Part 17~

"Lily now's not really a good time. I was on my out."

"Well when would be a good time?" Never, Sonny thought to himself.

"Maybe later tonight or tomorrow. I've got a meeting to get to right 
now. I'll call you, okay?"

"Okay." Lily smiled as she left but inwardly she was seething. He was 
still hung up on that witch. It didn't help that Stone and Robin were 
visiting her and wouldn't even tell Sonny where they were going. It just 
made him obsess all the more.

After Lily left Sonny sat down on the couch again. He couldn't stop 
thinking about Brenda. Stone and Robin had gone to visit her and they 
wouldn't even tell him where. The only thing he'd managed to get out of 
Stone was a promise that he'd try and get Brenda to call him. He just 
wanted to hear her voice.


"Bren! You look great. You can barely tell you're pregnant." Robin gave 
her friend a hug. Then Stone gave her a hug. After they finished hugging 
they made their way to the baggage claim. Then when they'd gotten all 
the luggage Brenda told them to stay put while she went for the car. 
When she was out of earshot Stone turned to Robin.

"That was way to close."

"I still say we should tell her."

"Alright you win. We'll tell her. But in a public place so she can't 
kill either of us. Agreed?"



As Brenda drove her explorer through the parking lot to Stone and Robin 
she wondered what they were talking about when they walked up. She just 
hoped it didn't have to do with Sonny or Lily. They were the last thing 
she wanted to think about right now. Especially Lily. Bitch. She shook 
herself. Negative thoughts weren't good for the baby or her right now. 
The baby! Ohmigod she had a doctor's appointment in 20 minutes. She 
screeched to a halt in front of Stone and Robin.

"Get in!" Stone and Robin got in fast after throwing their luggage in 
the trunk.. Brenda waited until the buckled up before she took off.

"What's wrong Bren?"

"I completely forgot about my doctor's appointment."


"You said it. I wouldn't normally be so frazzled but I'm getting a 
sonogram done today."

"Cool. Are you gonna find out what it is?"

"I don't think so. I like surprises."


"You wanna walk Cates?"

"No. I'll shut up."

"Thank you." Robin just giggled at her friends.


"Sonny would you stop moping? You're starting to scare the customers 

"I'm sorry. I was just-"

"Thinking about Brenda. I know."

"She gave me back the necklace I gave her for Valentine's Day."

"Still no clue to where she is?"

"No word yet. It's driving me nuts. I mean everyday Stone gets closer 
and closer to dying and all I want to do is hold Bren and make sure 
she's real. That she's not this amazing dream I had."

"Keep the faith man."

"Yeah. I'm gonna take a walk."

"See ya later." Luke watched Sonny walk out of the club. Then he picked 
up the newspaper and turned to the fashion section. Normally he would've 
passed right by it. But the picture of Brenda had caught his eye. The 
number of her shop was listed. Making sure no one was around he picked 
up the phone and started to dial.

Ch.18~by Julie

Brenda, Stone and Robin sat in the waiting room. 

''Listen, do you guys want to come in with me? You don't have to, but it 
would be kinda nice to have some friends in there with me.''

''Bren, of course we will. I think it's so cool that you're gonna see 
your baby.''

''Ms. Barrett, the doctor will see you now.'' The nurse showed them to a 
room. ''Just put this gown on and Dr. Richards will be right in.''

''I think we'll wait outside.'' Stone said. He was so sick of hospitals 
just being in one made him nervous.

A few minutes later, Dr. Richards came in. ''Good morning Brenda. How 
are you feeling this morning?''

''Great! Dr. Richards, these are my friends, Robin Scorpio and Stone 

''Nice to meet you. Now shall we take a peek at this little guy?'' The 
doctor turned on the machines and spread the gel on her stomach. Soon a 
distorted image came up on the screen. Brenda looked at the doctor. She 
looked worried. She asked her to move from side to side. Then she looked 
at Brenda. 

Brenda suddenly got very nervous. ''Dr. Richards? Is there something 
wrong with my baby?''


''Look I need to speak to her. I'm a friend from Port Charles.'' Luke 
was getting very frustrated with Brenda's assistant, Lourdes. 

''I am sorry sir, but Ms. Barrett is a very busy woman, and I can not 
divulge her daily activities to complete strangers.'' Her thick French 
accent was really starting to annoy him.

"Look, lady, I don't have time to play games. It is very important that 
I speak to Brenda.''

''What the hell?'' Luke spun around only to find Sonny staring at him in 

Part 19- Julie

Luke stared at Sonny. ''I'll call back later.'' Sonny's eyes spoke 
volumes. He was hurt, betrayed, and angry.

''Sonny, I thought that you were going to take a walk?''

''Cut the crap Spencer. What's going on? Who was on the phone?'' 

''The phone? Uh, I was, I was just trying to help you find out where 
Brenda is.'' G*d he hoped he sounded convincing.

''Well, it sounds to me like you found her.'' Not convincing enough. 
Luke was screaming inside. He wanted to tell him everything he knew. He 
wanted to tell Sonny about the baby, her store and the fact that she was 
living in NYC. 

"C'mon Spencer, spit it out. I know you're trying to cover for her, but 
what I can't figure out is why? I'm your partner, your friend, not her. 
So why are you going out of your way to protect her?''

''Sonny it's not that simple. There's a lot you don't know.''

''Then explain it to me!! I want to know WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!!'' 

''Hey calm down. We are trying to run a business here.'' Luke looked at 
him. Sonny looked tired and beat. All he wanted was the woman he loved. 
Luke knew what is was like to be away from Laura and not know where she 
was. It had almost killed him. Luke looked at Sonny one more time. 

"This has gone on long enough. Here. This is an ad I saw for her store. 
It's where she works.''

Sonny looked down at the paper in his hand. NYC. Park Avenue. He had 
been so close to her when he was there. ''Thanks Luke.''


Dr. Richards looked at Brenda. She was beyond worried. She was scared. 
''Brenda they're fine. It just took me by surprise.''

''What? What do you mean ''they''?''

''Brenda, do you see that bump right there?'' 


''That is the head, and this bump right here is another. You're having 
twins. Congratulations.''

''Twins? Are you sure?'' Brenda didn't know what to think. She was 
relieved to know her baby was fine, but she had never expected this.

''I'm positive. Now why don't you get dressed and meet me in my office. 
We'll schedule your next appointment and talk about what you need to 

When the doctor left, Stone, Robin and Brenda stared at each other. 

''I can't believe your having twins, Brenda! that's so amazing!''

"Yeah! Congrats Bren.''

"Thanks guys.''

"Bren, are you O.K.? You don't look happy. don't you want twins?''


Lily sat and stared at the ad in the paper. Barrett Fashions. It was a 
huge success. There was an article about Brenda next to the ad. It 
talked about the success of L&B and of her new store. But it didn't 
mention anything about her pregnancy. She must be keeping it a secret. 
Then Lily stopped. Oh, G*D no! What if Sonny saw this! He said he had a 
meeting to go to! What if he was really going to NYC to find her. She 
picked up the phone and dialed Sonny's. No answer. She grabbed her coat 
and keys and ran out. She headed towards Luke's. She had to stop him. No 
matter what.

Part 20~

Lily rushed into Luke's hoping that Sonny hadn't seen the picture and if 
he had that he hadn't gone anywhere yet. She spotted Luke behind the 

"Luke have you seen Sonny?"

"Sorry Lily. He left about an hour ago."

"Did he say where he was going?"

"When he'd be back?"


"Thanks anyway Luke."

"Sure thing darling." Lily left the club in a rush and got into her car. 
This couldn't be happening. She was so close. She started her car and 
drove home her mind working furiously.


Back inside the club Luke waited until he heard Lily's car start and 
drive away before he called out to his friend.

"She's gone buddy." Sonny came out of the back room."

"Thanks man."

"No sweat. Good luck."

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it." Sonny left the club and climbed into his 
car. As he drove to the airport he remembered feeling Brenda in NYC. He 
prayed for the chance he needed to make things right with her.


"Happy? Of course I'm happy. I'm just in shock. Do you realize what this 
means? Stone turn around so I can get dressed." Brenda wiped off the gel 
on her stomach and rose to put on her clothes.

"You need to by another crib?" Stone cracked as he turned around to face 
the wall.

"No! Well yes I guess I do. But what it means is that I've got two 
little people growing inside of me. This is so amazing." Robin smiled at 
her best friend's happiness.

"So who are you gonna tell first?"

"Lois and Ned of course. Then Julia."


"Yeah when I told her about the baby or babies as the case may be, she 
gave me that Explorer as a shower present."


"Hey can I turn around yet?"

"Oh sorry. Yeah Stone sure."

"Thanks." He said turning. "So when can we eat?' The two girls laughed 
as they left the doctor's office.


Sonny stared out the window of the airplane as it descended into JFK. He 
was so close to her. He just hoped Bren would talk to him.


Sonny caught a cab and instructed the driver to go to Brenda's store. 
When the cab pulled up Sonny froze. He looked up at the sign: ''Barrett 
Fashions''. The three story building was in the most exclusive part of 

"You don't settle for second best do ya?" Sonny whispered. 

''Hey, they're closed. Where to next?'' the cabby was definitely from 

''I'll wait here. I'm looking for someone.''

''Yeah? Who? Hey, wait a minute. Ya don't actually think you're gonna 
score with a dame like Brenda Barrett do ya? She's so fine. Man, got the 
greatest body I ever saw. Man what I wouldn't give for 5 minutes with 

Sonny grabbed the cabby's arm. ''I think you've said enough. I don't 
ever want to hear you talking about Brenda again. Do you understand?''

The cabby was scared. He sat there and stare at Sonny. He furiously 
shook his head.

''Y-Yeah, whatever you say.''

Sonny let go of his arm ''Good.'' The cabby looked at Sonny. Then he 

"Hey you're Sonny Corinthos aren't ya? Man I hear the chics that I drop 
here talk about you. You and the dame were pretty hot and heavy there. 
What happened?''

''Nothing. It's got nothing to do with you. How much do I owe you?''

''35 bucks.'' Sonny handed him the money and got out. The cabby looked 
at him once more. ''What an idiot. Let that dame get away.'' With that 
he drove away leaving Sonny staring up at her building. 


''Stone, I am not naming my children Ricky and Lucy.'' Brenda said as 
she ate her salad.

"Why not? That's who you and Sonny remind me of. One of you is always 
doing something stupid because you misunderstood something, and then 
Sonny starts yelling.'' 

''Ya know Stone's got a point. Half of your problems with Sonny are 
because you two are so afraid of losing each other, you both do 
something stupid.''

''Thanks Robin, but this time I wasn't the one who screwed up. Listen 
this conversation is starting to depress me. Let's talk about something 
else. How are you doing Stone?''

The three friends continued to talk, eat and laugh about old times. 
Brenda, however had a weird feeling in her gut. She tried to dismiss it 
as indigestion, but she knew better. It had to do with Sonny.

Robin and Stone had agreed that they would tell Brenda about Lily later 
that night. 

''Well, you guys ready? I think we should go back to my place, get you 
guys settled in and then decide what you guys want to do while you're 

''Sounds good to me.''

''Let's go.''


Lily had gone all over town. She couldn't find Sonny anywhere. She knew 
what she had to do. It was the only way. If he got the chance to talk to 
Brenda, her chance with him was gone. She picked up the phone. 

''Hello, it's me. It has to be done tonight. As soon as possible. No, it 
can't wait! He might already be there. Good. Bye.'' She hung up the 
phone and walked to the window.

''I'm sorry it has to be this way Brenda, but I won't lose him.''


Sonny sat down at the foot of the steps. ''C'mon Brenda where are you?'' 


Lily stared out the window. It had been done. There was no going back 
now. The order had been giving. She only felt remorse for Sonny's baby. 
But if it was done right, he would never know.


Sonny was just about to leave when he heard a car pull into the garage. 
He wasn't sure if he was panicked or scared, maybe both. He just wanted 
five minutes to talk to her. 


Stone, Robin and Brenda got out of the car. They started to walk towards 
the building.

"Wait, I forgot the sonogram on the dashboard."

"I'll go get it."

"No, here take the keys. I'll be back in a minute. Go on."

Stone and Robin took the keys and started towards the building. They 
stopped in their tracks when they saw who was waiting on the steps.


Brenda headed back to the car. She had the feeling she was being 
watched. But then again she had been feeling strange all day. She didn't 
see the man who was watching her from the bushes. As she reached her 
car, he grabbed her from behind. She was scared stiff. "Please just take 
my purse."

He said nothing. He did what he was instructed to do. He whipped out 
this knife. The cold steel was glistening against the night moon. He 
covered her mouth and then stabbed her in the chest. Once. Twice. Three 
times. Brenda could feel her lungs fill up. She couldn't breath. She was 
gasping for air. Oh G*d please don't let me die. Don't let my babies 
die. Then she felt something warm and sticky running down her left 
cheek. Then she felt him let go and run. She fell to the ground. Stone. 
Robin. She had to get to them. She needed help. She tried to yell, but 
there was nothing. No air. Nothing. 


Stone and Robin stared at Sonny. 

"Sonny what are you doing here? Brenda doesn't want to see you. This 
isn't a good idea." 

"Stone, I don't care what she wants. I need to talk to her. She has to 
understand how sorry I am and what she means to m-" Sonny was cut off 
when he saw a figure. The person was obviously hurt. Using the side of 
the building for support. then they came into view. It was Brenda. Sonny 
was horrified when he saw her. Her face had a gash across the left cheek 
and was gushing blood. She saw him and reached out for him. That was 
when saw it. Her coat opened slightly to reveal three large blood stains 
in the chest area. He ran to her. She let go of the wall and passed out, 
falling into Sonny's arms.

Part 23

"Someone call 9-1-1!" Sonny said frantically as he slowly sat down with 
Brenda. He cradled her limp body. "Baby open your eyes. Please open your 
eyes Bren." he said softly in her ear. Stone took Sonny's cell phone and 

"We've got an emergency. She was stabbed. She's unconscious. She's also 
pregnant." Sonny's looked up at him in disbelief. Stone shrugged his 
shoulders. "She'll be four months November 16. 556 Park Avenue. Hurry 
please." Sonny's mind raced as he calculated. Four months ago November 
16 was July 16. The last time they'd made love. That night when she'd 
called and said she had something to tell him that would change 
everything. Oh God. What had he done to her?


Lily answered the ringing phone.


"It's done."

"Very well you'll receive you money soon." She hung up the phone and 
walked over to the window. "God forgive me." she whispered.


Sonny leaned his forehead against the glass while he watched doctors 
work on Brenda.

"C'mon Bren. Fight. I know you can do it." He whispered. Robin walked up 
next to him.

"Here. Have some coffee." He took it numbly.
"Where's Stone?"

"Calling Ned and Lois." Sonny nodded. "Sonny come sit down. Watching 
this is gonna make you crazy."

"I'm staying right here until we hear something. Robin?"


"Was she happy about the baby?"

"Yeah she was. She told me that she started watching all the kid's 
programs to get used to them."

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't slept with Lily or if I had found her 
sooner none of this would have happened."

"Hey. Don't go there. This is not your fault. How could you know that 
some nut job was waiting in the bushes?"

"If I lose her-"

"Not gonna happen, my man." Stone said walking up behind them. "Bren's 
to stubborn to die."

"Yeah right." Just then a doctor walked out of the room.

"Brenda Barrett?"

"Is she okay?"


Sonny stared at the doctor. 

"Is she OK?" he repeated.

The doctor shook his head. "Ms. Barrett is in very serious condition. We 
are prepping her for surgery now. She has a punctured lung, and has lost 
a tremendous amount of blood from her wounds. We have to stitch her face 
and try to stop the bleeding from the stab wounds."

"What about the baby?"

"We have her on a fetal monitor, but we are hearing some things we don't 
like. Listen I will know more when I get out of surgery. I will do every 
thing I can to save your wife and child."

Sonny stared after the doctor. "Wife and child." That was what he wanted 
more than anything. Her to be his wife. To know his child. The child 
they had made together.

"Sonny? Why don't we sit down." Robin took him by the arm and Stone, 
Robin and Sonny sat in the waiting room in silence.


It had been three hours since Brenda had gone into surgery. No one had 
told them anything. Sonny hadn't spoken at all. He sat, staring at the 

Robin sat next to him. Finally he looked at her and spoke. 

"What did I put her through Robin? You have to tell me. How long did she 
know about the baby? Was that what she wanted to tell me that night... 
the night she found me with Lily?" He could hardly get the last part 
out. It made him sick to think about Brenda finding them in bed 
together, knowing she was pregnant with his child.

"Sonny, she's a lot stronger than you give her credit for. Sure she's 
been through hell, but she has made a new life for her and her 
children." Then Robin realized that Sonny didn't know about the twins.

"What? Children?"

"Brenda's having twins. She found out today. You should've seen her. She 
actually talks to them like they're already here. She really has changed 
Sonny. She wants to be a good mother and give her children the life she 
never had."

"I wish I had known."

Stone came over to inform them that Brenda was out of surgery. Just then 
the doctor came over.

"How are they?" Sonny asked trying to keep himself under control.

"She made it through surgery, but it doesn't look good. We were able to 
stop the bleeding and repaired her lung, but she's in a coma. Her face 
is stitched, but there will be a huge scar. She can have plastic surgery 
in about six months. I am extremely worried about the babies though. 
It's a miracle the three of them survived at all."

"The three of them?" Sonny was trying to comprehend the doctor's words.

"Yes, your wife is having triplets. However, if she makes it I will be 
very surprised if the triplets do. They suffered a loss of oxygen, and 
that is extremely dangerous for babies still in the growth process. I 
would prepare myself for the worst. I am very sorry."

Sonny felt as if someone had just kicked all the life out of him. Brenda 
and his children might not make it. He could lose the most important 
things in his life without ever making things right with Brenda. She 
would die hating him. He would never hold his children, hold her, make 
love to her again, and it was his fault. He was losing his family, 
before he had ever gotten to enjoy it. Stone grabbed Sonny and steered 
him to the couch. He sat him down. Sonny sat expressionless. He knew if 
she died so did he.


It had been three days since the stabbing. Three days and no change. 
Sonny hadn't slept either. He just stood outside her room starring 
through the glass. The left side of her face was bandaged. She was being 
fed through IV. She was hooked up to so many machines. She still hadn't 
woken up yet, but the doctor's said that she had made it this far was a 
very good sign that she would make a full recovery. They weren't as 
optimistic about the triplets though. He was standing there when he felt 
a hand on his shoulder. He started to turn around.

''I'm not going leave Rob- Lily, what are you doing here?''

''Sonny I saw it on the news, I'm so sorry. Do they have any idea who 
did this?'' Why isn't she dead? Someone is going to pay for this 

''Lily, not right now. I can't think about who did this. It has to be 
about them.''

''Them? What are you talking about Sonny?'' G*D, he knew. He knew she 
was pregnant.

''Brenda's pregnant. In fact we're having triplets.''

Lily almost choked. "Triplets? Sonny, I hate to bring this up, but what 
about our baby?''

SH**! He had totally forgotten about that. How was he going to get Bren 
to forgive him for getting her pregnant too! ''Lily, not now. I can't 
think about that until I know Brenda and my children are going to be 

Fine, Sonny. Then I will make sure that that happens soon.


Lily watched over Brenda. She had stolen a nurses uniform and snuck into 
her room. Robin had taken Sonny to get something to eat. She had to be 
fast. She looked down at Brenda. ''Too bad Brenda. You were making 
progress too. I really am sorry about your children, but I have to get 
rid of all of you." she pulled out a needle and started to inject it 
into the IV. 

"What are you doing in here?''


Lily froze. She didn't turn around.

"Did you hear what I said?'' It was a nurse that had been assigned to 
Brenda's room.

"I was told to come in here and give the patient her medication.''

"Let me see this. This medication would kill her. Who told you to 
administer this medication to this patient?''

"I'm sorry. I'm new here and I forgot the Doctor's name.''

''Well, what room are you suppose to be in?''


"Well, this is 232. You in the wrong room. Now get next door and don't 
screw up again, you could've killed someone tonight.''

Lily left the room seething. She saw Sonny and Robin headed back towards 
Brenda's room. Damn. If it wasn't for that nurse, Brenda would be dead 
by now. Now she had to think of something else.


Sonny sat down next to Brenda's bed. He gently picked up her hand, and 
placed his other on her stomach. It was the first time he had been 
allowed in her room. It was the first time he had touched her in so 
long. He couldn't believe how much bigger her stomach was. It amazed 
him. Brenda was pregnant. He could see and feel it.

''Please wake up Brenda. I need to be able to have you forgive me. I 
need you to let me be a part of your life again. A part of our 
children's lives. Please Brenda. For me.''

Sonny felt her hand slightly move. He looked at her face. Her eyes 
opened slowly.

Chap 27

Brenda's eyes flitted around the room before they focused on Sonny.

"How did you know?" she whispered

"I was out in front of your apartment when it happened. How are you?"

"Achy. Stone? Robin?"

"Outside. They're okay."

"The babies?" At that moment Brenda didn't care about whether Sonny knew 
about them or not. She just wanted to know if they were alright.

"Hanging on. Stubborn as their mother." She smiled slightly and 
tightened her hand around his. "I'm gonna go get a doctor. Be right 
back." She didn't let go of his hand

"Don't go."

"I'll be right back."

"Don't go. Please." Her voice was barely above a whisper

"Okay I won't go." He reached over her and pressed a response button. A 
few minutes later a nurse came in.

"What seems to be the matter?"

"Nothing's the matter. Brenda's awake."

"I see that. I'll go get Dr. Richards and Dr. Hausman." The nurse left.

"Can I see Stone and Robin?"

"As soon as the doctor says it's okay."

"Hey how'd you manage to get them to let you in here?"

"They think I'm your husband."

"You are. Right here." She moved their hands to her heart. "You always 
will be."

"I love you."

"I love you too. I forgive you."


"You forgive me?" Sonny had tears in his eyes as he looked down at 

"Yes. I knew I wanted you in my life and in the twins' lives as soon as 
I saw you here, with me."

Sonny tried to stifle a laugh. "What's so funny?" Brenda asked, though 
it was quite hard to talk.

"Well, sweetheart, I have a little surprise for you."

"What? Tell me Sonny!" 


"What? Triplets? What are you talki-" Then it hit her. She looked at 
Sonny. He smiled and shook his head.

"I'm having triplets?"

"You sure are. It looks like we've got our work cut out for us."


Lily was watching them undetected from through the window. She was about 
to explode. She had been so close to being rid of that little bitch for 
good. Then Lily smiled. It hit her. The perfect plan. It would work. It 
had to. She walked out of the room and over to a pay phone.

"Papa? I need your help again. Can you meet me in New York tonight? 
Great, I'll see you then." Lily hung up the phone. "Enjoy him while you 
can Brenda, because Sonny and I WILL be together. I'll make sure of it."


Brenda woke up the next morning in a panic, until she saw him. He had 
finally fallen asleep on the cot they brought in for him. Brenda smiled. 
They had talked a lot last night. He apologized over and over, and she 
made it quite clear that she was still mad as hell about him and Lily, 
but he had sworn on the lives of his children that he did not remember 
sleeping with her. Something didn't seem right though. He was holding 
something back. He was definitely hiding something, but what?

A nurse came in and Brenda snapped out of her thoughts. "Hi, Ms. 
Barrett, my name's Sherry. I'm new."

"Hi, what can I do for you?"

"Well, I am going to take you down for an ultrasound. The doctor's want 
to make sure the babies are alright."

"Oh, O.K. Wait I want to wake Sonny."

"Oh, that's not necessary. He looks like he needs the rest and besides, 
you will have another one tomorrow."

"O.K., let's go."


Lily handed Sherry the money. "You did a good job. Now I don't ever want 
to see you again. And if you even think about telling another person 
about this my father will make certain that that's the last thing you 
ever do."

Lily walked into Brenda's hospital room. "Sonny, Sonny wake up."

"What, Lily why are you here? Where's Brenda?"

"Sonny, I am so sorry. I-I can't even tell you how sorry. The doctor 
just told me. Brenda died."

Sonny just looked at Lily. That was impossible. Brenda had been making a 
good recovery, she had been in that bed just hours ago.

"No, there's some mistake. Brenda's not dead. I would've woken up, if 
something had happened."

"Sonny, the nurse took Brenda to have an ultrasound this morning. when 
she was there, she had a massive hemorrhage. Sonny they tried to stop 
the bleeding, but there was to much. She bled to death. Sonny, I am so 

Sonny didn't hear her. He just felt dead. Brenda, his children, dead. 
His whole family was gone. He had nothing left.

Lily watched him. She knew it would be awhile before he was done 
grieving, but then he would realize that he still had her and their 
baby, and then life would be perfect. Brenda Barrett was no longer a 


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