And here is the history of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Note: I have heard two histories, but only the
ones by the games and comics are completly
canon. Even so, I will tell you about the second
Read on!
The planet Mobius was a great one. It enjoyed years of prosperity, peace, and happiness. The wars of the land between animals and overlanders had long gone, but not forgotten. The two races lived apart and happy.
In this, a scientist by the name of Dr. Julian Ivo Kintobor(Robotnik backwards) was a very wise scientist. He was widely regarded and acclaimed for his achievements. But he kept his own secrets to himself and built his power through development of robots and pollution, two of his favorite things.
Once his power and strategy was laid out, he launched an unexpected assault on the planet Mobius! His robots seized the capital city of Mobotropolis and changed Robotropolis! Worse, he changed all machines to put off ghastly amounts of pollution!
The animals-who were just as smart and capable as the humans, but still looked like animals-decided to take action against the tyrant. But, before an attack could be set, Robotnik stormed a woodland city. Using his new technology, he could turn any living creature into a robot! He called the process, "Robotization."
Among the few was a spirited young hedgehog. He was named, "Sonic." He watched in horror as his fellow citizens were roboticized into mindless servants to Robotnik. Among them was his Uncle Chuck, and his pet dog, Muttsky.
When Robotnik tried to get Sonic, the small hedgehog proved to be quite formidable. He was so fast that he left a streak of blue in his passing. Robotnik eventually was so confused he swung his left arm into the Robotization unit-turning his left arm to be robotical!
Sonic got away, but he was emotionally collapsed.
By this time, Robotnik had returned to Robotropolis and he had banished King Acorn into the Zone of Silence, the only one left to stand in his way.
But King Acorn's daughter, Princess Sally Elisha Acorn, remained. She was very determined to stop the dictator from ruling.
In a final ditch effort the princess called together some of the best warriors around, in an attempt to form a resistance. Princess Sally called her team, the "Freedom Fighters."
Sonic had not yet heard about the new band, and in an attempt to defeat him, Sonic the Hedgehog set out on his own to defeat Dr. Robotnik.
(This is the story behind Sonic the Hedgehog (1).
Sonic's venture proved to be successful, but he only slowed the evil scientist. Princess Sally heard of Sonic's accomplishment and offered for him to join the Freedom Fighters. Sonic accepted.
Sometime after Robotnik had returned from his previous defeat, he attacked again, this time with the use of a doomsday device he named, the "Death Egg".
For reasons yet unknown, only Sonic and Tails were available to the mission. So the two set off to defeat Dr. Robotnik once more.
(This is the story behind Sonic the Hedgehog 2).
Once again, Sonic and his new comrade Tails proved to be successful in taking down Robotnik. But, once again, Robotnik escaped. The team was once more discouraged that the scientist had not been defeated, but still were very optimistic over the results. Plus, by this time, several other bands of "Freedom Fighters" were emerging to aid.
Shortly after the events in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, it is learned that Dr. Robotnik crash-landed his Death Egg on the mysterious Floating Island, which simply suspends in the sky. Dr. Robotnik learns that the Chaos Emeralds in the Floating Island are capable of it's suspension, and he decides to try and steal them to repair his Death Egg.
So, once again, Sonic and Tails set off to defeat Dr. Robotnik, and they encounter one of Robotnik's new, 'allies', and his name is Knuckles the Echidna.
(This is the story behind Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic and Knuckles).
Yet another note: I consider the comics canon, since Sonic and the others
have to be doing something between the times the games occur. Robotnik and the Freedom Fighters still clash between games, in the comics. Makes sense to me!
And now, for that 'other' version of the story I told you about. I remember it pretty well. I read this many, and I stress the word many, years ago, like, when Sonic just came out. I read a small comic about him in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles magazine when I was very young. The story, you ask? Sure! Though I don't believe it, it really seems to relate closer to the plotline of 'The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog'. You know, that weak and generic version of the classic 'SatAM' episodes.
Sigh. Of course you do.
Let's see. The story begins with a classic image of Sonic running from Robotnik with a cocky grin on his face, and Robotnik all mad in the background. He is using that checkerboard wrecking ball(For a reference, look at him as the very first boss in Sonic 1.) Anyway, Sonic fakes him out and gets him to crash into a mountain, or something like that. Robotnik gets mad and vows revenge, and Sonic runs away.
Once out of view and earshot, Sonic talks to some woodland friends of his(Not the Freedom Fighters! They weren't even mentioned in this! Just normal animals, like the kind that come out when Sonic bonks a robot.
One of them suggests Sonic get Dr. Kintobor, since he will know what to do. Sonic says he can't. They all ask why. "Because..." Sonic begins, stuttering, "Kintobor is Robotnik!"
Collective shudders rise up. Sonic begins the reminisance.
Sonic talks about how he used to be a 'normal' hedgehog. Somewhat true. He was brown, and he had several small spikes covering his body, so he did look like an average sorta hedgehog. Also, he had white sneakers. Anyway, he talks about accidentaly burrowing into a scientist's lab. His name? Dr. Kintobor(Robotnik backwards.)
The two became fast friends. Kintobor liked to run experiments on Sonic's amazing speed, and Sonic would cooperate. One day he was moniotring Sonic on a treadmill, and Sonic had it reved up to 400 miles per hour. Dr. Kintobor was astounded. Sonic said that was nothing, and poured on his max speed. The thing blew up, and Sonic was blue(The Sonic we all know and love today.) Kintobor is befuddles, and gives him a pair of special red shoes with a white strip down the middle. He is know the Sonic we have come to know!
One day Dr. Kintobor is doing some research, and he asked if Sonic ould get him a soda and an egg. Before he even finishes the sentance, Sonic has them both. As he gives them to Kintobor, the scientist is holding the egg, but the soda spills onto a machine, zapping him.
Dr. Kintobor is changed into the evil Robotnik, and vows to get Sonic.
Sonic finishes telling them, and they are all astounded. They all say they will one day win.

Odd story, but I guess the plot wasn't thought out too well back then. Eh.
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