Past and Present Meet

by Melissa


Luke Spencer was at the bar shining his new stock of glasses when the
girl walked in with her long flowing darkcurly hair flying around her.
She looked to be between the ages of 18 and early twenties. Luke
immediately sensed this girl was trouble, but a nice kind of trouble.
Her twinkling brown eyes had a hint of mischief in them, but she looked
very determined to get whatever she wanted.
L: ''What can I do for you, beautiful lady?''
G: Gave him a look that said his sweet talking ways weren't going to
work on him. ''Could I speak to the owner of the club?''
 L: ''That would be me. What do you want to know?''
 G: ''I understand that a Mr. Michael Corinthos Jr. used to own part of
this club.''
 L: ''Yeah. Why do you want to know?''
 G: ''Could you tell me where I could find him now?''
 L: Gets a far away look in his eyes. ''Why do you ask?''
 G: ''I just need to know. It's personal. If you don't know where to
find him, then could you please tell me where I can find a Miss Brenda
 L: ''Excuse me, Miss…
 G: ''Sara. Sara James.''
 L: ''Miss James you're not going to find either one of them.''
 S: Eyes go wide. ''Why not?''
 L: ''They're both dead.''
 S: Puts her purse on the bar counter and finally sits down on a stool.
''What? That can't be. I've waited too long for this and their dead?''
She feels tears well up in her eyes but she won't let them fall in front
of this stranger.
L: ''I'm sorry miss. She disappeared about 19 years ago and he about 15.
Is there any particular reason why you want to know about them?''
     S: Pulls out a piece of paper in her purse and hands it to Luke.
     L: Reads it. Looks back at Sara shocked, whistles loudly then says,
''Wow, who'd ever thought this would


     Meanwhile a man was on his way home. He'd spent 15 years looking
for his wife. He knew she hadn't died when
     she disappeared so many years ago, but she was now she was no where
to be found. All his leads had been
     exhausted years ago. The not knowing was killing him. He couldn't
do this anymore. He'd hung on too long. She
     was long gone by now. There wasn't any sign of her anywhere. She
was probably dead now or didn't want to be
     found. Why this happened he would never know. It was time to pack
up an d go home. They'd probably be
     surprised to see him, since he hadn't contacted anyone since he
left. Who was he kidding? The town probably
     rejoiced when he left. They didn't miss him. Except for a few
people. Those few people were the ones he should
     have been with now. Not on a wild goose chase that sent all over
the world for nothing.


     A woman sits in a desolate house in the middle of nowhwere. This
was her home. What a joke. She'd been taken
     from her home years ago. Everything had been taken from her. She
was lucky to be alive.

     Her heart and soul were gone, but she was alive. There was still
hope for her. At least that's what the townsfolk
     hoped. The lady in the old house was beautiful, but she never did
anything except work as a secretary at the local
     newspaper. She came to work. She went home. She never did anything
with anyone. She was friendly, but very
     shy and seemed to be on edge if you asked her questions. They
wanted to help her, but had no idea how.


Chapter 2

Luke and Sara are at the bar.
S:  “Who’d a guessed what?”
L:  “That the mobster and the model had a kid.”
S:  “Excuse me, mobster and model?”
L:  Looks at her in disbelief.  “You’ve never heard of the mobster and
the model?  Also known as Sonny Corinthos and Brenda Barrett.”
S:  “Of course I have, Mr.   ….?
L:  Luke Spencer, call me Luke.
S:  Okay.  Luke. It’s America’s most tragic love stories.  My friends
and I used to try to imagine what happened to them.  What are you trying
to say about them?”  Then an idea dawns on her.  No it couldn’t be,
could it?  “You can’t possibly mean that those names on my birth
certificate are them?”
L:  ‘That’s exactly what I’m saying, hon.”  Takes another good look at
her.  “You know that’s why you look so familiar.  You look like both of
S:  “Whoa.  I think I need to think about this a little.”  She’s quiet
for a moment.  “You know this explains a lot.”
L:  “Like what?”
S:  “Why I always felt so passionately about that story.  I felt
connected to them.  I guess subconciously I knew I was.  You don’t know
how many times people have stopped me to tell me that I look like the
glamourous and tragic Brenda Barett.”
L:  “They’re right.  You look a lot like her.”  She smiles showing
dimples.  “but you have his smile.”
S:  “Yeah I know that too.  I’ve been told that.”  She’s quiet again.
“You know the clues were there all the time.  My friends used to tease
me that I was somehow related to them.  Everyone knew I was adopted so
they would come up with elaborate stories of how I ended up on the West
Coast.  I would try to imagine myself in these situations, but then I
would remember that it was a fairy tale.  I guess it really wasn’t.
When I saw those names on my birth certificate I recognizes Brenda’s
name, but not Sonny’s real name.  For a minute I thought it was them,
but I convinced my self that was an impossible dream.  Especially since
the stories around the romance didn’t say anything about a baby.  If
what you’re telling me is true, how the h*ll did I end up in Washington
State six months after she disappeared?”
L:  “I don’t know, hon. By that time we were sure she was dead.  Well
all except Sonny that is.  He never gave up hope that she was alive.  I
don’t think he knew about you, or he wouldn’t have survived as long as
he did after she was gone.  It about killed him when his first child
died.  I don’t think he could have taken if he thought he lost another
S:  “I had a sibling?”
L:  “Well it was never born.  It died with his first wife.”
S:  “The car bomb?  Another part of the tragic story.”
L:  “Got that right.”
S:  “You knew them well, didn’t you?”
L:  “I knew Sonny well, I knew Brenda well enough.”
S:  “Would you mind if I stayed in town and asked you about my parents
and could you help me find out what happened between the time my mother
disappeared and I was born?”
L:  “I wouldn’t mind.  I’d welcome the challenge.  Not much going on
around here.  Do you have a place to stay?”
S:  “No.  I was going to get a room at the Port Charles Hotel.”
L:  “Don’t even think about it.  You can have the apartment upstairs.
My son just moved out of it.  Besides your parents lived there for
awhile.  I bet they would want you there.”
S:  “Well, I don’t know…”
L:  “Just go up and look at it.”  He gives her a key and motions her to
go towards the back and up the stairs.  She looks at the key for a
minute wondering what she should do.  Curiosity got the best of her and
she turned and headed for the stairs.


She heard a knock on the door.  She got up to see who it was.  The local
delivery man was there.  A package for her?  Who would know she was
here?  Oh God had they found her again?  When was all this running going
to stop?  She cautiously opened the door.
Delivery Man:  “Good afternoon Miss Cline.  I’ve package for you to sign
for.  It’s your day off today?”
Miss Cline:  “Yeah.  Have to take a break once in awhile.  She signed
for the package.  Gave the man a tip thanked him, and brought the
package inside.

Once inside she took the package and opened it.  She carefully took out
the contents.  Inside were two photos, some baby dresses, and a gold
baby id bracelet.  One photo was of a baby and one was a picture of
present day Sara.  Inside was also a note.  She read it.  Very
crypitcally it said.  “Do you think we are fools?  You think you could
hide her from us forever?  If you don’t cooperate with us this time the
next picture you will see is of her grave.  We know where she is and
where you are.  We’re watching both of you.”

She took the pictures and outlined the faces.  Whispering with tears in
her eyes.  “They’re not going to hurt you, baby.  I won’t let them.  How
did they find you?  I tried to keep you safe, honey.  I really did.”
What was she going to do now?  They’d found her and her baby.  They were
capable of everything.  She was always running, but it had always only
been her life in danger, now her daughter’s was too.  She picked up the
phone and called the only person she knew who could help her.  It would
probably get herself killed, but at least she could warn him about Sara
and make sure she had protection.


The man arrived in Port Charles.  He headed home, but first there was
someone he had to see.  He just didn’t know where to find him.  He
called information to get a long forgotten number.  He dialed the
number.  D*mn, it was busy.  Well it could wait.  He headed home to
catch up on some badly needed sleep.  Like he would be able to sleep
with his haunted dreams, but he could try.


Chapter 3

It was a normal night at the Sonny’s penthouse for Jason Morgan.  He was
in the office going over last minute business.  It was strange that
after all this time he still called this Sonny’s penthouse.  He still
felt like he was housesitting it even though he had let Carly redecorate
it years ago.  He knew that that it’s owner would never come back to it,
but that’s still how he felt about.  He had promised Sonny he would take
care of it and he intended to do that till the day he died.  His
thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone.
J:  “Morgan speaking.”
On the other end a woman answered.  “Jason?  Is  Sonny there?”  The
voice sounded slightly familiar, but Jason couldn’t quite place it.
J:  “Sonny?  Who is this?”
W:  “Jason, it’s me Brenda.  Where’s Sonny?”
J:  “What kind of sick joke is this?  Who are you?”
B:  “Jason it’s me Brenda.  I really need to speak to Sonny.”
J:  “I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know your game, but both
Sonny and Brenda are dead.  Have been for years.”  He hears her gasp on
the other end of the line.
B:  “No.  Not Sonny.  They got him too.”  She starts to cry a little.
“Jason I need your help.  Please help me.”
J:  Something in him tells him he needs to help her.  His gut tells him
he might really be talking to Brenda, but  how?  He had to make sure.
B:  “Yeah.”
J:  “Can you tell me for sure you are you.’
B:  “Yeah.  Ask me anything.”
J:  “Your engagement ring where did it come from?”
B:  Smiles at the memory.  “Sonny got it from Mike.  It was Adella’s
J:  That was good enough for him.  “Brenda where are you?”
B:  “I can’t tell you.  I need you to do something for me.”
J:  “What do you need?”
B:  “Find my daughter.  They found her.”
J:  “Your daughter? They?  Brenda I need more details than that.”
B:  “Just find her before they get to her.  They’re going to kill her.
She was born on April 16, 1998.  She was born in Washington  State at
Harborview Hospital in Seattle.  I named her Sara, but I don’t know if
she still goes by that name.”
J:  “Washington? Sara?  Brenda what is going on?”
B:  “I can’t tell you Jason.  Just find her please.”
J:  “I’ll try.  Where can I reach you when I find her?”
B:  “I’ll call you.”
J:  “Brenda…”  Before he could pry more information she hung up.
“D*mn.  Brenda what is going on?”
He picked up the phone and called Luke.
L:  “Lukes.”
J:  “Luke can you get over here soon?  And bring Mike with you.”
L:  “Sure.  Why?”
J:  “I’ll explain later, just get here.”
L:  “I’m on my way as soon as I get my new tenant settled.”
L:  “Okay.”


Sara came down stairs.  She had finished looking around the apartment.
It was perfect.  It was a little small, but it had been kept up.  She
had found a couple of old pictures in the bedroom closet of her
parents.  They seemed so happy together.  When she closed her eyes she
could almost imagine them in the room.  She would definitely stay
here.   She already felt closer to the parents she never knew by seeing
the place.  As she entered the main part of Luke’s he was just getting
off the phone.
L:  “So what do you think, darling?”
S:  Smiles at him and says, “I love it.  I’ll take it.  How much do I
owe you for it?”
L:  “Nothing.  I didn’t charge Sonny for it and not about to charge his
daughter for it.”
S:  “But he owned part of the club.”
L:  “Don’t worry about it.  You can have it.”
S:  “Thanks Luke.”
L:  “You’re welcome.  I’m going out for awhile.  This place will be
opening soon so if you hear noise down there, don’t worry about it.
You’re more than welcome to join everyone down here.”
S:  “I’m underage though.”
L:  “I’ll tell the bartenders not to serve you then.”
S:  “Okay.  I might be down later.  I’ll just get my stuff out of my car
and move it upstairs.”
L:  “Okay.  If you need any help call my son at this number.”  Hands her
a piece of paper.  “His name is Lucky and tell him you’re the new tenant
and I had to go out for awhile.”
S:  “Thanks again for everything.”
L:  “Not necessary.  Sonny was one of the best friends a guy could
have.  I’m just glad I got the chance to meet his daughter.”  He looks
at his watch.  “Well I really need to get going.”  With that he left,
leaving Sara alone.  She left to get her belongings from her car and
started moving everything upstairs.

He had just stepped out of the elevator and was on his way to the
penthouse.  He noticed that Renaldo and Johnny were still standing guard
at the door.  Jason must still be watching the place.  I told him he
didn’t need to watch it for so long.  The guards faces went white when
they saw him.
Man:  “What’s the matter with you two?  You look like you’ve seen a
R:  “Uh Johnny is that?”
Jo:  “Yeah, I think it is.”
M:  “I’m who?  Your boss Sonny?”
R:  “Yeah.”
S:  “Of course it is.  Now let me in.”
R:  “Of course boss.”
He opens the door.  Inside a voice is heard.  “Who’s here Renaldo?”
Sonny walks in.
S:  “Just me Jason.  Long time no see.”
Jason’s eyes grow wide as he sees Sonny.
S:  “Why is everyone looking at me like I walked out of a grave?  Do I
look funny or something?”
J:  “You’re dead.”
S:  “I’m what?”


Chapter 4

Jason just stared at Sonny.  This was one crazy night.  Then he realized
Sonny was talking to him.
S:  “Jason, what are you talking about?  I’m right here.  I’m not dead.
Where did you ever come up with the idea that I was dead?”
J:  “Maybe because nobody has heard from you in fifteen years.  Also it
was reported that you were on a passenger list of a plane that went down
near Puerto Rico.  Everyone on the plane survived, except you were no
where to be found.  We just assumed you died.”
S:  Walks by Jason to sit on the couch.  Lets out a sigh and puts his
face in his hands.  Looks at Jason.  “I was never on that flight.  I
decided not to go at the last minute.”
J:  “You could have called someone to let them know.”
S:  “I wasn’t thinking straight okay.  I should have, but I didn’t.”
J:  “For fifteen years?  Did you forget what a phone was or where to
find a pen and paper?”
S:  “No.  I guess I didn’t want to hear any lectures on how I was on a
wild goose chase.  I was determined to find her, but it was a hopeless
case.  She’s gone.  I have to face the truth.  She’s gone and she isn’t
ever coming back.  Why did I let myself get so carried away in trying to
find her?”
J:  “Umm Sonny…”  There’s a knock on the door.  Renaldo sticks his head
in and announces Luke and Mike as they walk into the penthouse.
L:  “So Jase, what’s got you so riled up that you needed us to come here
so quick?”
Sonny turns at the sound of Luke’s voice.  Mike and Luke both stop dead
in their tracks when they see him.
J:  “Well it wasn’t him”  pointing to Sonny.  “He showed up after I got
the phone call.  I’m telling you I’ve had one crazy night.”
L:  Corinthos?
M:  At the same time as Luke, “Michael?”
S:  “Hi Luke, Pops.”  He gets up and hugs them both.
L:  “Mind explaining why you’re here and not on the bottom of the
S:  “I was never on the plane.”
M:  “Couldn’t you ‘ave called someone so we knew you were alright?”
S:  “I have to explain this again?  I don’t know how.  I just didn’t
call okay.  I wasn’t thinking straight, I guess.”
M:  “You guess?  You put us through a lot a grief pain.”
S:  “Pops, I’m sorry.”
M:  “You better be.”  He then smiles.  “It’s good to have you back.”
S:  “It’s good to be back.  I need to feel sane again.  Not lonely and
L:  Gives Sonny a friendly slap on the back.  “Nice to see ya partner,
even if your brains haven’t been all there.  So Jase what kind of phone
call did you receive that you need our help with.”
J:  “I have to find someone.  I don’t know why, just that she is in
L:  “Who do you have to find?”
J:  He’s quiet for a moment, looks each one of them in the eyes and
says, “Brenda’s daughter.”
Mike’s eyes go wide.  Sonny’s eyes cloud over and he looks down in
despair.  Luke just sits there.
M:  ‘Daughter?”
S:  Looks up, and at the same time as Mike, “I’ve already tried looking
for her.  She’s gone too.  The last place I know for sure that Brenda
was is Seattle Washington.  She gave birth to a baby girl.  Both of them
disappeared a few weeks later, never to be seen or heard from again.”
L:  “That’s not exactly true.”  Everyone looks at Luke.  “A young Miss
Sara James showed up at Luke’s today.  She claims she’s your s and
Brenda’s daughter.  She’s living upstairs at Luke’s.”
S:  Starts to get a little agitated.  “She’s here?  Here in Port
L:  “Yeah.”
S:  Gets up.  “I’ve got to go see her.”
L:  “Wait just a minute there pal, we need to know what kind of danger
she is in.”  They both turn towards Jason while Sonny sits back down.
J:  “She didn’t say what kind of danger, just that she was going to need
S:  Already sensing that he knows, he asks, “Who is she, Jason?”
J:  Takes a deep breath, “Brenda.”  He looks at their shocked faces and
continues.  “She called out of the blue and said I needed to find and
protect her daughter from “them.”  That’s all she would say.  She hung
up before I could get anything else out of her.”
S:  “She’s still alive.  I knew she was.  Where is she Jason?”
J:  “I don’t know.  She wouldn’t say.  But my gut tells me that we need
to find her before whatever danger she is in finds her.”
S:  “We have to.  God, Brenda where are you and what kind of danger are
you in?”


He once long flowing brown hair was tightly kept in a bun these days.
Her once vibrant eyes were now glazed with sadness.  She rarely ever
smiled.  Her face looked tired and in close to twenty years a few
winkles had started to appear.  She kept her face plain, no makeup.  She
usually dressed in gray, black, or brown business skirt suits.  They
weren’t fancy, just practical.  No one would ever suspect that she had
once been a supermodel for two different cosmetic companies in her
lifetime.  She seemed too prim and proper.  Sitting at her desk she
slightly laughed at the image.  Her prim and proper?  That was the last
thing anyone back home would say.  Home.  She missed home.  She couldn’t
go back though.  Not if she wanted to keep her daughter alive.  Please
Jason find her.

Chapter 5

Sara came downstairs.  She wanted to check out the place that her father
once owned.  She put on a purple tight fitting dress that showed off her
model perfect figure.  Her hair was pulled in a french twist and she
left a few curly tendrils loose to frame her face.  She grabbed her
purse, and before she headed downstairs, she subconsciously felt to make
sure the diamond ring was on it’s chain around her neck.  The ring had
been one thing that Grandma Jane had said belonged to her mother.
Grandma Jane said that her mother had left it to remind Sara that she
was a child of love.  She had been told it was her mother’s and
grandmother’s engagement ring.  Sara vowed that she would always have
that ring with her.  It made her feel like the past generations of her
family were watching over her.  She touched the ring one last time and
tucked it underneath her dress and headed down the stairs.  When she
entered the main part of Luke’s it was pretty dead.  Probably hard to
get a good crowd on a Tuesday night she thought.  The bartender noticed
her and smiled.
BarTender: “You must be Miss James. Luke left a note saying that he had
a new tenant.  What can I get for your?  Nothing alcoholic, I don’t want
to lose my job.”
S:  Flashes her dimples.  “First of all you can call me Sara.  I’ll have
BT:  “Coming right up, Sara.”  He pours her a glass of root beer.  She
takes it and goes to sit at a nearby table.
S:  There wasn’t much going on down here so she was going to finish her
drink and go back upstairs.  She liked the feeling that this place had.
It was very bluesy and comfortable.  When she had finished her drink and
was about to be on her way upstairs, the bartender called her over and
said she had a phone call.
She took the phone, curious to know who knew she was there.  “Hello?”
L:  “Hon, it’s Luke.”
S:  “Hi Luke.  Why are you calling me down here?”
L:  “The upstairs line didn’t answer so I tried the main part.  I found
S:  “You did, so why are you calling me?”
L:  “I need you meet me here.  There will be a limousine sent to
Luke’s.  It will take to where I’m at and the driver will tell you what
to do.”
S:  “Why all of that?”
L:  “It has to do with your parents.”
S:  “Okay I’ll go along.”
L:  “You won’t regret it Sara.”
S:  “I never said I would.”

Luke has just got off the phone with Sara.
S:  “I don’t think she needs to know what’s going on.”
L:  “I know you don’t, but it is her life that is in danger.  She needs
to at least be warned.”
S:  “I don’t want to worry her, she just got here, and I haven’t even
met her yet.”
J:  “Sonny he’s right.   She needs to know.  It’s better that she knows
than to be blind sided by an attack.  Isn’t that what usually got you in
trouble with Brenda?  You didn’t tell her her life was in danger and she
kept getting blind sided.  I don’t think you need to repeat that with
S:  “No, I don’t, but…”
L:  “Look Sonny it is much easier to protect her if she knows what is
going on.  She will know that she has to watch her back.  It may not be
good for someone that young to live like that, but it keeps them alive.
Ask Lucky.  He probably wouldn’t be alive today if he didn’t know what
was going on when we were on the run when he was young.  He knew the
ropes.  He knew how to handle an emergency.  We need to tell Sara.”
S:  “Fine, we’ll tell her.”
M:  “You made the right decision, Michael.”
S:  “Thanks pops.”

Brenda had just retired from her study to her bedroom.  She heard noises
downstairs.  Someone was in the house.  Terror and fright coursed
through her as she froze in the middle of the bedroom.  On instinct she
grabbed the gun from her dresser and slowly made her way to the stairs.
She snuck halfway down the stairs, her gun trained at the figure near
the door.  She steadied her nervous hands as she got ready to shoot the
possible enemy as the figure turned towards her.  “Hello Brenda.”  Said
a male voice.

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