Love, Loyalty and Friendship Awards

Nomination Form

Have you read a story at this archive that you think deserves an award? Here's the place to nominate it for the credit that it's due!

The Summer 2000 Love, Loyalty and Friendship Awards are now closed to nominations.

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What is the name of the story you'd like to nominate?

Who wrote it?

Which award would you like to nominate it for?

Best Overall Story (Complete):
Requirements: Must have been completed before July 9, 2000.
Frequency: Given every six months, starting July, 2000.
Brief Description: This is the basic award for stories that are just plain good.

Best Overall Story (Incomplete):
Requirements: Must be incomplete as of July 9, 2000.
Frequency: Given every six months, starting July, 2000.
Brief Description: Similar to the above award.

Best Angsty or Fluffy Fic:
Requirements: Must include emotional descriptions and "extreme" Buffy/Angel content.
Frequency: Given every six months, starting July, 2000.
Brief Description: Those angsty stories that reel you in and raise your emotions.

Best Joss Fic:
Requirements: Must be either a) very much like an episode of "BtVS" or "Angel", or b) very good at "fixing" something that has happened on either show.
Frequency: Given every six months, starting July, 2000.
Brief Description: An award to celebrate the "Buffy" creator and "Angel" co-creator, Joss Whedon, and his wonderful talents. His relationship with his fans is definitely love/hate.

Best One-Parter:
Requirements: Must be no longer than one page, chapter or part.
Frequency: Given every six months, starting July, 2000.
Brief Description: Those short fics that we love deserve recognition, right?

Best Poetry or Lyrics:
Requirements: Must be either a) a poem, or b) a fic that integrates poetry or lyrics very effectively.
Frequency: Given every six months, starting July, 2000.
Brief Description: Celebrating SongFic and Poetry!


Do you have any comments that you'd like to give the author about his/her story? (Remember: authors love feedback, and you are, after all, nominating their story for an award, so you must think it's at least semi-good...)

Please, be fair! Don't nominate a story twice! (But nominating your own story is fine!)

Note: the next page will say "thanks for submitting your fic", even though you didn't submit a fic. Don't worry.

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