Article 2: Treasures in Jars of Clay

Note: All biblical references are from a New International Version bible.

Disclaimer: Jars of Clay is property of Essential Records. I only mentioned them to make a point


By Crystal J. King

I was thinking of a topic to write about this week while listening to a 'Jars of Clay' CD. There is a secret track on their self-titled album, called Four-Seven. It is based on 2 Corinthians 4:7 which is also the verse they got their name from. Regardless of whether or not you've listened to 'Jars of Clay' the fourth chapter in 2 Corinthians is great to read. I recommend reading it because I'm about to comment on it and otherwise it won't make much sense.

It starts by saying that we shall not distort the truth, but instead show it plainly. This should also be true of our love of God. We should openly show it and be willing to tell others about Jesus if they need help. Paul also makes reference to Genesis 1:3, "Let lightness shine out of the darkness". We should stand out as Christians and do what is right.

Now I've come to verse 7, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us". This is my favorite verse, but it's a little confusing. I don't claim to be some scholar, hey I'm a regular high schooler, but I'll try my best. By the way if anyone has opinions on these articles don't hesitate to e-mail me. Okay, this is what I think it means. We have power in Christ. God died for us and gave us eternal life. This is our greatest gift, but without God we have nothing. It is the ‘treasure’. The 'treasure' referred to, is in a jar of clay, not exactly a rich piece of crockery. It seems like the outside look is deceiving, it's what's inside that matters. I was confused until I listened to Four-Seven again. When it is sung they sing ‘earthen vessels’ instead of jars of clay. The word earth made me understand. Our bodies are earthen vessels. We aren’t perfect on the outside. We’re mortal. But we have eternal life, our ‘treasure’ inside us. Another problem arises. What is the all-surpassing power that comes from God and not from us? God has all-surpassing power. We don't. Without him we will eventually die. This shows how God is so much more powerful than we are. We need him. We can do many things, but this is one area we have to rely on him completely. It demonstrates the all-surpassing power. I hope that makes sense. I spent ages trying to phrase what I thought of and it's hard to explain. The verse actually makes sense to me know. What do you think? Any comments, questions, e-mail me.

It's time to move ahead, but I've made the point I wanted to. The chapter continues to tell us that Jesus will be revealed in us and that we shall remain strong through him. We might sometimes have bad spots in our lives, but we should not 'lose heart'. Being strong for Christ during parts of our lives when it's hard will bring rewards in heaven, "for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all' (what a great verse!).

I hope this short study of 2 Corinthians Chapter 4, helped you understand it. I'll leave you with another good verse from the chapter, "so we fix our eyes on not what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal'.

Your sister in Christ,