Oddity Twins Productions


The Twins

Well, as you can tell, the Oddity Twins are a force to be reckoned with, here in the WWF. Oops wrong forum. What the twins are, or better yet, who the twins are is a complicated matter. There are actually four Oddity Twins, yes we said four (We told you they were odd.) Melissa, Matt, Trancer and Jeff make up the quad

The first Oddity Twin by all records was Melissa, who in collaboration with The Goddess Callisto, started the First National Bank of Cirra waaaaay back in April of 1997. Whew, we were all just babies back then.

Shortly thereafter, Matt threw his hat into the ring with the addition of the Kindling Gate Mall. There were already many other stores in town and he just wanted to have a place for them to set up shop.

As the months passed, Melissa and Matt began to see a definite pattern in the skits and short stories that they posted to the Hudson Leick Mailing List...there was no denying it, they shared a certain, well.... oddness. Collaborative efforts between the two started in the Summer of 97, culminating in the formation of the Oddity Twins, or as they liked to call themselves Melissa and Matt...er Matt and Melissa...ok, ok it was the Dynamic Duo, but we're not one's to gossip so you didn't hear it from us. At first they were just a literary team who wrote stuff together. But, as time went on, it became apparent to the pair that something more was going on. In addition to sharing a similar off center view of things-at-large, they also possessed a sort of mental telepathy which allowed them not only to finish each other thoughts but indeed to think each other's thoughts. The only reasonable explanation, in spite of the fact that Melissa is three years Matt's senior - they were twins separated at birth...or according to the Goddess sometime during the 70s. What with all that really bad disco music going on at the time, the twins parents were just glad to get a little peace and by all accounts didn't notice the disappearance until well into the early 80's and the dawning of techno-pop.

But our saga doesn't end here. Soon others who shared Melissa and Matt's offbeat world view were noticed. The first of them was Trancer, who at one time was suspected of actually being Hudson Leick. (We assure you that Trancer's twindom is entirely separate from Matt and Melissa's firm belief that Hudson Leick is in fact a long lost twin and that their newest sister would have been assimilated regardless of whether she was Hudson or not.) Trancer's verbal repartee and knowledge of really bad music makes her a valued member to the group. Plus now Melissa has a legitimate excuse to hang out with the firemen...er we mean Trancer. The newest twin, Chief Jeff, took us by surprise. As police head honcho in New Cirra, most would assume that he is quiet and reserved...or maniacal. You know, somewhere between Frank Black and Austin Powers. Which actually makes him the perfect Oddity Twin candidate when you think about it. Jeff brings stability and direction to the little group, what with his wisdom and keen insight....oh wait, we were thinking of somebody else, never mind. Jeff's witty banter, his "timely" police reports, and above all his ability to make DR Pepper shoot out his twin's nose makes him an invaluable member of the family.

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