Questions reguarding me
Questions About Me

The following 90 (or so) questions are being asked about me, copy and send them to me, answerd, to my e-mail address: There aren't that many questions, so I'd be greatly obliged if you could fill out this quick little questionaire reguarding me. it's always interesting to know others' thoughts of me, don't you think. If you would like, if you informed me so, I could return the favor to you, with your request. Thank you for taking your time...have fun!

Answer the following and tell me why PLEASE!

  1. Fuckable?
  2. Quiet or loud?
  3. Short or tall?
  4. Weird or original?
  5. Nice or mean?
  6. Friendly or selfish?
  7. Normal or special?
  8. Easy going or high-maintenance?
  9. Kinky or Usual?
  10. A psycho?
  11. Bold?
  12. Highly volatile?
  13. Creative?
  14. Intelligent?
  15. Charming?
  16. Cautious?
  17. Vain?
  18. Self-centered?
  19. Dominant?
  20. Adventuresome?
  21. A natural leader?
  22. Athletic?
  23. Loyal?
  24. A nerd?
  25. Shy?
  26. Indecisive?
  27. Impulsive?
  28. Clever?
  29. Gifted?
  30. A slut?
  31. Modest?
  32. Ghetto?
  33. A Bitch?
  34. A Player?
  35. Two-faced?
  36. Ditzy?
  37. Confusing?


  38. What do you think I'll be when I grow up?
  39. Do you think I'm someone who would try anything once?
  40. Who is my best friend?
  41. Do you trust me?
  42. Rate me from 1(bad)-10(god) on looks:
  43. Rate me from 1(bad)-10(god) on personality:
  44. Do you think I'm going to be a sex fiend?
  45. Would you miss me if I was gone?
  46. If you could hook me up with somebody, who would it be?
  47. Would you even if you had the chance to?
  48. Would you listen to my problems?
  49. Would you hesitate to become deeply involved with me?
  50. Do I have a rather impulsive personality?
  51. Am I someone who's constantly in the center of attention?
  52. Do you think I'll get married?
  53. If you do, who do YOU think I'll marry?
  54. When is my birthday?
  55. Do you have admiration for me?
  56. What song (if any) reminds you of me?
  57. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?
  58. Have you ever had a dream about me?
  59. Do you think I'm a virgin?
  60. If you could give me anything, what would it be?
  61. Am I (physically) ugly; average; decent; good-looking; beautiful, or hot?
  62. Would you ever kiss me?
  63. Do I have a grabbable ass?
  64. Can you picture me dancing?
  65. Have you ever seen me cry?
  66. Take a guess at what my fav. number is:
  67. Can I have your phone #:
  68. What is my biggest pet peeve?
  69. When you first saw me, what was your first impression?
  70. Do you remember one of the first things that I said to you?
  71. Would you ever consider being my boyfriend?
  72. If you could possibly rename me, what name would you have in mind?
  73. Do you ever think about me when we're not together?
  74. how many times a day would that be?
  75. If we spent a day together, where would you take me & what would we do?
  76. If you could describe me in one word what would it be?
  77. Do you or did you ever have a crush on me?
  78. If you could do one thing for me what would it be?
  79. If you could do one thing TO me what would it be?
  80. Do you want me?
  81. What is my biggest flaw?
  82. Do you wish we were closer?
  83. Is there anything "different" about me?
  84. What do you think my best feature is?
  85. Worst?
  86. Do ya love me?
  87. State your complete and honest opinion of me here; what you do and don't like about my personality, and what are some of the things you do or don't like about me. It's alright, say what you will, i can handle it!

    Thank you for filling this out. I really appreciate you taking time out of your extraordinarily hectic day to do this for me!!!

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