The Farting Parasite

By: Winse Heyward

This is a tradgic story about a middle school kid who was tradgicly diagnosed with the farting parasite which happens to only one person each century. The parasite is located in in ones stomach and sticks out of the skin and when ever it vibrates it makes you fart. This is what the parasite looks like:

It was Pooh's first day at his new school and he was very tired from staying up late on trying to muffle the sounds of his farts that would frequently sound if he were to make a hard step on the ground or sit down in his seat or anything else that would vibrate the parasite. Pooh lived in San Fransisco where he fearea earthquakes a lot not only because it trembled the earth but also because it trigered his parasite for at least three minutes.
Pooh was having a good first day of school with only a few fart attacks which were all in the bathroom, but little did he know that trouble was soon to come. Pooh was going to lunch alone like usual and was feeling good about himself untill he had a small fart attack in front of all the "cool" kids and was emediatly at the bottom of all the popularity list. Pooh thought that nothing else could go wrong untill it did when a large earthquqke occured during the last period. The parasite went bazurk and while every one was evacuating the building in case of possible fires inside, but no one could have guessed that the earthquake would not do one third of the damage in the school. Pooh was running out of the building with everyone else and a trail of terrible smelling gas was forming behind him. Everyone behind was fainting because of the bad gas and some even suffacating. When Pooh finnally got out side he realized that he had knocked everyone inside the school unconscious and even killed some people.When his fart attack was over he went home, got together all of his money and things, flew to Chile, got a shock absorbing implnt on the parasite and lived there for the rest of his life, but no one can forget the tradgic day that 8 people died, 92 put in the hospital, and all the rest stained with the gross smell for life.
The End