The Art of…


Look!  This series got its own page!  Wow!  I do think that my brain just doesn't know when to stop, but I cant' stop it.  I was driving home from work when a thought popped into my head that I could continue this series after "The Art of Conversation" by putting the other pilots in similar situations.  The different stories will feature a mix-up of the pilots and others, since each of them is a stand-alone story but do interconnect in a small way. (Did that make sense or I am just running only on sugar again?)  Enjoy!


Conversation:  Trowa learns the difference between friendship and love.  Warnings:  Shounen-ai, OOC.


Politics:  Relena's puzzled by the odd behavior of one of the pilots.  Warnings:  None.


Smooth Talking:  Zechs is trying to get out of trouble, but was it really worth it?  Warnings:  None.


Sword Fighting:  Wufei's been avoiding everybody, but the actions of somebody special breaks through the barrier he's put up.  Warnings:  Shounen-ai.


Wooing:  Hilde can't quite make out the intentions of her partner.  Warnings:  None.