set/7340

E-mail: sentarla@oocities.com (Please be nice)

Note: This is related to a Holiday Australian's have. I hope the topic does not upset anyone, and if it does, then I'm sorry. Please e-mail me with comments.


The Loft 5.58am 25/04/99

Hearing a noise coming from the balcony, Jim rolled over and looked at the time on the Microwave Clock. Concerned to hear his Guide up so early in the morning, Jim got out of bed, pulled on a sweat shirt, and went down to his Guide.

"Hey Chief, you okay?"

Being so deep in thought, Blair was startled, when his Sentinel came up behind him and spoke.

"Ohh, yeah man, just thinking"

Letting a few minutes of conformable silence pass between, Jim tried again.

"What are you thinking about Chief?"

Not wanting to hurt his friend with any bad memories, Blair chose his words carefully.

"You know I travel a lot, and as such, pick up many different customs? Well today is a special day in a country called Australia. Today is the day that Australians show homage and respect to the people who have fallen defending their country in the wars, it's called A.N.Z.A.C Day, Australian New Zealand Army Core. It's just like Memorial Day. The day starts with a Dawn service and a minute silence. For the rest of the day there are parades and it is the only day where a game called Two Up is legal to play anywhere in Australia. You know that there are only four original Anzacs left? Sometimes I think about how close I was to losing you before I even met you and it makes me really sad. Then I think about all the people that lost their sons, fathers, boyfriends, lovers, all because of war, sometimes man, life is so not fair."

Hearing the pain in his Guides voice, Jim reached over and pulled Blair to his side, keeping his arm around the smaller shoulders.

"Yeah Chief, sometimes it is, but we have to be thankful for what we have, and always remember who came before us, and what they did for us."

Nodding his head, Blair continues to gaze out at the city of Cascade, his Sentinel by his side. And as the sun slowly rose over the awaking city, the two stood in silence, remembering the fallen, from not just their country, but from other distance countries like Australia.

Lest we Forget.


Authors Note

I wrote this as I was sitting in front of my computer as the sun rose on Anzac day. This day, is a very emotional day for many Australians and New Zealanders. I have only attended one march in all my years, (not that I'm that old) but for the most part, I can't handle all the emotions from the people around me at such an event. The dawn service is the worst, with all the tears, and the lone Bugle playing. Lest we Forget J