My Biography!!!

Hi my name is RubFar aka real name is Ruben...I built this corny website for fun... I have some pics and some feeds...just a standard site I guess....anyways enough about the darn site for now...and now about me....I live alone in a house in Lake Forest,CA its a lonely 4 bedroom house with 2 dogs names are Cleo and Leo....Cleo is a Labrador mixed with a Doberman... my Leo is a pure bred Rottweiler...they are both 2 years old....and treat each other as sisters..anyways I am single...and the way things are going for me looks like it will stay like that for a while...gosh I hate it...coming home after work from my Job...which is Construction I work for F.C.I right now in the job I just got promoted to foreman anyways...expecting to say hello to my love of my life and instead getting my butt kicked by my Leo and Cleo barking all over the place....After I take a shower...I pick up the house and occasionally read a book....or watch some flics...all boring I go outside and since I love working with my hands... do whatever needs done....I always love playing with my cars....I have two of them....a 70' Chevy Nova that purrrss and a 61' GMC Truck....that halls serious butt....both of them are very...and I mean very fast....for you motor freaks out there I have a 454 in both of them....each with two headers and daul exhaust....I could go into more detail but then I would loose visitors...anyways...I am really I think I will go to bed...thanx for reading this...I know I seem very boring right now...and my life seems is just that it is 3:35am in the morning here and I have to go to work at 5:30am....oh man....I got to go to bed....good morning everyone...and in case I don't see ya good afternoon good evening and good night!!! And please come back...I am doing this all time I will have a little more life to it!!! And for all the lovely ladies out there that I know....don't will be in here...thats a promise....and a special hello goes out to my bestfriend Bubba...and my Uncle Mike that made this all possible...Peace

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