Joshua Jackson

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Name:Joshua Jackson

Carachter:Pacey Witter

DOB:June 11,1978

Hometown:Vancouver, BC

Worst thing he has done recentlyI bleached my hair for a SCREAM style horror flick I'm in called Urban Legends. But I don't wanna do it again, because it took 6hrs. and it hurt! It actually made my head bleed. I had huge scabs on my head the next morning. It was thoroughly unpleasant.

Who he's crushing:I think Halle Berry it beautiful and Uma Thurman is great!

Status:He is taken sadly :o( Well atleast it's by Katie Holmes! Yes it's true! They addmitted it to TeenŽ magazine!

Skulls (2000)

Cruel Intentions (1999) .... Blaine Tuttle

Gossip (1999)

Urban Legend (1998) .... Damon Brooks

"Dawson's Creek" (1998) TV Series .... Pacey Witter

Apt Pupil (1998) .... Joey

Scream 2 (1997) .... Film Class Guy #1

On the Edge of Innocence (1997) (TV)

D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996) .... Charlie Conway

Robin of Locksley (1996) .... John Prince, Jr.

Ronnie & Julie (1996) (TV) .... Ronnie Monroe

Magic in the Water (1995) .... Joshua Black

Andre (1994) .... Mark Baker

D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994) .... Charlie Conway

Digger (1993) .... Billy

Mighty Ducks, The (1992) .... Charlie Conway

Crooked Hearts (1991) .... Tom (11 years)

TV guest appearances

"Vibe" (1997) playing "Himself" 1998

"Outer Limits, The" (1995) playing "Devon Taylor" in episode: "Music of the Spheres" (episode # 3.5) 10/26/1997

Hobbies: He reads philosophy books in his spare time

Ideal girl: Someone who's beautiful inside and out.

Self-description: "I'm the class clown!"

His feelings on fans: "Its really nice when fans come up to me just to say hello".

Ah yes and to add, he is SO fuine!

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