CODE NAME:    Classified

RANK : Level Three Strategist


Katelyn was originally a computer tech that worked freelance at her home (at a very young age, might I add.)  One day she 'accidentally' hacked into the Section One systems and decided to 'edit' a few profiles.  Let's just say when the profiles were finished they were less than mincemeat)   Except good 'old Birkoff caught her...

Henceforth, Operations put together a little .. .. ' get together' and not exactly a friendly one.  People are no fun anymore ... Of course, Katelyn's alot more serious these days.  The Section sent her to one of those lower levels .. (can't say which one .. that's classified) and ' trained ' her on " behavioral skills " with very " inhumane methods ".  That's the last time she made a smart remark...


Katelyn is an important asset and one of the most skilled strategists in Section.  (not comparing to Madeline)


Spiders and mind-altering drugs (she can't stand not being able to think for herself)

NOTE : Due to Opertations " training " Katelyn tends to be over-serious and impatient. 

ABOUT THE "REAL" KATELYN :  I love computers and technology .. and planning / organizing

The rest is classified..........

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