Spelling and Grammar

There are a couple ways one can go about spell-checking their story. The options are:

- Go to this on-line dictionary and look the unknown spellings up on your own.
- Cut-and-paste your story here, and it will be spell-checked within a day or so (Real Life permitting).
- Upload a file from your computer here, and it will also be spell-checked ASAP.
- Ask one of these nice people to help you out (sorry, there aren't that many right now...).

That's it, for now. Suggestions should be sent my way.

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Please Put Your Name and E-mail in the Spaces Provided



(Please Note--When you hit the "Submit" button, you will go to a new page with "Thank You For Submitting Your Story to Buffydom" on it. This does NOT mean you have just submitted your story, in this case, it means that you have sent it in to be edited. No worries :} )

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Unfortunately, I cannot except all file types. If your story is in any of the following formats, I can check it for you:

--Microsoft Word ('97 or earlier--I can take Mac versions)
--HTML format ( .htm document)
-- .txt format (yes, that means Simpletext, WordPad, TeachText, and Notepad files)

Sorry, that's it. As I get new programs or what not, I will update that list.

File to Upload:

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Play Nice.
Though this list is *very* short right now, I want these spell-checkers respected. Click on a
blue link below, and send in your story to the reader of your choice. Please make sure to use the subject "Please Spell-Check".

...can accept .txt attachments, MS-Word '97 or below attachments, or cut-and-pasted fics in her e-mails.
...is found at
salatina@Juno.com--unless you're attaching something, then you should try here.

...is found at Jaide13@aol.com.

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