Rules for a Great Show!

So that you know, these are rules that I have found that seem to usually hold true (at least in my demented mind) for great, fantastically amazing shows. I can't remember when I came up with this. I know that it was quite awhile back, like around the time before this website was born, I think. Any way, It came about and pretty much had the approval of the Typist. This will be an on-going list thingy, but until new rules come about, with the aid of my only brain cell, Jojo, this is it........for now. (maniacal laughter)

Rules for a Great Show

Are you finished reading the rules already? Awww, click here to go to the main page then.

Disclaimer: Well actually, I don't think that I need to have one of these but I guess that I just should for good measure and all that cal. Sorry, that's just a word from a book that I had to read for class, and then write a seven page paper for and then write a 20 minute speech for...... So to get back on track, stuff that you find here might not be something that Geocities and it sponsors agree with. They might, but then again, they might not.

Le Fin.