Submit PA Fan Art

The fan art page is finally here! The easiest way to do this, since Geocities doesn't have a whole lot of storage space, is for you to host your fan art on Photobucket or another photo-hosting site, and send me the link. Then I can post your picture in the Fan Stuff section. As always, there are rules:

Pepper Ann World Fan Art Rules & Guidelines

  1. Your fan art must equate to a G or PG rating. Pepper Ann doesn't lend itself well to adult content, anyway.
  2. Your art must be hosted elsewhere! I don't have room to store everyone's picture here.

If you have a personal art site, a DeviantArt account, or something else like that, there's a line in the form where you can put the link!

Please note that you will be taken to a transition page once you press the "Submit" button. This means that I have received your submission, so please don't send it a second time.

Name/Artist Name:
E-mail Address:
Fan Art Title (if there is one):

Link to Fan Art:

Personal Art Site (if you have one):


[Pepper Ann World]