Nett's note
The topics below are the ones that I want to do research on, and therefore have the knowledge to write this page. Since people wrote books about what I am going to discuss, I know it's going to take a while to put the whole thing in place.

So, before all that...
Enjoy some nifty animated GIFs and have some ideas of what I will put on this page in the future. Here is the list of suggested readings (they are also Must-Have's for hardcore trekkies).

Star Trek Technology:

The schematics and engineering of ships in Star Trek...

Such as:

matter/antimatter reaction assembly using dilithium crystal as an main part of powering up warp propulsion system.

Speaking of warp propulsion, you can look at the next couple of GIFs, in which Enterprise D and Enterprise E are ready to go into warp.


Ever wonder about the technology of "phaser" and "quantum torpedos mentioned in Star Trek in which they are so powerful that can be set at any level from "stun" to "vaporize", and is faster than light? (phaser)

But...they always have counter measures in Star Trek...

They are not so powerful when against "force field," or in some case they call it "shields" (in Star Trek, it is defined as the force fields around a ship.) Scene from the movie Star Trek: Generations; Enterprise is trying to shoot Klingon Bird of Prey using phaser, but the damaging effect on Bird of Prey is decreased because it's protected by the "shields."

Another amazing technology from Star Trek---cloaking. Do they physically disappear, or is it just invisible while you can feel its presence? The technology was possessed by Romulans and Klingons, now only USS Defiant from Federation has it under regulations, otherwise none of the Federation ships have it.

Beam me up, Scotty!
Curious about that energy v.s matter theory? Well, in Star Trek it's used in applications such as "transporter" and "holodeck."

Finally, a scene from Star Trek: First Contact that summarizes the above...

all the weapons---phasers, quantum torpedos are aimed at the Borg cube in the battle against the Borg.

Star Trek Phenomena:

Wormhole---a wonderful phenomenon depicted by Star Trek universe mostly shown in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. It's not related to blackhole; instead, it works as a pathway to a place where we have to travel much further to reach (if taking a standard route). From what I remembered, that to apply the concept, in which you have to think two dimensionally, think about a folded paper. Punch two holes, one at the top of the paper (representing present location) and one at the bottom (representing destination). Fold it so the two holes match. Take a pencil (reprensenting a spaceship) and penetrate the holes that were already made, as a simulation of traveling through a wormhole. Then in theory, that is pretty much about how wormhole works.

Please check back later!