a werewolf

Seth Green

I decided I like Oz when he said he tests well in "What's my Line." That was funny. He seems so...genuine. When he was talking to Willow about animal crackers, complimented her smile, and then went right back in to talking about animal crackers...The look on Willows face was so sweet, I was like damn, I wish I had his lines...Plus, he made fun of the French. And he seemed okay with the fact that they fight vampires, steal weapons from the army, and that Willow wants to get back at Xander by making out with him. In fact, I don't think anything bothers Oz. To quote Joss Whedon, "Oz would have the same reaction to spray cheese as to true love."
Oz is a werewolf. I didn't like that story when I heard the rumor. However, after I saw Phases, I decided I was okay with it. That plot twist couldn't have been handled better. The only thing that kinda bothered me is that he's been excepted into the gang awful quick. Just cause he dates Willow. I mean, Jenny had to exercise a demon from the Internet and face the hellmouth, and Cordelia had to get a almost-face life from an invisable girl, save Willow and Ms. Calender's lives, and then face the hellmouth before either one of them got in. All Oz had to do was get a van. Still, I guess they do need a van. Cordy's sports car is a little small.
Over the summer, I really had my doubt about Oz being a regular. I pinpointed them down to the Xander/Willow scene in B2. when Xander tells Willow that he loves her and she says "Oz." I don't think Willow and Oz are at that point yet. In fact, between Phases and their first kiss, and that point, we saw Oz and Willow together for like 8 seconds in B1. (His hilarious scene with Buffy in BBB aside--"But you're not a rat. So call it an upside.") I think Willow would have called for her mom first, then Xander, then even Giles. I just thought they were put together like that because it looked good on paper, but they weren't given any chance to develope as a couple.
When Anne aired, I decided Oz is going to be a great character. I thought he and Xander and Willow played so well off each other in the opening scene, I realized I was worrying over nothing. Willow and Oz are going to be a good couple. They're very natural together.

people have the urge to get naked and howl at the full moon.

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