Part 2
By: G. Barton

Jarod wakes up to Miss Parker's head on his chest. He grazes at her sleeping. Another time, another place, maybe. "Hey, we have to get moving before Raines sends another sweeper team." he says.

While Miss Parker gets dressed Jarod is busy covering up any signs of someone being there.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"I don't know. We will know when we get there." he replies.

They started walking and came up to a highway. An old man driving a old beat up Ford truck comes toward them and stops.

Jarod asked, "Can you give us a lift?"

"Sure, where are you headed?" the ols man asked.

"As far as you are going, will do." replied Jarod.

"Sure, hop in." the old man said.

Jarod opens the door for Miss Parker and she gets in. jarod shuts the door and says, "Thank you. We really appreciate it."

The old man says, "You welcome. My name is Louis. How are you young folks doing today?"

"We are fine. My name is Jarod and this is my sister Missy." He hoped she wouldn't say anything because then the old man might get suspious. She turns to Jarod and he just looks at her like 'Don't say a word'.

Then Louis says, "It's nice to meet you."

"Same here." Jarod answers.

Jarod starts making small talk with Louis and Miss Parker says, "Jarod, leave Louis alone."

"It's okay," says Louis, "besides that is how you get to know people."

They get into the next town and Louis says, "This is my stop."

Jarod notices there is a dark blue sedan with some sweepers in and around the car. "Louis, if you don't mine, can you drop us off on the edge of town? I think we will keep going. There doesn't look like much here for us." Jarod responded.

"Sure, I don't mind." says Louis.

Louis takes them to the edge of town and drops them off.

"What's wrong, Jarod?" asked Parker.

"There was a sweeper team in town." replied Jarod.

They started walking and then it started pouring down rain. As they walk in the cold and dreary rain, Parker starts to shiver.

"Here." Jarod says, "Take my jacket."

"No, I'm fine." she replies.

"You know that is just like you." he answered.

"What is like me?" she asked.

"When someone offers to help you, you won't let them. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. You can't remember everything yet." Jarod said.

"That's okay, it must be true. Thank you for your jacket." she said almostly sweetly.

As they almost get in town, a big 'clap' of thunder was rolling and the sky was getting blacken and Miss Parker jumps. Jarod puts his arm around her and says, "It's okay. I see a light ahead. we will atop there for the night."

Jarod and Miss Parker walk up to the motel office and Jarod asked for a room.

The clerk replies, "All we have left is the honeymoon suite."

"We will take it." replied Jarod.

They go to their room and Jarod says, "Why don't you warm up first? I can wait."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yeah. Ladies first." he answered.

"Okay." she responded. She runs some warm water for a bath. While she takes her bath Jarod calls Sydney.


"This is Sydney."

"Sydney." Jarod answered.

"Where are you?" asked Sydney.

"That's not important. I need you to come get Miss Parker. She has a cut on her forehead and is disoriented. I know you can take care of her for me." replied Jarod.

"Jarod, I need to know where you are." Sydney said.

"I will call you tomorrow and let you know where to pick her up. Oh and Sydney...."

"Yes, Jarod."

"Thank you for not letting Raines hurt anymore people." Jarod hangs up the phone before Sydney can say anything else.

As Sydney hangs up the phone he says, "But Jarod I didn't stop him for good."


Sydney calls Broots. "Hello." responded Broots.

"Broots, we have to get going first thing in the morning so, get plenty of sleep." replied Sydney.

Broots asked, "Did you find Miss Parker?"

"Yes, and I will tell you all about it in the morning. Meet me in my office ASAP. Don't be late." Sydney hangs up the phone before Broots could ask anymore questions.


Miss Parker comes out of the bathroom with a robe on and says, "Your turn."

Jarod looks up and can't say a word. He looks at her hair dripping down between her breast. Then he continues looking down to her long slender legs. He never really noticed her kegs being that long before.

And she says, "Jarod, it's your turn."

"Oh yeah right. My turn." he replies.

He hops in the shower and lets the hot water run over him. he closes his eyes and all he can think about is her beautiful blue eyes and how good she looked in that robe.

he is in the shower, she starts having flashbacks. A twin brother, red files, Mr. Lyle and Angelo, shooting at him, a ball of fire coming up the hall, and her running. She is thinking her memory is coming back. Now what will she do when she remembers what happen.

He comes out of the shower with a towel on and says, "Is there another robe?"

"Yes, by the bathroom door." she says without looking up. Then she glances up and sees him in a towel. "Wow!" she says out aloud.

He turns to go back to the bathroom and says, "Did you say something?"

"Uh, me. No." she quickly responds.'I can't believe I said that aloud.' she thinks to herself. She watches him as he continues toward the bathroom. "Wow!" she says to herself. 'I never noticed him looking like that before. His arms and chest so muscular. I need a cigarette.'she begins to think.

He comes back into the room with a robe on and says, "Are you hungry?" "Yes, but I don't feel much like going out. Why don't we order a pizza?" she replied.

"A pizza, what is a pizza?" he asked.

"You never had pizza before." she answered.

"No, what is it?" he asked again.

"A pizza is a thin piece of bread dough with tomato sauce spread on top with cheese and other different types of meat and vegtables. You will love it." she answered.

"Okay, you order it and I will pay for it." he said.

The pizza arrives and Jarod says, "I have to tell you something."

"What?" she asked.

"I'm sorry that my dad shot your mother and killed her. But I bet he didn't know your mom was trying to help me. I am going to find out the truth about your mother's death and our past. I promise you that." Jarod replied.

"Jarod, is that why I was shooting at you before the bomb went off." she asked.

"Yes, you are starting to get your momory back. I don't know if that is a good thing or not." he replied softly.

"Why Jarod?" Parker asked.

"Because I like you, the way you are now. The nice girl you used to be not the woman you have become." he said truthfully.

"Maybe I can change." she replied hopefully.

"That would be nice but you have too much of your father in you for that and besides he won't allow it."

"I'm my own person, Jarod."

"Yes, you are but daddy won't like it. He likes to control you. I wish you could see that." he said.

She throws the pizza down and says, "I'm not hungry anymore."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to fight with you. I do hope you change. I would like to see you that way again."

She goes to her side of the bed and turns towards the wall. She doesn't say a word. Jarod feeling bad for what he said goes over to her. He puts his arm around her and she quickly removes it.

"I'm sorry but I hope you do change after you are your mother's child too. I think you will after we discover the truth behind out past. I do believe you will and you may not show anyone that you have changed but I will know because I know you better than anyone, Miss Parker."

She still doesn't say anything. Jarod looks at her and says, "Let's get some sleep." He goes to his side of the bed and turns out the light leaving her facing the wall. "Good night Miss Parker." he says as he pulls the covers up to him. She sits there a minute longer before turning in herself.


The next morning Jarod calls Sydney. "Sydney, you'll find Miss Parker at a motel in Newwark, Delware."

"What's the name of the motel?" he asked.

"You will know it when you see it." he replied back.

"Jarod, will you be there too?" Sydney asked.

Jarod answered, "We both know the answer to that question, Sydney."

He hangs up the phone.


Sydney meets Broots in his office and says, "We are bringing them home."

They walk into Raines' office. "I've gotten word from Miss Parker. She has Jarod and wants Broots and I to pick them up." Sydney said.

"Then get going." Raines answered.

After Sydney and Broots leave Raines calls Willie and says, "Follow Sydney and Broots. Make sure Miss Parker and Jarod come back dead or alive." Raines hung up the phone. He stared out the window.


Jarod wakes Miss Parker and tells her, "I have to get going before anyone see me."

"Jarod, what about me? Can I come with you? Do you really have to go now?" she kept on asking one question after another.

"Yes, you know I have to leave. I can't go back there, at least not until I have the truth. And maybe someday you can come with me, but now, you must return and see what you can find from the Centre."

He gathers up his things and lays her gun on the dresser. Then opens the door and she says, "Jarod, be careful. You know I can't quit following you until I bring you in."

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Miss Parker. You have about three hours before Sydney finds you. I'll be in touch." He replies as he shuts the door.

"Bye Jarod, until we meet again." she said with a tear falling from her cheek. Then she gets ready to meet Sydney. She puts her gun in it's holster behind the small of her back.


Sydney and Broots pull up and knock at her door. She opens the door to let them in.

"The honeymoon suite, Miss Parker?" replied Broots with a big smile.

"Shut up Broots. I'm not in the mood." she replied back sarcastically.

"She's back." Broots answered.

"We have missed you, Miss Parker." Sydney responded.

"I'm sure you did." she answered.

As they are getting ready to leave, she pulls her gun to the sound of kicking from the door. Willie and other sweepers kick in the door. They start searching the room. Mr. Raines follows them in pulling his oxygen tank behind him.

"You followed us." Sydney said.

"Yes, I wanted to make sure you brought Jarod home. I was afraid you two wouldn't. Where is he?" he replied.

Miss parker replies, "Well, he was here and I had him until those idiots barged in and scared him off. He went out the window. Now, we will never catch him."

"Is that true Mr. Broots?" Raines asked.

"Yes." he answered. He knew if he had said no, he would be in worse trouble by Miss Parker.

They get in the car and drive away. jarod watches them fade down the road. he knew Miss Parker was in good hands now.


The next day, Sydney is sitting at his desk and the phone rings. "This is Sydney."

"Hello Sydney, thank you for taking care of Miss Parker." Jarod replies.

"You're welcome." Jarod hangs up the phone. He has one more important call to make.

The phone rings and "What?" is heard on the other end.

"I see you made it home okay." replied Jarod.

"What do you want Jarod?"

"I just wanted to see how you were feeling?" he replied.

"I'm fine. How did youknow where I was?" she asked.

"It was a 'gut feeling'. I hope you didn't get into trouble for not having me captive." he said.

"Don't worry Raines thinks his team let you go. I guess it was a good thing you left the window opened last night." Parker replied.

"Yeah, I guess so. I hope to see you again real soon." he answered.

"You can bet on it."

Jarod hangs up the phone and sets back eating on his pizza. Miss Parker sits on her bed and stares out the window wondering where he could be.


A couple of days later, Miss Parker is sitting in her chair and Sydney walks in. "Are you going to tell me what really happen between you and Jarod?"

"I don't know what you are talking about Syd." Parker replied.

"Come on, Parker. We both know Jarod wasn't in that room when Raines and sweepers got there." Sydney said.

"Sydney, he may not have been there when they got there but he was there." Parker answered.

"I'm sure he was. You couldn't bring him in, could you?"

"You know I have to bring in your boy, Syd. And I will bring him in."

"I'm sure you won't give up until get him, Parker, but you have to admit you like knowing he is out there helping you find the truth about your past." Sydney said smiling.

"Just between us, Syd, I can't bring him in until I know everything. I just have to keep Raines happy." she replied.

"I know Miss Parker, I know." Sydney said.

The End!

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