New Stories!

As of September 21, 1999:
I have the first part of a new story, though still in it's extrememly rough stages. I'll probably be reposting a revised version later, so if you want to wait for the "polished" story, it'll be coming soon. If you decide to read this version, I need some feedback.

For I Have Touched The Sky: Very strange, indeed.

And, finally, the deal on all those little yellow tags on my front page that say "Coming Soon!"... Well, the disk on which I was keeping those stories got eaten as I was trying to backup the files. This means that they will remain "Coming Soon!" for a while, as I try to re-type them from memory. Sorry about this!

As of August 22, 1999:
Here's another part of "Dreaming Memories." More "Children of the Night" should be coming soon, though I'm induring some heavy writer's block about some of the later parts. Same deal for "With Eyes Closed."

Dreaming Memories, Part Five: Angelus has some 'fessing up to do, and an interesting demonstration for Kathleen.

On a special note, this update is dedicated to Joanne and Lasca, because they insisted I could do this. :) Thank you both.

As of July 11, 1999:
New story. Birthday-oriented, completely strange timeline. It was written in a short amount of time, so don't expect wonderful writing.

Midnight in the Graveyard of Good and Evil: Buffy's 18th birthday. My style.

As of June 28, 1999:
I'm very late, and I don't even have an update. Yikes. I just wanted to let you guys know that I *am* alive and writing, and I *do* intend to update sometime in the near future. I'm even revamping (pun intended) the entire site, so it'll be cool. Come back soon!

As of March 3, 1999:
I'm late, I know. Yet again. Here's two things to make you like me again:

Dreaming Memories, Part Four: Kathleen finds out about her destiny.
Stolen Child: Odd--I didn't know how I came up with it. For once, Angel isn't a character.

More *will* be coming soon.

As of January 18, 1999:
Okay, not the Tuesday I was aiming for when I said "by Tuesday," but, hey...

Sorry for the EXTREME delay, but here's a new story for your patience:

Children of the Night: A Buffy/Forever Knight Crossover that's set after Buffy's left Sunnydale. She finds a friend in one Detective Nicholas Knight...

More, later.

As of December 27, 1998:
Most of the facelift has been completed, though the main page may still have some needed "edits" remaining. I may even be changing the look of the main page completely... We'll see. I'll try to update this site at least once a month (I know, I know, I'm kind of cutting it close, this month). I am aware that this is a lot fewer updates than most people would be happy with, but you have to realize that I have lots of other things to do, and that this site is fed completely by my pace of fanfic writing (which is very slow).

All that said, I'll try to put up a new story either later today or, at least, by Tuesday. Thanks for your supreme patience.

As of November 28, 1998:
Well, here's the deal: This site (small though it may be) is undergoing a something of a big facelift. Please, be patient. I'll finish everything, and put up some new stories...promise. :)

You are the th/st/nd Buffy fan to come across SalFic! (Don't you feel proud... :} )

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