
Welcome to the wacky wav page. There are some lines that when you hear them...just scream Tad. Hence the title--Tad-isms. Boy, that Tad sure has some mouth. LOL. I'm dividing the wavs into sections. Tad: Glib Imp, that we all know and love, and Tad: Romantic Leading Man. ;-) Gotta love 'em both! These wavs were taken directly from the ABC broadcasts. Please... if you have any requests, or better yet... some wavs that you want added here, let me know. TaddaCad@aol.com

Tad: The Glib Imp

Tried and true Tadism here... Touche!

Another Tad classic... Jinkies!

Eeep! That's the curse of death to a Cad!!! LOL

Theoretically speaking... !

Tad giving Palmer a helping hand (and rat) in regaining Cortlandt Manor.

Aw...poor Tad! Gotta behave himself.

:-) Gotta love him.

*Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey... there is a law against dating uncles...

Get the girl? Doesn't he always?

It's been rumored that Tad has roving hands...

Poor Tad, people are avoiding him like the plague.

Looks like Tad's looking for something kinky...

Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Who are you kidding?

Could it be Corvina's accent? Or Tad's ears? HUH!?

Duchess Eugenia has really got Tad pegged.

LOL... and she's got great taste too!

Hmm... but can it rival the sausage?

Classic Tad... a regular barrel full.

Tad doles out some advice on men... then realize what he's saying.

Nico Kelly introduces Tad during the Mr. Pine Valley Contest. Tee hee.

Tad's reaction to being shoved on stage for Mr. PV!

After the initial shock... classic Tad takes over. :)

Jake describes the statue erected to HeroTad.

Poor Allie...she asked for it though. Tad describes himself... to a T. :)

My, my... we don't think too highly of ourself, do we?...nice cover.

He he he... what would Liza do?

Liza pops one helluva question on Tad... who still needs his hearing checked.

Tad's figured out why Liza would ask something like that...

How does one ask a question like that anyhow?

Poor Tad,... Liza asked Jake to be the Godfather. Good thing Tad gets to name the little nipper. LOL

Tad caught Charlie Brent sneaking out and deserting him...

Tad gives nutrition advice to his son...

Tad and Adam's bar room brawl: Looks like Tad's gonna take two Cartwrights...

Tad tries to work a little magic at the Crystal Ball.... to little avail.

Tad's advice on coordinating. FASHION POLICE.

Tad's playing doctor? Oh my!

Ah... Cleopatra never had it so good.

Tad gets a little sickened at the thought of Palmer and Janet doing the nasty.

Tad doles out some online advice to all you lurkers.

Uh, Tad, is that a knockwurst in your pocket...

Tad, you feeling all right?

Uh-huh... Tad's been looking in the fun house mirrors again.

Tad dreads work just as much as everyone else...

Tad gives Charlie advice on his cyber friends.

Oh what a low opinion Tad has of Charlie meeting someone online.

Eh... Charlie thought they'd hang out in a chat room: Fetish.

Bidding a fond adieu to the wacky world of the WWW.

Aww... but we know Tad's been online and just doesn't want to admit it.

*Seems Tad's got a hot date with his favorite cyber lady. ;-)

*Tad's first experience on The Cutting Edge... not a pretty sight. LOL

*How To Attract A Man 101 ...according to Tad.

*Clothes... who needs clothes?

*Spit it out!! LOL... Tad filling in for Erica on TCE.

*Picture them how Tad? ;-)

Idol chatter? Tad, what would Opal say?

*Break out the glasses and the Chicken Fingers... it's party time!

*Tad starts to crumble under the pressure of live television.

*Let's count the Emmy's shall we?

MEK quote here: Don't feel intimidated if you ever meet him. He goes through the same thing. :)

Tad: The Romantic Leading Man

Awww... what would Tad say to becoming a father again?

*Err... how many women do you want to have kids with?

Tad compares him and Dixie to other remarkable couples... real and stuffed.

Mmmmmm-mmm! The dry spell is over.

Tad's words to Dixie on their honeymoon.

Oh.. this line makes my knees go weak... LOL.

Hooo boy.. never get on Tad's bad side. Yikes Liza...OUCH tee hee.

Tad pledging his undying love... again.

This one's sweet... a toast.

Yummy... how long is "forever" Tad? ;-)

Oohh. He's quite the charmer, ain't he?

Sigh... and people still wonder at Tad's popularity... it's no wonder!

*=These wavs can be found at AMC SOUNDS FROM SEAHAAS.