We are gathered here today to celebrate the memory of a lost soul, to put the rage which resides in her heart to rest. May death bestow upon her the gift of peace.

Please join us in a moment of silence for the Goddess Callisto.

In a way I'm disappointed, Xena. There was a part of me that hoped that you would win and put out the rage in my heart. Sometimes it even scares me. (Callisto)

Don't move, pretty. That sentimental side of you is a real problem now, isn't it? You fight with your heart. That gives me advantage over you. I no longer seem to have one. I'm not going to kill you now. Oh, no. First, I'm going to kill your soul, just like you killed mine. See you soon, my sweet. (RoC)

Looks like someone's going to die. And either way, I win. (IS)

How did I feel when Xena confessed her crimes? Well, the problem is, Gabrielle, I never feel anything. I mean, bits and pieces here and there, but nothing solid. Think back to when you were a little girl, when all you knew was your mother and your sister and all of your faith revolved around them. Now kill them. (ANE)

Hurts, doesn't it? Losing your family. Rips out your heart and your guts...your feelings. All that's left is the pain, right? Welcome to the club. (MI)

My life. My life will never end. And it was over years ago in cirra. There is nothing you can do for me, Hope. So, you...go...away! (AN I)

You have to die. For both of us now. (AN II)

More than that. I want oblivion. I want my life to end. I want it all to stop. No nothing. No memories, no tartarus, nothing! (Sacrifice I)

This is probably the last night's sky either one of us will ever see. (Sacrifice II)

Remembering Callisto

From Melissa
Odditytwin #1

Unable to find words which would truely express my feelings of loss and sorrow upon the Goddess Callisto's departure into the Netherworld - I offer this - a poem of sorts.

From where I sit
surrounded by calm, lush, green rolling fields.
I watch -
as my dear sweet daughter burns with hatred and rage.
Consumed, tormented, with an undying lust for blood.

I didn't equip her for this.
I never taught her how not to hate,
how to live in fear - how to overcome it.
I did not foresee the darkness ahead...

Small porcelain hands.
Frail, her father said.
But I knew otherwise, even then, those were hands destined for greatness...

Tiny little fingers clutching my skit.
Smoke, heat, fire - death.
My baby...babies...

My oldest daughter joins me now
in the calm, lush, green rolling fields.
I fear my youngest shall never walk with us.

I would absorb her pain,
envelop her in love,
stroke her hair, brush her cheek...

But I can not protect her
from where I sit.

From Matt
Odditytwin #2

How quiet is the Midnight

(as taken from the book "Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home." This is the song of Lord Soth, but Matt feels that it applies to GC as well.)

Set aside the buried light
Of candle, torch, and rotting wood,
And listen to the turn of night
Caught in your rising blood.

How Quiet is the midnight, love,
How warm the winds where ravens fly,
Where all the changing moonlight, love,
Pales in your fading eye.

How loud your heart is calling, love,
How close the darkness at your breast
How hectic are the rivers, love,
Drawn through your dying wrist.

And love, what heat your frail skin hides,
As pure as salt,as sweet as death,
And in the dark the red moon rides
The foxfire of your breath.

From Ephany

What I loved most about Callisto was her complete honesty in all situations. She never hesistated to describe just what she had planned to torture Xena, in excruciating detail. Her emotions were always right out there where you could see 'em! You just don't find that kind of up front, no nonsense communication anymore except from animals and children. Sure, she had a few anger management problems...but I never saw anyone with a cuter belly button!
We'll miss you Calli.
Love, Ephany

From Tower

Callisto will never die. She'll continued on in Fan Fiction, with writers and bards exploring her character in ways the show never dared or bothered trying to do. That's is one thing Xena or TPTB can never take from us. The appreciation we have for our favorite villain and the talented actress that played her.
Tower - Webpage operator to Callisto's Tales

From Amanda Hocker

Callisto, what can be said? Only that she was the most evil villian created but also the most human. She had a heart, although it may have been rock hard, it was still there. And in seeing her death you can fully appreciate the depth of Callisto. She wanted more than anything in the world to die, and when her goal was achieved she was more happy than words could ever say. A simple smile was all she let us see of her joy, or pain, during her last moments. She will always be remembered as the evil villanious Callisto and will have a special place in all of our hearts.

As for the actress Hudson Leick who portrays Callisto, thank you for making this character fun to watch and very appealing to the audience. No one else could have played her quite like you! My best to you in what lies ahead and I hope you bring the character of Callisto back to us loyal fans, maybe for just one little flashback episode. Thank you.

From Jenn Hocker

Callisto is a woman we will all miss. Her presence on the screen gave a new life to the show. As the only character who could have a draw with the Destroyer of Nations she will continue to live inside each and everyone of us. Let us take a moment to remember her. She was and always will be the greatest villain of all time. We will miss you terribly Cally, and I bet even Gabby might shed a tear. Besides probably all her good scroll storys were of the Destroyer of Nations and Cally. Cally also gave her the nickname the irratating little blonde, so she certainly will remember her everytime someone says that. Good Bye Callisto, and may you find oblivion.

From Jordan Alexander

Callisto was the best character ever created for the Xena universe. Her warrior abilities coupled with her slightly unbalanced mind made her unpredictable and always extremely entertaining. We have truly lost something special in her. Her ability to match Xena, Ares, or anything else that was thrown at her made her a wonderful challenge for any character on the show. She was my favorite and I'll always remember her clever dialogue that no matter how ironic or psychotic, always induced a chuckle. I am also dissapointed in the loss of a great actress. I can't imagine that role played by anyone but the Gorgeous Hudson Leick. She was an incredible talent and the producers of Xena are insane to let her go. I've heard rumors of a spin-off using Hudson and I think that is the only way they could get me to ever forgive them for killing of the best thing that ever happened to XENA!

From Kevin C. Wong

To me Callisto was a person who once she had a goal she would let nothing stand in her way. I admire her uncompromising drive in pursuit of her agenda since I lack that trait. Callisto was independent and true to herself -- she didn't betray her ideals.

My view of Callisto is colored by the many stories I've read on Tower's Callisto's Tales page. The stories I like best are ones where she isn't obsessed with Xena ones where her life isn't defined by that obsession. It's nice to see how her life could have turned out and I'm saddened she never got past the loss of her family and the hate and emptiness that loss left her with.

From Dave

I have loved Callisto from the first moment I saw her. She is the most beautiful and fun-loving villainess I have ever seen, and I will always be grateful to her for introducing me to Hudson Leick. I will miss her during her most recent stay in Tartarus. Maybe this experience will teach her that she never is going to find oblivion so she might as well just lighten up. It is up to us to save her from Tartarus if no one from the Destroyer Of Nations program is going to.

Battle On Callisto

From Samantha McCullah

No one dies. No one ever dies.

Its just a trick by the DoN. Its gotta be. Goddesses don't die. She's still alive. I know she is.

Denial's a good thing.

From Gerry

Callisto is gone. One of the most interesting characters of X:WP, with outstanding fighting skills and funny comments, she entertained us more than any other foe of Xena. And she was the only one that was able to stand against her and finally win! Our lovely psycho! Already missing you very much...

From GeekGrrl

Wow - what can be said? So much to say and such little time - perhaps I'll write an article for Whoosh - build a web site - offer to build testament after testament to...Wait - been there done that Callisto will go down in the annals of Xenaverse history as the premiere villainess. Revenge and obsession has a new moniker and it is Callisto. To one of the most divinely complex mutli layered sympathetic yet scary enemies Xena has ever had to face - let oblivion come in - Callisto- warlord, immortal, Goddess, lost daughter, bereft sister. And as Ephany said - owner of the cutest belly button this side of Thrace.

From Heresy -- Dentist of New Cirra

What I liked about Callisto was how serious she wasn't as far as villainy went in the first couple of episodes. She was really playful and childlike. A word comes to mind which is not innuendo when thinking of her: "naughty." Remember in "Maternal Instincts" when she wanted to get Xena's attention and the two men conveniently showed up to be cremated? That devilish little smile that played ascroos her lips sums up exactly what I liked about her personality.

No matter how hard they try, TPTB will never come colse to dreaming up another villain quite like Callisto. Here's to you Cally .

It's water, OK. You'd think I'd be that profane at a time like this?! :-)

From Griller, Callisto follower

I've been resisting to put a post here, maybe because I don't want to let go of the Warrior Queen... not yet anyway. It pains me the way she was diminished in the end, but I guess there is no way aroud that now. Long live goddess Callisto!

From Darth Skeye

War and Peace

A burst of blond entered my life
Sword across her back, on her waist a knife
Clad in leather, a sneer on her lips
A wide eyed grin, her hand defiantly on her hips
Passion and rage
Quick and cunning
A deafening warcry, her foes went running
There was only one enemy with whom she could not win
Not the Destroyer of Nations, but the enemy within
The cycle of hate and its never ending spin
Hate and revenge and never wanting to give in
Immortality and Olympus still could not cure
Just the means to disillusion, making life a blur
An underhanded strike sent you to silence
An unfitting end from the one who started your violence
And with your closure, no more terror for Greece
But I will miss you dearly Callisto, may you find your peace

Always missing you,
Darth Skeye
Callisto's World: Cool Leick That

From Loyal Callisto Fan

Why did she have to die... Why couldn't it be Joxer instead? Why?! WHY?!?!?!

From Jeff, Oddity Twin #3

May the lost little girl from Cirra find her peace.

Goodbye Callisto.

From Brian Sullivan

"Nothing is forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten."

For a long time these words held deep meaning for me. They were the unifying theme of the first season of PBS's 'Robin Hood' series starring Michael Praed. For those of you who watched the show, you know that in this version Robin of Loxley is killed by the Sheriff of Nothingham. The members of his band launch flaming arrows into a lake in his memory. It was a gripping scene, and as I said, I hold those words dear.

That being said, Callisto revitalized those thoughts within me. I had not thought to ever see a character with as much charm and appeal on a television program. But more then just making me remember, she emblazoned within me a sense of righteousness, a sense of freedom, and a sense of morality. Those words and their meaning have become lessened in the greater wisdom that Callisto, at her core, imparted.

I have been agonizing over what to say at her departure. Instead, I will simply remember her and shoot my flaming arrows into the fog enshrouded lake and remember. Nothing is forgotten. Callisto gave us all a deeper understanding of the personal demons that beset us all. Nothing is ever forgotten. And with her passing, the world is a darker place.

From Stephen Meeker

I know you'll be back on the show, Goddess. If I have to do the Macarena in my Theodorus costume for Rob Tapert, I will, but you will be back. In the meantime, you will be missed.

From Michelle

I admired Callisto most of all in Xena. She wasn't afraid of anything. She always had hope, and never once was doubting herself. She trusted herself and not anyone else and thats what led her to almost victory. If she could have just hung in there a bit longer then she could have been able to defeat her hate or Xena. Which ever comes first. I know that alot of people will miss Callisto. I wouldln't be surpised if xena felt bad and felt as if it was partly her fault. I think it was partly her fault. If you think about it how do you think Xena would act is Callisto was a warlord and came and destroyed her village and family. But the other half is her fault for choosing the path of hate and not forgiveness. since she choose the path of hate I'm kinda glad cause what she does is what i admire. But since she's dead all i have to say is she'll be known everywhere, she won't be known as an unknown soldier, and that she died fighting and a brave warrior die she/he dies only once but a coward die's thousands of times. Callisto may not have risked her life for others but i woudldn't blame her. Yet i wouldn't mind dieing as long as i could rejoin my family.

Callisto we all miss you. Hope Zeus always you back to earth. I dedicate the song "One Sweet Day" to Callisto.


From Suzanne Morine


On a sad, mean, and
Empty planet, you held on
To your inner light

Thank you, Callisto.

From nina the wanna be goddess

Callisto the warrior queen she was a beautiful person who didnt care about the pain of the world she used it as a tool a weapon a force to drive her. a purpose so to speak. she will always live in our hearts and minds..... ahhh some memorable things she has done....ahh yes she kiled perdicus.that was great.she tortured xena and gabriel. and has left us with many words words of wisdom, love is a trick that nature plays to get us to reproduce, i want no part of it. "love love love oh it unites your right and hate divide...lets see wich one is stronger shall we." "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"(wonderful war cry by the way)"i dont know if your toying with me or i am toying with u." "do her" "were not as differnt as you would like to think,hercules we booth belive in punishing the wicked,exept i see somthng u dont.all people are wicked." "suprise" "xena bewarned xena bewar".....wait that wasnt her doh "xena xena xena i know your every move"( kinda sounds like a stalker) yes those were the days but now they have been cut short*sniff* i luv her man *sobs** breaks into uncontrolled crying*

From Geek Julius Geek

More than bored
More than sad
More than unhappy
More than ill
More than abandoned
Alone in the world
More than alone in the world
In exile
More than in exile
More than dead

-- Marie Laurencin

This will never happen to Callisto -

From Larissa Leicky

After watching Sacrifice for the 28 times now I can only say, that beloved Goddess I hope you find your peace, or what ever it is your looking for. Your memory will go on in all our hearts..

Long live Callisto's memory!

From Neville who died of ennui

Only Mortals Die Forever

From Michelle, sad and mad

She was as brave as can be,
If you'de open your hearts you'll would see.
She fought brave and used hate as a tool,
But at the end everything was cool.
Her death effects many,
She died so much like kenny.
Without gods power,
She got stonger by the hour.
This warrior died brave,
to bad she wasn't able to save.
Her name was reveled to one another,
When she died some began to shutter.
Her name was callisto a mighty warrior,
to win a battle she never needed a lawyer.
We will rember Callisto as she is,
she was better then a bottle with all its fizz.

I know it might sound corny but it was hard to find rhymes. A brave warrior only dies once. a warrior that isn't so brave to where they will give in easy dies many times. Callisto died once in my eyes. she was brave and never once gave in to xena or anyone else. It may seem she died hundreds of times but if you look at it my way she died once. All I have to say is we will all miss Callisto and i'll do whatever it takes to bring her back or defeat Xena my self. Anyone else wants to help can but i'm trying to get Callisto back before i go after Xena. I will fight with hatred like Callisto and win it for her.

We invite you to say a few words of remembrance

GC: "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Glory Hallelujah."

MM: (eyes widen with surprise)

GC: And bard, that had better not be a picture of Joxer's Funeral Pyre I see up there.

MM: DoH!

coming soon Callisto Returns...or the return of the Goddess Callisto. (check back for skit)

You are the Member of Callisto's Legion to pay tribute here.


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