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Temple of Isis at Philae Pylons

Here is a virtual Temple of Isis.  It's purpose is twofold:  First, it's a wonderful resource for the solitary practitioner, especially if you don't have a Temple to regularly attend.  Secondly, it's a place for a world wide community of worshipers of Isis, and other Egyptian Deities, to exchange ideas, stories and other spiritual topics.  I invite any and all who wish to contribute to the following pages, to do so.  This includes links, books, music, rituals, divination systems, and anything else you'd like to see here.

So feel free to explore and tell me what you think.
-Crystal, Priestess of Isis

Check here for which pages were updated from time to time. Click on the date to be brought straight to the new stuff.

This site was last updated on August 1. 2001 (or the 13th of Thuthi in the Season of Akhet, 2001)