
Authors are allowed to post anything they want. Some stories may contain violence, language and sexual content. If you have a problem with this, you are underage or your boss is coming go to SlayerFanfic.com or UCSL Jr. All stories are given a movie style rating (NC-17/R/PG-13 etc.)

This sight is officially All Watchers, All the Time! All the stories that aren't about Gile's getting his groove on have been moved to The Fish Tank

If you have any fics with any of the Watchers, *PLEASE* send them to me or submit them in The Card File.

If you have any stories that you want to post that don't necessarily contain a Watcher, send them to me anyway, and I will post them in The Fish Tank.

Now that we have covered our butts...

I'm already twisted...let me in!

No! No! No! Stop! I wanna go home!

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