Here are my wonderful pictures!

My sophmore year
My sophmore year

My freshman year
My freshman year

My best friend in Texas, Julie

My best friend in Texas, Julie

Julie and me camping
Julie and me camping

Julie and Me at Magic Mountain 2001
Julie and Me at Magic Mountain 2001

Jimmy and me
Jimmy and me

A picture of me in Ryan's truck before we were camping
A picture of me in Ryan's truck before we were camping

The Isabella Boys at Magic Mountain
The Isabella Boys at Magic Mountain

Lauryn's sister, Amber, Me, Lauryn, Todd, Todd's little bro, and Kyra on October 31st, 2001.
Lauryn's sister, Amber, Me, Lauryn, Todd, Todd's little bro, and Kyra on October 31st, 2001

Evan, me, and Jimmy on our first night camping together
Evan, me, and Jimmy on our first night camping together

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