Answer these about yourself!!!

1. What is your sex preference?
2. How many times a day do you masterbate?
3. What's your full name?
4. Grade:
5. What would you like to be called?
6. When's your b-day?
7. Do you have any nicknames?
8. What is your most regretted mistake?
-a. your second worst?
9. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
10. What is your shoe size?
11. Who do you know that is most likely to end up in jail?
12. Who is your most cared for?
13. …Most missed:
14. Who brings out the best in you?
15. Who brings out the worst in you?
16. Whose got the best eyes:
17. …best hair:
18. Who's the best dressed?
19. Best memory with a friend:
20. Worst memory with a friend:
21. Do you have any pets?
22. Have you ever witnessed them having sex?
23. What is your INITIAL attraction?
24. I know this is stupid, but if you could be any color of crayon, what color would that be?
25. Where do you want to go to on your honeymoon?
26. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? (there has to be at least one person that you absolutely admire) 27. What would you name your son?
-a. daughter?
28. Who's your dream date?
29. Where do you look for the RIGHT ONE?
30. What's the best decision that you've made?
-a. worst?
31. What are your favorite types of music?
32. Who's your best friend (must be same sex):
33. Say some s**t about them:
34. Have you ever made out with that friend?
35. Who is your friends crush?
36. Who is your best friend (opposite sex)?
37. Say some s**t about them:
38. What do you like about them?
39. Have you ever jacked off or masturbated to their picture or thought about them?
40. What was the best advice ever given to you?
41. Have you ever smoked pot?
42. Do you get along with your parents?
43. What do you value more, your parents, your friends, or your lovers?
44. What's the worst sickness that you've ever had?
45. If money weren't an issue what would you purchase?
46. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
47. Do you prefer night or day?
48. Lust or love:
49. Kisses or hugs:
50. What's your favorite type of card game?
51. What are on the walls of your room?
52. What is your zodiac sign?
53. Do you type with the fingers on the right keys?
54. If you could buy any gardening tool, what would it be?
55. Who are your favorite actors & actress'?
56. Have you kissed on a first date?
-a. How far have you ever gone on a first date?
-b. Ever gotten to "home base" on a first date?
57. What's your fav past time?
58. Whose the oldest person you've dated, and how old?
59. Whose the youngest person you've dated, and how young?
60. Have you ever run away from home?
61. Written a poem?
-a. Received a poem?
62. Have you ever said that you loved someone, but didn't mean it?
63. God or Satan?
64. Do you believe in God:
65. Country or gospel?
66. Guys or girls or both? For me, it's both. =P
67. Your favorite thing to do:
68. Eye color of choice:
69. Ever tried it? Who would you like to do this # to?
70. Pepsi or coke?
71. Trick question: White or black or yellow?
72. Are you racist?
73. What do you think of Asians:
74. Hair color of choice:
75. Front or back?
76. If you were in a band, what would it be called?
77. Have you ever been in a band? What was it called?
78. Favorite thing to wear to school:
79. Where do you wish you could be right now:
80. Do you prefer dancing the traditional way, or phreaking?
81. Place that you've never been to that you'd like to visit…
82. Fav. Ice cream:
83. Fav. Drink:
84. Fav. Time of year:
85. Fav. Cologne:
86. Anything "different" about you?
87. When you were a little kid, what did you dream of becoming?
88. What is your favorite #?
89. And your worst habit?
90. In your opinion, what's the worst feeling in the world?
91. What would be THE perfect day for you?
92. What's one word that would describe YOU?
93. Are you a virgin?
94. Something you wished you had the guts to do?
95. One friendship you wish you could get back?
96. Who do you admire:
97. What's the best feeling?
98. Last time you said "I love you":
-a. Last time you heard it:
99. If you could have any job you wanted, what would you be doing?
100. What is something you are proud of yourself for?
101. Favorite pick-up line:
102. Do you like talking on the phone?
103. Who do you hang out with:
104. Who do you want to get the hell away from your 'group:
105. Do you have any sibling and if so, what would you like to do to them:
106. I wanna fuck you like an animal…
107. What was one of your most seductive dreams?
108. Are you planning on going to prom?
109. Have you kissed someone?
110. Are you a serious religious person?
111. A friendship you wish you could get back:
112. Who's the prettiest girl you've ever kissed?
113. Which girl was your best, kissing wise?
114. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
115. Most Fav store:
116. Least fav store:
117. Last time you cried:
118. Last time you showered:
119. Last time you had a sleep over:
120. Have you ever met a famous person?
121. CD in the CD player right now:
122. Last phone # you dialed:
123. Last person you emailed:
124. Last website you went to:
125. When did you loose your virginity?
-a. did you love the person?
126. Have you ever poured out your heart to someone, who?
127. Last time you were truly scared:
128. What is the most ironic song:
129. What is the tightest song:
130. What do you think of abortion?
131. What do you think of marilyn manson?
132. What do you think of Icp?
133. Eminem?
134. Garth brooks?
135. Boy bands?
136. Jackass?
137. Hitler?
138. What was the stupidest thing you've done while drunk?
139. The weirdest thing you've done for love:
140. Who has the worst style?
141. Describe your style:
142. Favorite band:
143. Suckiest band:
144. Who changes their favorite band too much:
145. How far have you gone to get what you wanted?
146. When do you want to have sex:
147. Who are you always around:
148. What is your best feature:
149. Favorite Songs:
150. Most attractive guy:
151. Most attractive girl:
152. Who changes their personality too much:
153. What do you sleep in:
154. Have you ever slept naked:
155. One thing you'll remember for the rest of your life:
156. Fav thing to do in the winter:
157. Person you call the most?
158. One thing you believe in strongly:
159. If you could pick one FRIEND from the opposite sex, to love, who would it be?
160. What is your prized possession?
161. What's your favorite TV show:
162. What's your favorite scary movie?
163. Who do you like going to the movies with:
164. What show would you like canceled:
165. Do you know what a keilbasa is?
166. Who do you go to for advice?
167. Who do you look up to?
168. One thing that you want for your b-day:
169. Do I make you horny baby?
170. Who would you like to see go out?
171. Do you believe in one-night stands?
172. Have you ever gotten your heart broken?
173. Have you ever proposed to anyone?
174. Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend?
175. Had a threesome?
-a. ya wanna?
176. What do you collect?
177. Ever had a long distance relationship?
178. Lied about your age?
179. Would your forgive someone for cheating on you?
-a. Now, say I did:
180. Fav place to eat:
181. Fav candy:
182. Do you wish on stars?
183. Have you ever failed a grade or been held back:
184. What is your favorite saying:
185. Has a dog ever attacked you?
186. Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
187. What brand of clothes do you wear?
188. Are you happy right now?
189. Are you mad at me because I am making you fill this out?
-a. do you still love me?
190. Do girls or boys have it easier?
191. Have you ever had lotion thrown at you?
192. Do your stuffed animals talk to you?
193. How the hell old are you, anyway?
194. Ever been to HOOTERS?
195. Have you ever been on a cruise?
196. Lights on or off?
197. Have you ever poured your heart into someone?
198. Been to a concert?
-a. Which one was the best?
199. Do you have a grabbable ass? What do you think?
200. Con or Pro:
-a. Jerry springer?
-b. Teeni boppers?
-c. Skinny dipping?
-d. Devil worship?
201. What is one thing you want to be remembered by?
202. From 1-10, what are you?
-a. why?
203. Do you believe in love at first sight?
-a. fate?
204. Who is your fantasy date:
205. How long have you liked them:
206. Why the f*** don't you ask them out:
207. One thing people do to annoy you:
208. How do you annoy your friends?
209. Tattoo's or piercings?
210. Do you smoke:
211. Do you drink:
212. Have you ever played strip poker:
213. Have you ever flashed someone:
214. What worries you:
215. Do you consider your mom hot?
216. What is your fantasy? Tell me all…
217. What is one thing that you want to do/get done to you before you die?
218. Have you ever been in one or more serious relationship?
219. What was one thing that you remembered most about last year?
-a. Is it a good memory?
220. What size is your bed?
221. Does it squeak? TRUTHFULLY!:
222. Do you like your hand writing?
223. Showers or baths?
224. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
225. How often do you spend time on your car a week?
-a. if we were going out, how much time would you spend with me?
226. Worst fear? C'mon, you've gotta have one!:
227. Long life dream:
228. One thing you want to do before you die:
229. What's your fav lunch meat?
230. What is one thing you believe in strongly:
231. From to what is the person who sent this to you:
232. From to what are you:
233. Do you like Oreo's?
234. What was the last cd you bought?
235. What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex:
236. Do you plan on going to college?
237. Have you ever made the honor role?
238. What is your fav saying?
239. Do you have a Pokemon game?
240. Do you ever get the urge to hump things?
-a. Which of those things aren't people?
241. What is your fav thing about the opposite sex?
242. Do you consider yourself creative?
243. Have you ever seen a flying purple elephant?
244. Have you ever thought you were Batman?
245. Do you want to have kids?
246. Words you use annoyingly much:
247. Straight or gay?
248. Gold or silver?
249. Paper or plastic?
250. Ghosts?
251. Angels?
252. Reincarnation?
253. Horoscopes?
254. Heaven?
255. Hell?
256. Aliens?
257. Fav thing to do with friends?
258. Joke no one else gets that we share:
259. What can't you wait for?
260. I feel like:
261. Best musical talent:
262. Which one of MY friends don't you like?
263. Which one of your friends are currently being either dicks, or assholes?
264. Who's house do you want to TP?
265. Who's got the best looks?
266. Who's got the best tits?
267. Who's got the best ass?
268. What do you think about sports entertainment:
269. Do you want me to be a stripper when I grow up?
270. Do you like any of your friends' siblings in a sexual way?
271. Do you do drugs:
-a. What drugs:
272. Who do you know who does drugs:
273. Why do you think they do drugs:
274. Who talks too much?
275. Who's a dick:
276. Who's the most popular:
277. Who's the most loyal:
278. Who's the most conceited:
279. Who's the most trendy:
280. Who has the best personality:
281. Who talks s**t the most about other people:
282. Who do you talk s**t about the most:
283. Why do you talk s**t about them:
284. Who's hair do you hate:
285. What would you do to this person's hair to make it good:
286. Who doesn't make any sense when they talk?
287. Who do you think I like?
288. Describe your style:
289. Fav cartoon of all time:
290. Who are you always around?
291. Who do you care the most for?
292. Who do you miss the most?
293. Who brings out the best in you?
294. Who brings out the worst in you?
295. Who's the most loyal?
296. The most conceited?
297. Most stylish?
298. Most trendy?
299. Hot or cold?
300. How do you drink your coffee?
301. Do you kiss your dog?
302. What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done?
303. Have you jacked off to he thought of me yet? …don't lie!
304. Where is the most bizarre place you've ever had sex?
305. Where is the place that you generally have sex?
306. Can you whistle?
307. Would you ever slip anything into anyone's drink just for a joke or anything more even?
308. Do you have a yellow shirt?
309. Have you ever stolen anything?
310. Have you ever met a had cyber sex? Phone sex?
311. How many people have you fucked?
312. Fav feature of yourself:
313. Have you kissed someone today?
314. I am so running out of things to ask…
315. Are you paranoid?
316. Do you feel sorry for me, for wanting to know all this stuff, and it being 12:05, and hard for me to keep my eyes open?
317. Burger king or McDonalds?
318. Or cheesecake factory? ultimate favorite!
319. Boxers or briefs? I don't remember?
Oh well, gotta check and see again, huh?
320. Your dream car?
321. Do you love mustangs?
322. When do you want to have sex?
323. Who was your first love?
-a. Was she taller then you?
324. Do more curls and bench press deals…I love cut chests and buff arms…it's not a question I know, but oops…whatever
325. Categorize yourself:
326. What are your plans for today and tomorrow?
327. How long has it taken you to fill this out?
328. Who was/is your best girl friend?
-a. tell me something she sucks(ed) at:
-b. tell me something you love/d about her:
-c. have you ever jacked off to the thought of her?
329. Have you ever been in love?
330. Is your glass half empty or half full?
331. Do you like your friends' girlfriend? Who?
332. Wanna fuck?
333. Do you like Chinese food?
334. Are sluts cool?
335. Who do you admire?
336. Last time you had a sleepover:
337. Your fav mall:
338. Fav makeout spot:
339. Thing you want to do to me the most:
340. What would you do if I attacked you?
341. Would you be gay for me?
Just so I could have a gay best friend?
Or how about being bi?
342. What's your favorite game to play?
343. Have you ever played more then 3 girls at a time?
344. Why do I like you so much?
345. Can I tie you up?
346. Why the hell is it so hard for me to stay awake?
347. Would you get jealous if I was all up on another guy?
-a. What about just having my arm around him for longer then just a few seconds?
348. Did you mind these questions?
349. You wanna strangle me now?
350. What do you value more, your body or your soul?
351. How'd you get my website? and what number person are you (that has visited my site) 352. State your completely honest opinion of me here:

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