CODE NAME:    Classified

RANK : Level Four Operative / MedTech


Gabriel loved to help people ever since he was a little boy, even the very same peers that made fun of him, teased him, and beat him. He was remarkably intelligent and it was no surprise that he had two professions, teacher and then a physician. He worked in the a small clinic in the "Inner City," as both a physician and a psychiatrist, because he felt it was those people that needed the most help. But since he was an outsider, him being a "mongrel" (he was part Asian and part European), most people did not like him working there.

After two years of helping those who were grateful, as well as those who were not (those who mugged him when he went home, etc.), he finally snapped. It was probably one too many punches or swears on him or one too many children he cared for that were beaten. One day he bought baretta before he went to the clinic, and shot all the male patients in his clinic; 15 dead, 2 seriously wounded. He was arrested and taken in by Section.


Psychology, General surgery (Medicine), fluent in 7 languages, excellent teacher, and basic Section One training.


Gabriel is a man that can kill without remorse. A bit of irony was begotten on that day he killed 15 people, those he had cared for and then just killed them. He's an excellent teacher and his knowledge of psychology and in various languages is excellent.


Psychologically: He's a bit of an obsessive compulsive, and has a dark, sinful side to him (ie. sudden killer). But his humanitarian side has come out alot of times. Madeline has found out that he needs a good enough reason and cause to kill. Because of this he has not reached Level 5 status. Besides training the advanced new operatives, he is used in a lot of the suicidal, difficult missions.

ABOUT THE "REAL" GABRIEL : Loves La Femme Nikita as well as Espionage genre. Tom Clancy reader. From New York City.

The rest is classified..........

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