CODE NAME:    Classified

RANK: Class Five Intel


Tatia was born the daughter of poor immigrant farmers in Russia. When she was four, Tatia's father was taken from her family by the KGB. They never heard from him again. When Tatia was six, her remaining family attempted to flee Russia, only to be apprhended by the Communist Government. Her mother and brother were killed for treason, leaving Tatia to be raised by her oldest sister, Natalia. Living in poverty, Natalia began working as a prostitute to support herself and her younger sister.

At the age of seventeen, Tatia was introduced to Jorgen Oczachowska, Then-Head of Red Cell. Smitten by her exotic beauty, Jorgen made many attempts to capture Tatia's heart. Tatia resisted Jorgen's inital attempts to win her favor, but was eventually swayed by promises of a life of luxury for both her and her sister. Jorgen hired the finest tutors to educate Tatia in all aspects of her new station, including classes in Latin, Greek, French, Italian, and English, and training in ettiquette and the fine and performing arts. She lived in ignorance of Jorgen's terrorist acitivities as his mistress for five years before innocently stumbling onto "classified information." She was repulsed by her newfound knowledge, but fearing for her sister's safety as well as her own, remained silent.

Tatia posesses both the refined mannerisms of an elite socialite and the street-smarts of someone who lived without home or family and had to constantly fend for herself for seventeen years, making her a versatile and valuable asset to the section.


Tatia posesses invaluable insight into Red Cell, supplying the Section with resources and information into it's members, contacts, and activities. She was instrumental in the assasination of Jorgen Oczachowska, and has the flexibility to work as both an operative, and as a strategist.


Skills as previously mentioned; good control of emotions (numbed by family tragedy and life on the streets). Very intelligent; great instinct and intuition. No family ties. Top informant on Red Cell intel. Highly disciplined and adept at learning; quick on her feet. Has a wide-base of knowledge: well-versed on cultural issues, humanites, self-defense, and strategem. Able to keep a clear head in intense situations. Appears to be vulnerable in a seductive way, which makes people overly-protective of her; can easily manipulate men without them becoming suspicious. Wins the trust of others easily due to her "frailty" and wounded inner-child.


Very claustrophobic. Has an extreme fear of small, enclosed places, and of being trapped. Feels very protective toward children and "victims." Feels no real sense of "belonging" or comraderie, which makes her very difficult as a "team-player". Has a general mistrust towards men, and all forms of "heirarchy".


After many years of steady survelliance, the Section began to feed Tatia with tidbits of information regarding Jorgen's terrorist activities, monitering her reaction. The Setion eventually determined that Tatia held no loyalties for Jorgen beyond the superficial "agreement" they had reached, and arranged a "meeting". Notified of Tatia's disappearance by his own informants, Jorgen used Tatia's sister, Natalia as a hostage, threatening her death if Tatia did not return. Tatia returned to find her sister dead, permanantly turning her from Jorgen. Through her own devices she managed to escape Jorgen and Red Cell and was immediately brought back to the section. She provided the Section with classified information and orchestrated Jorgen's assasination

ABOUT THE "REAL" TATIA :  I am a walking collection of immaculate ecclection... I am interested in EVERYTHING! (Sometimes to the point where I think I might be my own antithesis...) I want to know and confront everything... I love to learn!

The rest is classified..........

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