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Featured Scene

R:  What are you thinking about?
G:  Happy accidents.
R:  Is that how you see us back together again?

G:  In a way.  If you hadn't found my journal -
R:  Which Greenlee stole in the first place.
G:  I know, but if you hadn't found it, you never would have known the truth. 

G:  I mean, she had me convinced that you love her.
R:  You know what?  Do we have to talk about this?  Because it really makes me want to punch something.
G:  You know, if you want to get really, really twisted, we could say that Greenlee brought us back together again.

R:  Oh, I would love to tell her that.
G:  I know, but the only truth that matters right now is that you love me.

R: Mmm.  And I always have.  It's just when I think about all the time that we've lost because of her --

G:  Mmm.  Don't ok? 
R:  Ok, but at least you can admit how whacked she is.  I mean, to use your words?  I mean, to use words from your journal to create this Cynthia person?  I mean -
G:  I know.  It's more than pathetic.  She wanted to make this whole documentary of my life. 
R:  Oh, man, I can't wait to nail this on her.
G:  I know.  But you can't, not now.
R:  I'm going to have a lot of trouble holding this back, Gillian.  I really am. 
G:  Ryan, if you're going to confront her now, she's going to tell people that we're back together, and I have to talk to Jake first.

R: Ok.  Ok, ok.  I would rather have you in private than not have you at all.
G:  As soon - as soon as I ask Jake for a divorce, you can have me for the rest of your life.
R:  Now, that is my dream.

Greenlee:  Ryan?  Wake up, sleepyhead.  The cyber world waits for no one.

R:  You've got to be kidding me.
G:  Ryan, listen, I have to go anyway.  So I'll change in the bathroom and I'll go out back.

R:  I - I hate this sneaking around, especially for her.  This -
G:  I know.  But we don't have a choice until I talk to Jake.
Greenlee:  Ryan?
R:  Ok.  Hold on!
G:  Do you have my journal?
R:  Yeah, I put it back in the drawer where she left it, where Greenlee left it. So don't worry.  I'm not going to mess anything up, okay?
G:  I know.  Bye.  

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