CODE NAME:    Classified

RANK: Level 5 Operative


Khrystoff is one of Section's "major players". He is responsible for training new operatives in hand-to-hand combat, firearms, and essential mercenary skills.

Little is known about Khrystoff's past; however, he has alluded to having worked as a bounty hunter in his life before Section. He was captured in 1990, tortured by HELIX in a case of faulty intel, and left for dead. Khrystoff resisted their methods, and fought back. He killed three HELIX assasins with his bare hands and eighteen more after he acquired a firearm, eliminating all HELIX members in that vicinity.

Khrystoff was recruited by Section One shortly thereafter, moving quickly up through the ranks due to his ability to learn and adapt quickly, and his own disattachment from life itself.


An amazing strategist; he is an effective killer because he is able to calculate his opponent's next move. He has no regard for human life, including his own, and takes life-threatening risks readily.


Very head-strong, has a problem taking orders from others, and authority in-general. May kill unnecessarily if angered or provoked.

The rest is classified..........

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