previous questions...

1.Should Angel be staked?
--I bet if I had asked this question before Passion, 95% of the votes would have been a resounding "no." I guess snapping the neck of the immensely popular Jenny Calender will wreck havoc on your social life...
As to who should stake Angelus, Buffy won soundly with 52 votes, Giles a distant 2nd with 24. Xander and Spike were next with 11 and 12 respectively, and far in the back were Oz, 6; Willow, 4, and Dru and Cordy with 3 each.

2.Who should Xander end up with?

3.Favorite character:
..........Principal Snyder--5

Should Buffy and Spike get together?

  1. Hell yes! Buffy and Spike are both kick ass and gorgeous, they'd be the best couple on the show!--36
  2. No way! They're much better as enemies, besides, Spike and Dru are too funny to break up.--65
  3. No, because I'm a wanker and still think in my deluded mind that Buffy will end up with Angle--33
  4. Hell no! Spike's gonna hook up with Joycie!--7
  5. I don't like Spike. I liked the master and the Anointed one. (read--I'm a big geek)--0

Willow and Xander: should they end up together or not?
..........yes, they arent' married to Cordy and Oz and should see if what they have is real: 99, they are dating other people and should stay faithful whatever they feel: 94
..........Who cares, Willow is going to end up with Giles: 7
..........Who cares, Xander is going to end up with Buffy: 13
..........Who cares, Spike and Joyce are the only real couple!: 9

Was Xander right or wrong in B2?
..........right: 30
..........wrong: 51
..........who cares? we want Joyce and Spike: 17
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